Lichen color is a fungal disease that has a long course. Lichen appears with skin rashes. Spots appear on the body of a sick person, which can have a different color and size. There is no inflammatory process.
Colored lichen got its name due to the fact that spots can have a wide variety of shades: pink, brown, yellow. Some rashes stand out brightly on the skin, and some remain barely noticeable.
A pregnant woman can get color lichen. The disease is not dangerous for the fetus, as it does not have any effect on it. However, this does not mean that a fungal infection should be ignored. First of all, a woman must make sure that she has just colored lichen, not some other form of this disease. The nature of the rash can only be determined by a doctor. However, a woman must know the causes of its occurrence and the main manifestations of the disease.
Causes of color lichen during pregnancy
Lichen colorus is a dermatological disease that is caused by fungal microorganisms – Malassezia furfur, Pityrpsporum orbiculare and Pityrpsporum ovale. They settle in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and, in the presence of favorable factors, begin to multiply. The fact is that a woman could be infected with fungi long before pregnancy, but did not know about it, since these microorganisms belong to the opportunistic flora. The transmission of the fungus occurs with prolonged and close contact of a healthy person with an infected patient. A potential danger in terms of infection is the use of personal hygiene items (washcloths, towels, clothing items, etc.) that contain mycotic microorganisms.
Fungi show their activity only when immunity is weakened. This is what happens in most pregnant women.
Also, the following factors can cause spots of colored lichen on the skin:
Increased sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a common problem that occurs during pregnancy. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Fungi that cause the development of colored lichen feel great in a humid environment. Therefore, even if the rules of hygiene are followed, the disease can develop in pregnant women.
Endocrine disorders.
Changes in the chemical composition of the excreted sweat. Sweat during pregnancy can change its acidity, becoming more alkaline. For fungal microorganisms, this is a beneficial environment for reproduction.
Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
Hormonal surges.
Nutritional errors.
The use of gels and soaps with an antibacterial component for skin care.
In addition, a pregnant woman must definitely donate blood to determine the level of glucose and be screened for tuberculosis. The fact is that color lichen can be a marker of these diseases. However, during pregnancy, the causes of its occurrence are most often not so global, but come down only to a weakening of the immune system.
Also, one should not exclude the genetic predisposition of a woman to the development of dermatomycosis. If her blood relatives suffer from color lichen, then it is likely that for the first time he will manifest himself precisely during the bearing of a child.
Symptoms of color lichen in pregnant women
The symptoms of color lichen in pregnant women are no different from the symptoms of a similar disease in women who are not expecting a child. However, during gestation, one should be especially attentive to any rashes on the skin, as it is possible to mistake the manifestations of lichen for age spots. Therefore, if any rashes appear, they should be reported to the doctor.
So, the symptoms of colored lichen during pregnancy will be as follows:
First, a small yellowish spot appears near the mouth of the hair follicle. Gradually it increases in size. Fungi disrupt the work of melanocytes (these are the cells that produce the pigment responsible for skin color). Against the background of the death of melanocytes, the skin becomes discolored. That is why colored lichen is accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes.
As the disease progresses, the spots become more and more. Their average size is 1 cm, but sometimes even a single spot can equate to 5 cm in diameter or more.
The spots have the ability to merge with each other, forming the most bizarre shapes. Their borders are uneven.
The spots do not rise above the surface of the skin, do not swell and do not hurt.
The color of the spots can be very diverse: yellow, pink, coffee, brown, brown, etc. Moreover, all these colors can be observed simultaneously in different parts of the body. This characteristic distinguishes color lichen from other varieties of the disease.
The spots are peeling off. It is not too noticeable if you just look at the rashes, but if you scrape them, then the skin flakes are easily separated.
A favorite place for localization of spots is the back and chest. Less often they appear on the neck, on the sides, on the stomach. It is also possible to find them in natural folds. Symmetry for spots of colored lichen is not typical.
Most often, rashes do not cause concern to a pregnant woman. Although sometimes they can be a little itchy.
If the skin in the area of the spot begins to become inflamed, then you should think about the addition of a secondary infection.
Those areas of the skin that previously had spots of lichen may stop responding to exposure to sunlight, that is, they do not tan. This phenomenon is called pseudoleukoderma.
If rashes appear on the scalp, then the hair will not fall out. However, those areas of the skin on the body that have undergone a fungal infection may lose their hair.
Diagnosis of colored lichen in pregnant women is handled by a dermatologist. Most often, the doctor is able to make the correct diagnosis already at the first examination of the patient. To confirm it, dermatoscopy of the affected skin area is performed.
Another method for diagnosing the disease is the Balzer iodine test. To do this, an iodine solution is applied to the skin and the reaction of the dermis is monitored. Since the skin in the affected areas is looser, it absorbs the solution much better than undamaged areas of the epidermis. Iodine can be completely replaced with brilliant green or fukartsin.
Another diagnostic method for detecting lichen is to determine the presence of Besnier’s symptom. It is expressed in the fact that scraping the skin from the surface of the spots leads to its strong peeling.
Dermal scrapings are sent for microscopic examination. In the scales of the skin, elements of the fungus are found, which look like long spaghetti with round inclusions on them. Doctors call the picture seen under the microscope, “Navy pasta.”
Treatment of colored lichen in pregnant women
After the diagnosis is made, the doctor decides on the appropriateness of the therapy. By itself, color lichen does not pose any threat to the life and health of a woman or child. While drugs for therapy, on the contrary, can be harmful. Therefore, most experts agree that it is better to refuse the treatment of color lichen with medications.
A woman is advised to calmly endure a child, and then proceed to therapy with antifungal agents. Moreover, in some cases, further treatment may not be required, since the disease will resolve itself as soon as the immune system returns to normal.
However, if a woman insists on treatment, then the following recommendations can be given to her:
Spend more time in the sun. Ultraviolet rays are detrimental to the fungus.
Apply to the skin ointments with a low concentration of the main active ingredients. So, Lamisil 1% cream is not contraindicated during pregnancy. When used locally, it does not penetrate the systemic circulation and will not harm the child.
Reception of vitamin complexes for pregnant women. If lichen is provoked by beriberi, then this measure is appropriate.
You can lubricate the rashes with vinegar in a concentration of not more than 9%.
Be sure to change bedding every day for the duration of treatment, washing it at high temperatures, and then ironing it. The same rule applies to underwear and underwear. A washcloth that a woman used before the first signs of illness appeared should be thrown away.
As a rule, these measures are enough to get rid of the problem. It should be remembered that lichen develops against the background of a decrease in the body’s defenses, so a woman should be more careful about her health, avoid visiting crowded places, and wash her hands more often.
Pregnancy itself is stressful for the body. Do not aggravate it with external factors. You need to keep calm and composure.
Prevention of color lichen in pregnant women
In order to prevent infection we deprive, you need to follow the basic rules of hygiene: refuse to use other people’s towels, do not wear other people’s clothes, do not visit saunas and baths during pregnancy.
To strengthen the immune system, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
More to be in the fresh air.
Eat right.
Do exercises for pregnant women.
Shower more often.
Colored lichen during pregnancy is not a cause for panic, but it is a factor that should make a woman alert. Perhaps you need to pay more attention to your health, and the disease will go away on its own.