Earth and air are two elements that seem to be incompatible. The Taurus woman always thinks about more “mundane” things and often, instead of poets, she prefers men who have already taken place in the “traditional” profession. It would seem that Libra has no place at all in this picture of the world: he is romantic, makes decisions for a long time and sometimes cannot take the first step. However, this is not at all the case and this union can be successful.
Despite the opposite elements, both signs are ruled by Venus. Her wards are often very ardent, and these two do strive for traditional courtship. However, due to the peculiarities of the elements, their concepts of love differ.
The Taurus woman pays more attention to the physical side, since in any matter of touch, kisses, the sound of the voice of a loved one plays a big role for her. The Libra man, on the other hand, prefers the mental side of the issue, so the power of his love is manifested in emotions and sometimes in things that are invisible to the other half. However, this does not interfere with them in any way, and even gives a certain depth to the relationship. Both signs complement each other, giving the partner what he lacks so much.
But they also have common features. Especially Libra and Taurus appreciate cozy evenings in the circle of those whom they love and appreciate so much. For a woman, this is one of the indicators of stability and well-established family life, while for a man it is an ideal option to spend time with a person dear to his heart. Both do not need society around, since other loves will only embarrass the Libra guy, and the Taurus woman, by nature, does not like publicity in relationships. At times, she can seem too secretive and colleagues at work are unlikely to find out about their relationship until the wedding. Her partner loves to attract the attention of friends and girlfriends, but this applies exclusively to social events and abstract topics. When it comes to relationships, then Libra is often secretive, as well as a partner. The law by which a couple’s relationship is built is mutual exchange. A woman acts as a real support, which, thanks to contact with the chosen one, will become plastic in the “emotional” plane. The Libra man is often not confident in his abilities even when everything says otherwise. Thanks to the union, he will learn to find inner balance and more often fall from heaven to earth.
Love compatibility
Often the relationship of these signs begins with friendship. The first meeting will be marked exclusively by interest, because both signs love to have a conversation on intellectual topics. Their sympathies completely coincide: both are looking for not just a partner, but someone who can impress them with manners, intelligence and knowledge of etiquette. It is not necessary to quote Nietzsche and know which fork is dessert – it is enough to be a well-bred person in whom one can consider the potential. It should be understood that relationships will not begin immediately, especially love ones. The Taurus woman, as a supporter of traditional norms, will always wait for the first step from the Libra man, and he, in turn, will weigh the decision for a long time. In this case, the partner should either declare her intentions herself, or constantly stimulate the man so that he will understand for sure: this woman is definitely in love, so there is no risk of being refused.
The intimate relationship between a Libra man and a Taurus woman can be called truly ideal, because both partners give their best. It also plays a role in the process that they are complete opposites when it comes to love. A fan of physical contact, who so lacks a surge of real romantic emotions, more than compensates for this lack with Libra, who, in turn, is eager to throw out passion and does not feel discomfort from physical contact at all.
When it comes to betrayal, here at first the Taurus woman can show her character. She is used to the fact that love, like other phenomena in her life, is 100% stable, because she chooses a chosen one for a long time and trusts uncompromisingly. The Libra man, on the other hand, is used to captivating everyone around, sometimes flirting with other representatives of the fair sex. This is what can cause jealousy, but only in the early stages. Later, she will understand: this is just flirting, and if this partner did not love, they would certainly have dispersed.
The friendship of Taurus and Libra is the very pattern that we are often told about in books and films. Thanks to the ability to perceive the world more soberly, without emotions obscuring her gaze, a woman in these respects acts as a wise adviser. Of course, sometimes with her directness she can offend Libra. However, first of all, he appreciates his girlfriend for her straightforwardness and the fact that she is always honest, no matter what happens. For his part, in difficult times for Taurus, a friend will gladly lend his shoulder and instead of crying for days and nights because of problems, he will offer to unwind, thereby raising his spirits. His strength is the maintenance of emotions in this pair. Sometimes Taurus lacks just this, so she gladly accepts this gift of fate.
Marriage compatibility
As a rule, this couple is successful in marriage, and even years later, the partners do not lose their former “fuse”. The main secret is that both are set for a long, serious relationship. As a fan of stricter morals, the Taurus woman from the first minutes considers every man as a potential husband. She is not one of those who wants to marry anyone as soon as possible, even the first person they meet. No, she takes marriage as seriously as possible and would rather choose to remain without a partner for the rest of her life than to tie the knot with an insecure, not practical, and, importantly, a person who does not have a penny in her soul. As a rule, behind this there is only concern about the future.
For a Taurus woman, romantic relationships and living together are, as they say, two big differences, and the second option is only possible if the applicant already has capital and some career achievements. However, one should not think that such a woman will constantly demand money from her husband. Rather, on the contrary: she will work until the last month of pregnancy, and as soon as the opportunity arises, she will immediately return to the office. She is not used to being lazy, she always admires successful people and tries to match herself. At the same time, he perfectly combines family and work. The only drawback in this case is her desire to do everything perfectly.
With such a wife, the husband will always be fed, the child will be dressed, and the walls will be hung with thanks from the authorities. True, the Taurus woman herself will suffer from fatigue and health problems.
It is here that Libra’s husband will help her. Like Taurus, he is responsible for marriage, so he has nothing against taking on some of the housework. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out perfectly. Of course, this does not go unnoticed by his wife, who immediately begins to scold him. And this is a mistake. Sometimes it is important to forget about “ideality” and evaluate the work that has not been done, but how much a person has laid out for this. In this pair, it is worth remembering that the Libra man, despite the seriousness of his intentions, is still very shy and constant reproaches will make him spend more and more time outside the home. He will cool off to household chores and even children. After all, what is the point of investing strength and emotions in something for which you do not even receive praise?
However, in raising children, the couple is very categorical. From the first years of life, babies learn what sweets are given for, what you can’t take, and at what time you need to go to bed. Do not think that Taurus and Libra are too strict parents – along with strictness, they usually give their daughters and sons boundless love, because both signs decide to have a child after considering the decision. Sometimes overprotection can be traced from Taurus. By nature, women of this sign can be quickly carried away by a new business, which, of course, they will perform perfectly. Carried away by the baby, the mother can accompany him everywhere and not allow him to show independence. If a woman directs part of her potential, for example, to a hobby, then this problem can be avoided.
Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Aries woman
This is not to say that the relationship of these signs will be perfectly smooth. However, there are undeniable advantages that help create a favorable background for the union:
- The search for stability as the basis of relationships. Both signs start a relationship, focusing primarily not on the charms of the candy-bouquet period, but on the subsequent life together and, in the future, a family.
- Complementation. Focused on the emotional side of life and flexibility in decision-making, Libra will quickly teach this partner, while the Taurus woman will help him get on his feet in professional activities.
- traditional relationship. A romantic union in this couple will not begin with intimacy or too vivid emotions, because both look closely and only after that make a choice.
- Perfect sex. A surge of tender feelings from Libra and Taurus’s desire for physical manifestations of feelings are perfectly combined and create a reference union.
However, some differences in views on different areas of life form some shortcomings that partners often cannot forgive each other:
- conflict of ideals. Accustomed to slowly making decisions, the Libra man is often criticized by the purposeful Taurus woman.
- Jealousy. Let this feeling consume the partner only at the first stages, but sometimes it is so strong that these very first stages can become the last ones.
- difference in perception. Speaking of romantic relationships or family relationships, Taurus sees nothing wrong with expressing all claims in an arbitrary form, and she herself is not against such an attitude towards herself. Libra, on the other hand, is easier to decide on an action if they are asked kindly, and excessive reproaches only repel them.
Despite the fact that the signs are not complete opposites, it is important for them to find a compromise. The conflict of ideals becomes especially dangerous for the union, because it is he who often becomes the root of evil. Libra man and Taurus woman need to work on relationships in such a way as to take into account the interests of the partner and at the same time not act to the detriment of themselves. Otherwise, the relationship is doomed to fail.