Liechtenstein: Biometric Bracelets for Fighting Coronavirus
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A new program to fight COVID-19 has been launched in Liechtenstein. It aims to distribute biometric bracelets to citizens who wish to participate in it. The devices will measure parameters such as temperature, respiration and heart rate to enable early detection of coronavirus infection.

Coronavirus threat tracked in real time

The Principality of Liechtenstein decided to implement the biometric bracelet programwhich is to enable real-time tracking of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus threat. Bracelets were distributed to a selected group of citizens last week. At this stage, 2 people were involved in the project. people. Biometric bracelets are to collect data on body temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate, which will be submitted for analysis in a Swiss laboratory.

As reported by the Financial Times, Mauro Pedrazzini, Liechtenstein’s minister of social affairs, announced plans to start the second phase of the project in a few months. In the fall, the bracelets are to be offered to all citizens who wish to use them. The population of Liechtenstein is approx. 38 thousand. people.

According to Pedrazzini, the bracelets are a preventive measure that may in theory prove effective, but there is no guarantee that it will actually work in practice. The minister emphasizes, however, that governments all over the world need early warning systemto deal with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Coronavirus in Liechtenstein – current situation

So far, approximately 80 COVID-19 cases have been reported in Liechtenstein. However, the state has put in place severe preventive measures, including weekly coronavirus tests for frontline medical staff and people at risk. Liechtenstein’s health protection representatives are expecting the second wave of cases in the fall. They put their hope in 2 copies of biometric bracelets that will allow the collection of data and the creation of algorithms that predict the likelihood of COVID-19 in citizens.

Collecting biometrics is a controversial issue in Western countries, as is tracking citizens to monitor an epidemic. In the case of Liechtenstein, Pedrazzini ensures that the government is committed to protecting the privacy of the country’s inhabitants. The data is to be used only for fighting the coronavirus epidemicand citizens will first be asked to agree to share this data.

Bracelets not only in Liechtenstein

Some countries have already implemented or are planning to introduce bracelets to track the location of citizens. This tracking method was used in South Korea when quarantine violations were discovered, according to information from the BBC. Before bracelets were chosen, people’s movements were controlled by phone, but some people left their smartphones at home to avoid detection.

Bracelets that track, measure the pulse and allow you to quickly call for medical help are tested in Bulgaria – the product under the name Comarch LifeWristbands was developed by a Polish company. India has also announced plans to introduce bracelets that measure the temperature and determine the location of people in quarantine.

The Belgians are testing a slightly different device. Bracelets are proposed there that vibrate when the two people wearing the gadget are less than 3 meters apart. This is to ensure a safe social distance.

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