Symptoms of lice and nits in children
Lice infestation has a special medical name – pediculosis. This term comes from the Latin “pediculus” – louse. With pediculosis, bloodsuckers – lice – start up in human hair. They feel at ease on human skin: they feed on blood, multiply, lay up to 15 eggs a day. A pair of lice will quickly create a whole colony, and the symptoms of the problem will not keep you waiting.
The main symptom of lice in children is the presence of nits in the hair – small white eggs. Nits are very similar to dandruff, but at the same time they comb out very poorly and are practically not washed off. You can also see lice in the hair, but these bloodsuckers are mobile enough so that only a meticulous seeker catches the eye.
The second striking sign of pediculosis is the itching of the skin under the hair at the sites of lice bites. In addition, small wounds may appear on the skin from constant scratching of the bite sites.
– Very often, the symptoms of lice do not appear immediately after infection, but after a few days, and sometimes even weeks. The fact is that in most cases, pediculosis is transmitted by getting nits on the hair, not lice, which turn into adults only after two weeks, explains Aigul Kharisova, a therapist. – Children with pediculosis become restless, restless, constantly scratching their heads. They feel discomfort, but do not understand what it is connected with.
Since children cannot diagnose themselves, parents should take a closer look at their behavior. If the child began to often scratch his head, fidget and whimper a lot, examine his scalp. It is easier to get rid of lice in children until there are too many of them.
How to get rid of lice and nits in children
Modern methods of dealing with nits in children are effective and simple, radical measures such as shaving hair are rarely used. To get rid of nits in children, you need to hit them from several sides.
First, you should constantly and carefully comb out the nits with a private comb. It can be difficult with young children, because they do not like to sit still for a long time, but it’s worth a try.
Affiliate program for integrators Secondly, you need to wash your child’s head with a special shampoo, anti-pediculosis soap or treat with emulsions, aerosols, ointments, lotions. Which means to choose, the therapist will tell you, because we are talking about chemistry.
Thirdly, you will have to process the bedding on which the child sleeps. Pillows, pillowcases – everything needs to be washed and steamed with a hot iron so that not a single nit survives.
For greater efficiency, all these measures are best combined. For example, first wash your hair with the selected shampoo, then comb your hair. And to make scratching them easier, you can rinse them first with a weak solution of vinegar.
Two or three days of persistent effort and you will be able to get rid of nits in children.
It is easier to get rid of lice in children if you use special antiparasitic agents: shampoos, creams, ointments. They differ from ordinary washing shampoos in that they contain chemical or biological additives. These components are poisonous to bloodsuckers, but relatively safe for children.
– The main drugs that are used to treat pediculosis are benzyl benzoate, parasidosis and permethrin. It can be both shampoos and creams for external use. In the case of lice in children, permethrin is usually preferred. This insecticide is able to paralyze parasites and is relatively safe for children,” explains Aigul Kharisova, a general practitioner.
Folk remedies
Some parents are suspicious of drugstore chemicals and don’t want to wash their child’s hair with insecticides. In this case, you can resort to folk remedies. The most effective of these is to completely shave the child and disinfect his clothes and bedding. This is actually one hundred percent way to get rid of lice in children.
– A very common way to deal with lice is to use kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar or gasoline. Yes, the effectiveness, of course, is undeniable. But few people think about the dangers of these substances. After all, kerosene is a substance with a high fire hazard, dichlorvos is actually a poison. Vinegar dries hair, and a concentrated solution can cause severe burns. вOncologist Aigul Kharisova.
Isn’t it better to entrust the health of your child to a professional and not try to experiment yourself?
When to see a doctor
The earlier the better. In the case of lice and nits in children, this rule also applies, because while there are not very many bloodsuckers, you can get rid of them without hassle. In addition, few people know that lice are capable of carrying very bad diseases.
– The most unpleasant thing is the ability of the head louse to carry the bacterium Borrelia (Borrelia recurrenti), which causes epidemic relapsing fever. Infection occurs when the insect is accidentally crushed while combing the bite, – says physician Aigul Kharisova.
The louse is also a carrier of typhus and Volyn fever. In addition to a nit infestation, a bacterial infection, such as staphylococcus aureus, can easily co-occur. Bacteria are able to penetrate under the skin at the site of scratching bites.
Prevention of lice and nits in children
– From childhood, the child must understand that any games or communication should involve a minimum distance between the participants. It is believed that lice can jump, but this is not so. Infection occurs only through direct contact, recalls the therapist Aigul Kharisova.
It is also important to instill in the child that personal hygiene products and underwear are personal items and you should not use strangers under any circumstances.
It is better to give preference to neat hairstyles. In kindergarten, on the street, it is better to collect long hair in a ponytail or pigtails, especially during public events.
Parents should regularly visually inspect their children’s hair. This will detect nits and lice at an early stage and prevent bloodsuckers from spreading.
– If, nevertheless, the child has pediculosis, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and, following his recommendations, carry out treatment. You can safely get rid of lice in children at home, – concludes the therapist Aigul Kharisova.
Well, in short, the rules for the prevention of lice and nits in a child can be put into several points:
- wash your hair and body regularly;
- wash dirty clothes in a timely manner;
- be sure to wash new things after purchase;
- do not wear someone else’s clothes;
- Avoid sleeping on someone else’s bedding.
Choosing an effective shampoo
To choose a chemical agent against parasites, it is better to consult a doctor, because these drugs are toxic and not suitable in every case.
Before buying a lice shampoo, remember a few tips:
- make sure that the selected remedy can be used by a child (some drugs are allowed from three years old, some from five, and some are completely contraindicated for children);
- pay attention to contraindications, a number of shampoos should not be used in the presence of skin diseases or hair problems, other remedies are prohibited for asthmatics and allergy sufferers;
- before using an antiparasitic shampoo, test for individual intolerance: apply the drug to a sensitive area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe child’s skin and wait. If, after exposure to the shampoo, red spots or rashes remain on the skin, then it is better to refuse such a remedy.