Libra man – Virgo woman: horoscope compatibility

They both value a stable relationship lasting more than a few years. She is ready to support him, and he is ready to ensure the fulfillment of all her romantic dreams. But if simple communication develops into something more, then there are pitfalls that you should be aware of. This union combines completely different elements. The Virgo woman belongs entirely to the earthly forces. Some may think that she is too “mundane”, but this is not at all the case – she just likes the “traditional” role of a wife. She will gladly surround her beloved man with warmth and show her best sides. Such a woman is not looking for an affair for a month. She is convinced: either “the same” or no one. In addition, such a lady will never show too many emotions, take her husband out with tantrums and show her character in every possible way.

The Libra man is under the influence of air. Many people think that he is a frivolous guy, not at all capable of a strong alliance, but this is an illusion. In fact, although not too decisive, the Libra man is serious. Even though he communicates with many women, in fact this is only a quenching of the desire to communicate. With the “same”, he will be the most tender, passionate and romantic. True, only if the meeting of Libra and Virgo takes place. As a rule, both are not used to showing true emotions. While a man hesitates and spends time with others, a woman hides her feelings behind an impenetrable screen of indifference.

In their union, it is the gentleman who should take the initiative into his own hands, because Virgos are sometimes so calm and silent that Libra may never know about her love.

If they came together, then this does not mean at all that they are waiting for “happily ever after”. The union is not simple, because they are patronized not only by different elements, but also by planets. Their views on life differ from each other like the Sun and the Moon, and this does not always play into their hands. Unlike many other unions, where opposites attract, it is very difficult to predict the course of events here. The main driving force of the couple is the desire of both to find not only a partner for intimate and romantic pleasures, but also a wonderful conversationalist. It is in this respect that everything will be perfect for the couple – long conversations on absolutely any topic will help strengthen relations. Other aspects may be problematic. Despite this, the couple can really develop. They have a fairly good potential, which can be revealed by a detailed examination of their characters.

Love compatibility

The love of these two signs cannot be called familiar. In union, it is quite difficult for Libra to get used to a partner. He is ready to serenades her, give her cute gifts and spend a lot of time together, but all he gets in return is restrained feelings that can push him away. By nature, Virgo does not often experience strong emotions and does not consider their manifestation important.

It is too important for Libra to see the response, otherwise their level of determination runs the risk of breaking through the zero mark and staying there forever. Therefore, even in the first couple, it is better for a lady to remind the Libra man as often as possible that he is needed and important to her.

But not only the representative of the earth sign makes mistakes – a man also sometimes shows not his best features. Virgo especially does not get along with his perseverance. The “airy” guy is always ready to prove his point of view. Of course, it’s even better if she accepts it. A woman, on the other hand, often gives in, because she is not used to conflict, and how can you refuse him when you have such a delightful man in front of you? Gallant, educated, intelligent and caring. If a Virgo woman constantly gives in, sooner or later she will face the fact that her opinion is not taken into account at all. But this does not mean that you need to immediately start arguing – it is enough to find a compromise, even if it is about where you will go tonight, because everything starts small.

However, their romantic relationship will not be devoid of that warm and light feeling that is inherent in the first years of love. The Libra man is designed in such a way that he regards each of his women as a goddess, he is ready to give her gifts, show the most sincere feelings and spend long quiet evenings with her, even if it is not in his nature. Well, at this stage, he is ready to give in and not even demand anything in return. However, sooner or later, the quiet introverted Virgo must go towards the Libra man, since he cannot live without social events. Moreover, it is important for him to at least occasionally gather with friends, while exclusively in his company. The lady, on the other hand, is often not satisfied with such a course of events, but it is worth making concessions within reason. But friendship among these signs is possible only if they converge on the basis of common interests. The desire for philosophical reflection is inherent in both, so the common “intellectual background” will help to converge or continue friendly relations.

Marriage compatibility

The family “horizons” of this couple cannot be called cloudless, because each of them has his own understanding of marriage. For the Virgo woman, this is a tightening of the regime that prevailed in their relationship before. Now she will demand more “traditional” ideals from her partner. Of course, first of all, these are calm family evenings inherent in her temper. If earlier she could agree to noisy restaurants, now she has devoted herself entirely to the family, which she also requires from her husband. The Libra man is happy to go to the next evening, because for him this is a necessity. The wife, dissatisfied with what is happening, does not hide her claims and expresses them, sometimes not having time to find the right approach. To avoid responsibility and negativity, he again goes to some event to forget himself there, and only he himself knows who will be his target today: a charming stranger or alcohol.

He is not used to thinking about the negative. However, he has a peculiar concept of bad emotions. He goes through life with positivity and ease, sometimes mindlessly spending money. Virgo’s wife, on the contrary, is used to living more modestly, moreover, saving money as a kind of “airbag”. Due to such different views, disputes arise that cannot be avoided. She once again says that the “stash” does not hurt, and he buys new expensive things, because he thinks about money too rarely. His destiny is intellectual abilities and spiritual development. However, when it comes to intimate relationships, here his ardor subsides a bit, and she, as often happens, does not show strong emotions. In sex, the couple lacks emotions and sensual returns, because both are rather stingy in this matter. They try in vain to try something new, but even if this solves the problem for a while, the excitement of experimenting cannot last forever. The lack of emotions manifests itself in everyday life. The question is that they are not able to give this to a partner, because they themselves suffer from this. Of course, both are trying to change. Often they make scandals, because aggression is one of the most striking emotions. However, nothing happens, because in love, in hatred, the sources of feelings remain the same.

However, it is worth noting that the Libra man and the Virgo woman can raise the most beautiful children. From parents, kids will take a high level of intelligence and the ability to quickly learn new things.

If we consider how they will raise the kids, then there is no doubt – they perfectly complement each other. The spouses will make the very ideal parents who are shown in advertisements and films. The Virgo woman is an excellent hostess and strives for this herself. In her house there is always warm tasty food, everything is tidied up, and she herself is happy to take on these matters even after work. She limits children in those things in which control is needed, but does not forget to pamper them sometimes. The Libra man holds the same views on the heirs. In addition, he is ready to become not only a father for his son or daughter, but also a friend. By nature, men of this sign are very responsive and always ready to listen to a person close to them.

Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Virgo woman

The union can hardly be called harmonious enough. Partners have many disagreements, sometimes they are tormented by omissions, but if you pay attention to the positive qualities of the couple, you can dive deeper into the relationship and draw conclusions. Advantages:

  • Set up a strong union. Both signs are set not for a petty affair, but for many years of family relationships.
  • Mutual desire to find an intellectually attractive partner. None of the partners will ever connect life with someone who is not burdened by the desire for philosophical reflection. The desire to find an ally in this regard makes the union stronger.
  • They will be the perfect parents. Their methods of upbringing always give good results, and children grow up comprehensively developed.

Of course, the couple has many negative qualities, but knowing them and setting the priorities correctly, you can build a strong relationship. The main disadvantages include:

  • Different understanding of the ideal family. Accustomed to freedom, the Libra man is ready to give the same freedom to Virgo, but she will not appreciate it, because for her marriage is family gatherings and complete immersion in the atmosphere.
  • Ease versus forethought. The desire of the Virgo woman to have material savings and basically build on physical “laws”. The Libra man perceives this as a desire for conflict.
  • Inability to express feelings. Both are stingy in this regard, just each in its own way. Therefore, they cannot give it to each other.
  • Too few points of contact. They contact mainly on an intellectual level, in other cases it is very difficult to build relationships without compromise.

Fortunately, cons do not give an absolute guarantee that the union will not be happy. All that astrologers recommend is often, but in small steps, to move towards a compromise. Having tempered her ardor, the Virgo will find the strength to push Libra to decisions, and the man will be able to inspire his betrothed not only to scold him, but also to arrange magnificent surprises. The main thing is not to cut off the shoulder and not to arrange a “showdown evening”, but to systematically move towards solutions acceptable to both.

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