Lida beer: history and overview of species

The company producing Lida beer is the oldest brewery in Belarus.

The brewery conducts interesting excursions. Everyone can see with their own eyes the production process of the intoxicating drink.

Every year, at the initiative of the founders of the company, the LIDSKAE BEER MASTER competition is held – a competition for bartenders.

History of Lida beer

It begins back in 1876, when the Jewish merchant Nosel Zelikovich Pupko created a brewery in his hometown of Lida in Belarus. Initially, production was established in small batches. However, Nosel was a proud man and decided to earn the title of the best supplier of the Imperial Court.

It took him more than 8 years to achieve his goal. It was necessary to provide the courtiers with the best quality goods at the lowest prices. Nosel Pupko with dignity passed all the checks of the special commission organized by the Empire.

At the international exhibition in Reims in 1903, the brewery received the first silver medal. Nosel decided to place all the awards of this drink on a tag near the factory label. The tag depicted a deer leaning on a barrel of beer with its hooves.

In 1915, the Russian Empire declared prohibition, but Nosel’s son Meilakh Pupko did not close the plant. In order to stay afloat, it was decided to make kvass.

In the late 30s, the grandchildren of Nosel Pupko, Mark and Simon, began to manage the enterprise. Before the start of World War II, they regulated the production of Zhigulevskoye beer, which was very popular in those years. In 1939, the plant was nationalized, but the owners continued to work.

In 1943, the German invaders organized a small concentration camp at the plant, all the workers and Simon Pupko were imprisoned in it. During the transfer of prisoners to Majdanek, Simon and a small part of the workers escaped and joined the partisan detachment.

At the end of the Second World War, the plant was restored, and it began to increase production again, new improved varieties of the drink were developed.

In 2009, the Lida brewery became part of the link of the Finnish brewing concern OLVI. Within two years, all equipment was updated, thanks to which the scale of brewing has doubled. The production employs specially trained personnel who, before employment, undergoes a mandatory internship in Germany.

The developed new beers are sent to a German laboratory for compliance with current standards.

Review of types of Lida beer

  1. Pilsner

    Light beer with a fresh taste and a light hoppy aftertaste.

    Fortress – 4.2%. Density – 11%.

  2. Wheat unfiltered dark

    A beer made from wheat and caramel malts.

    Soft dark brown beer has a thick velvety taste with aromas of fruit and caramel.

    Fortress – 4.2%. Density – 12.4%.

  3. Wheat unfiltered light

    Beer brewed according to German technology.

    It has a light golden color and a mild taste with fruity notes.

    Fortress – 5.2%. Density – 12.3%.

  4. Legend

    Light beer with a mild hoppy taste and malt aftertaste. It was released for the company’s 140th anniversary.

    Fortress – 5.1%. Density – 12%.

  5. Non-alcoholic

    Pale beer with a full malty taste of real beer with subtle hints of hops.

    It has a light straw color and transparency.

    Fortress – 0.5%. Density – 4%.

  6. Porter

    Dark beer with a deep refined aroma and caramel taste with a pleasant hop bitterness.

    Fortress – 6.2%. Density – 17%.

  7. Koronet

    Light beer with a pleasant and light taste. Fortress – 4.6%. Density – 11%.

  8. Koronet Stout

    Dark beer with a malt aroma and caramel taste with a slight bitterness.

    The aroma is coffee and licorice. Fortress – 4.2%. Density – 11%.

  9. Axamitic (Velvet)

    Dark beer with a velvety taste and caramel aftertaste.

    Fortress – 4.8%. Density – 12%.

  10. Classic

    Light beer with a special taste and pleasant bitterness. The drink smells of hops and barley malt.

    Fortress – 5.1%. Density – 12%.

  11. Evening in Bruges

    This type of beer has a special zest – cherry juice is added during the preparation process.

    Dark color beer with cherry flavor and slight bitterness. Fortress – 4.2%. Density – 11.2%.

  12. Old lock

    Strong light drink with bright taste. Fortress – 6.2%. Density – 14%.

  13. Zhigulevskoe Special

    Light beer, which was first brewed at the Lida plant in 1940.

    Fortress – 5.2%. Density – 11%.

  14. Premium

    Light beer has a unique hoppy taste.

    Fortress – 5.1%. Density – 12%.

Relevance: 28.12.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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