Lichen remedy for cats

Lichen remedy for cats

In Soviet times, animals suffering from microsporia or trichophytosis were prescribed to be euthanized due to the economic inexpediency of treatment. Now this practice has sunk into oblivion, since modern remedies for depriving cats effectively fight fungal infection and are inexpensive. How to quickly cure a pet and what drugs are better for this?

Antifungal ointments are considered the best remedy for lichen for cats.

Signs and causes of shingles in cats

Ringworm is popularly called trichophytosis and microsporia. Both of these diseases are infectious and affect the skin and hair of cats. The causative agents of diseases are dermatomycete fungi: microsporums and trichophytons. A healthy cat becomes infected by contact with another, sick, individual. These microorganisms are dangerous not only for animals, but also for people. That is why you need to start treating your cat as soon as possible.

How to recognize a disease?

Balding areas of a round shape allow to suspect ringworm in a murka

They appear as small spots – first on the face, later on the limbs and around the tail. Over time, the islets, devoid of wool, grow, merge with each other.

The skin in this area is peeling and crusting around the edges. Ringworm poses the greatest danger to kittens and old cats, since they have weak immunity. The final diagnosis and adequate treatment can be found only in the veterinary clinic.

Medicines against lichen for cats

The main thing in the treatment is to regularly treat the lesions on the skin with drugs that have fungicidal and acaricidal activity. To make it easier to apply the products, the hair around the lichen is cut off. The affected areas are lubricated with a special ointment based on sulfur and zinc oxide twice a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. You can also use “human” antifungal agents. Baths with sulphurous lime help to speed up recovery.

In a severe form of the disease, veterinarians, along with ointments, also use antimycotic tablets. An antifungal topical or topical cure for shingles in cats may contain:

  • griseofulvin;
  • itraconazole;
  • miconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • thiabendazole.

During the period of illness and after it, it is necessary to provide the cat with nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals. A sick animal should be temporarily isolated from other pets and people. They look after him with gloves. After contact with a cat, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

The wool cut from the animal and used medical dressings are disposed of, the scissors are sterilized after each use. All rooms in the house where the cat lives are subject to disinfection. The brushes, bowl and bed of the pet should be especially carefully processed.

So ringworm is not a death sentence for a cat. At the same time, the animal must be treated in a timely manner, using antifungal ointments and tablets.

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