Lice – symptoms, treatment and prevention of head lice in children and adults [EXPLAINED]

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Lice plague schools and kindergartens. They are only three millimeters long and feed on blood. They don’t jump or fly, but they cover 23 cm in a minute! Head lice spreads very quickly, so you need to take appropriate action just as quickly. Find out how to recognize head lice and how to deal with head lice?

Lice and head lice – basic information

Lice is referred to as a parasitic disease that is caused by two species of lice, that is, the human louse, the pubic louse and the clothing louse. Both of these species are found all over the world and parasitize only on human hairy skin. A human louse is a small insect, the size of which does not exceed 4,5 millimeters. These insects are wingless and usually appear gray in color. However, lice are distinguished by an unusual feature of mimicry, which means that the color of their abdomen resembles the color of the hair of the person on whom they parasite. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to recognize the first symptoms of head lice.

Head lice is most often associated with poverty, pathology and poverty. It is also often referred to as the vagrant disease. As it turns out, due to the fact that lice spread very quickly, this problem affects virtually every corner of the world, as well as people who do not complain about their material status. Many parents find it hard to admit that their child is a carrier of lice. This generates a serious problem in the community of other children who surround the child in kindergarten, school or in the common yard. In this way, more and more people become infected with head lice, including adults who undoubtedly care about hygiene.

  1. Do you have a problem with head lice? Reach for Bioherba Atopic Skin Tar Soap for daily care.

Lice that nest on the head of their host lay eggs called nits. The eggs are welded to the hair with a special secretion, so it is very difficult to get rid of them. In one month, female lice can lay approx. 300 eggs, while the incubation time is approx. 7-8 days. After 17-18 days, the lice can reproduce, and in the following days they can lay more eggs. The lice die after about 32-32 days of feeding on the human head. Factors that favor the development of head lice are high temperature and ambient humidity. As a result, head lice will quickly settle on the scalp with sweat and related lactic acid.

Do you want to learn more about the structure and appearance of lice? Read: What does a louse look like?

The appearance of lice in a child is not a matter of poor hygiene. Head lice can appear in everyone, and the thickness and length of the hair do not matter – only a short contact with the hair of an infected person is enough. According to the principle of “prevention is better than cure”, you should regularly check the condition of your child’s scalp for “uninvited guests”.

Children aged 3 to 12 are most often infected with lice. The infection is the result of direct contact and poor hygiene habits related to the use of common items. Children and adults who share combs, brushes, hairpins, clothes or headgear are at greater risk of contracting head lice. This also applies to playing with shared toys or lying down in kindergartens on adjoining mattresses. The risk of head lice increases in kindergartens when children use blankets or plush pillows.

To protect your child from lice, spray Lice Out on their hair – a lice prevention spray with essential oils that repel these insects.

What is worth knowing about personal hygiene? Read: Personal hygiene

While it is usually difficult to see lice in your or your child’s hair at first glance, it is very easy to recognize their presence through persistent itching on the scalp. Most often, severe itching occurs where lice are most numerous, i.e. in the temporal, parietal and occipital areas of the head. An additional symptom is reddening of the scalp, especially at the hairline or behind the ears.

In addition, frequent scratching of itchy areas causes skin inflammation and bacterial infections. There are small sores on the skin from which purulent discharge may ooze. In extreme cases of head lice, an infected person’s head may develop a tangle, which is the result of clumping of the hair with purulent-serous discharge.

Some people infected with head lice have enlarged lymph nodes, e.g. behind the ears. Looking at the hair of an infected person, you can also see lice eggs attached to the hair, about 1 millimeter long. It is very important not to underestimate the first symptoms of head lice, especially if your child is ill. First of all, it is necessary to notify the educator, as well as the authorities of the institution attended by the child, in order to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. Contrary to what society believes – head lice is a common phenomenon.

Important! The lice lay their eggs at the base of the hair. Therefore, the farther the lice eggs are from the scalp, the longer the head lice lasts.

You suspect your child may have lice? You can consult a doctor without leaving your home. Sign up and talk to your doctor at any time of the day or night.

As already mentioned, head lice is a disease that most often affects children aged 3 to 12 years. Keep in mind that lice do not jump, fly, or parasitize the hair of animals. In order for a child to become infected with head lice, he or she must have direct contact with the person who is the carrier of the lice. Lice in children is quite common, which is the result of playing together or using the same brushes and combs.

If, despite the precautionary measures and thorough hygiene, a child becomes infected with head lice, this fact cannot be ignored. Reporting the infection to the management or the teacher will help to avoid the spread of head lice.

Unfortunately, in the case of children, it is not enough just to get rid of lice from the hair. Parents must destroy possible sources of infection. Therefore, toys, towels, blankets, bedding or other personal belongings of a child should be washed in a washing machine at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Items that cannot be washed or disinfected in any other way should be placed in a plastic bag, sealed tightly and stored for two weeks. After this time, the lice problem should be eliminated.

What diseases threaten children at school? Check: Schools and kindergartens are breeding grounds for disease. What attacks our children most often?

Head lice – possible ways to treat head lice

  1. Preparations from the pharmacy for lice – the first method of treatment are preparations available in pharmacies. The choice is wide – the offer includes shampoos, lotions and lotions. Many of them can be used in several-month-old children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. A standard lice shampoo is usually used twice. After the first washing of the head – the hair should be thoroughly combed, thus removing dead lice and nits. After about a week – to be sure, the entire procedure must be repeated. Try the Lice Shampoo QUIET all available on Medonet Market with a comb in the set. For it, it is worth buying a special lice comb CICHO WSZA.
  2. Although lice are transmitted through direct hair contact, the fight against parasites should be comprehensive. If one person in the family is infected, it should be assumed that the rest of the household are also infected. Accordingly, their heads should undergo a major overhaul.
  3. The treatment with the use of pharmacy products may be complemented by home methods for lice. However, it should be remembered that their effectiveness is determined by regularity. One of them is an unusual duo, i.e. a combination of mayonnaise with vinegar in a 2: 1 ratio. A few drops of tea tree essential oil are added to the resulting goo, which is a natural insecticide that effectively helps to get rid of lice in a child. The “mayonnaise paste” is thoroughly spread over the hair and scalp, and after a few hours, rinsed with warm water. The activity is repeated daily for a week.
  4. Oils and a comb – it doesn’t have to be electronic, just thick and metal is enough. When combing out lice from a child’s head, you can use the properties of essential oils: jasmine, tea, lavender or eucalyptus. A few drops of essential oil are mixed with olive oil and rubbed into the scalp. After 30 minutes, rinse the hair with warm water and very carefully, place by place, separate the strands by combing the damp hair. Afterwards, wash the comb in soapy water to prevent reinfection. Try the Vitammy Fino Lice and Nit Comb Kit, which you can buy at Medonet Market.
  5. In the fight against the cunning parasite, the “must have” of every kitchen will also help, i.e. olive oil, which will effectively suffocate lice. All you need to do is heat the oil, and when it reaches the right temperature, it rubs it into the scalp with circular movements, and a bathing cap is put on the child’s head. Leaving the preparation overnight brings the best results. In the morning, rinse the child’s hair with warm water and comb it thoroughly with a comb. The treatment is repeated for three days in a row.
  6. Use of lice repellants – apart from regular control, as part of prophylaxis, you can use products to prevent head lice. Most often they come in the form of liquids, lotions or aerosols, and their composition includes natural ingredients and oils (rosemary, lavender, menthol), which on the one hand repel lice and insects, and on the other ensure a healthy look and good condition of the hair. Buy Lice patches SILENT, which can be stuck to a hat or a child’s clothes.
  7. Aromatherapy is also used by “anti-head lice hair bands”. They are impregnated with essential oils which, while evaporating under the influence of heat emitted by the skin, create a protective zone around the user’s head. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t get them wet. At Medonet Market you will find Hair Ties for Lice QUIET EVERYTHING.

If you want to find out which preparations will help get rid of lice, read this article: Preparations for lice, or how to fight them?

In addition to causing head lice, human lice can also cause other diseases in an infected person. Clothing lice are particularly dangerous for humans, as they can transmit typhus, trench fever and relapsing fever. Lice-borne diseases usually occur in places of natural disaster, where head lice is so widespread that it becomes a problem for large sections of society.

If you want to learn more about typhus, check out: Typhus, or typhoid fever. How can you prevent typhoid fever?

As in any case, also in the case of head lice, it is much easier to prevent an infection than to cure it. The most important thing is to wash your head frequently and to check your baby’s skin and hair and yours. You should also be interested in hygiene and conditions in the kindergarten or school attended by your child. Attention to particular hygiene applies to all places used by people from different backgrounds. Therefore, be careful when staying in hotels or using hairdressing services.

Prophylactically, it is worth using Tansy flower, rubbing it with the hair and body.

Education about proper hygiene habits is very important. It is worth explaining to the child that he should not share the comb or brush with other children.

To prevent head lice, follow a few simple rules:

  1. systematically check the child’s hair – especially around the nape, temples, behind the ears;
  2. remember to brush your hair out every day;
  3. when playing with other children, training, group activities, pin up or tie the child’s hair;
  4. educate children about compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  5. sensitize children not to exchange personal things with their peers.

It is good for the child to also have a disinfecting gel that does not irritate the skin.

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