Lies in body language

The deceiver is given out by various signs, professionals are able to recognize lies by inconspicuous gestures, which are good for everyone to learn.

It’s about gestures that betray lies. It should be borne in mind that the same body movements can mean disagreement, doubt or pretense. They should be interpreted taking into account other signals if you want to confirm or dispel suspicions. This minimum set will help to recognize deception.

cover your mouth

This involuntary gesture is learned in early childhood. The deceiver covers his mouth with his hand, as if trying to stop the flow of hypocrisy. He brings a few fingers to his lips or the whole fist – the essence does not change. If the speaker covers his mouth, most likely he is lying. If the listener does this, then it seems to him that you are not entirely sincere and honest. In addition, the movement can be read as a sign “Hush!” – a finger attached to the lips. This is what parents do when they want the child to calm down or shut up. Adults use a gesture or its variations when they hide something or do not intend to show feelings.

Touch your nose

One of the most common indicators of deception. Associated with the habit of covering the mouth, acquired in childhood. But adults have better control over their bodies, so they almost imperceptibly withdraw their hand reaching for their lips and point it to their nose. If someone just rubs or scratches their nose, nothing special. But the one who cheats delays this movement for a long time. When the nose is touched by a person who speaks, he can be suspected of lying. If the listener, he probably doubts what was said.

scratch your neck

Often (more than 5 times) scratch the neck just below the earlobe. It can also mean that the person doubts or disagrees with what has been said.

fingering ear

When a child does not like to hear something, he closes his ears and thus turns off the sound. Adults control movements more consciously and instead of the demonstrative gesture “I am deaf”, they quickly touch the earlobe, rub the auricle or run a finger over it. When you speak, the interlocutor may agree with you in words, but if at the same time his hand touches his ear, most likely he is disingenuous. On the other hand, this may mean that he has already heard enough and now wants to speak out.

rub your eyes

The manner of rubbing the eyes often betrays the speaker’s attempt to lie. Sometimes he shows that he doesn’t like what he sees. As a rule, men rub their eyes vigorously, women have short and careful movements so as not to smudge makeup. They look away, trying to lie.

The meaning of these signals is not always clear, consider the circumstances and other signs. Body language is automatic movements and postures, many of which are uncontrollable.


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