A pair consisting of these two signs is one of those whose relationships are very difficult to predict. They can definitely create a strong alliance. However, this is only possible under certain conditions. On the one hand, the Scorpio woman. This lady is not used to retreat, but when it comes to feelings, she shows them as brightly as possible. At the same time, resentment or tears are not in her character. The Scorpio woman is used to going ahead and showing rather “leadership” emotions. She is just one of those who will take on even the most difficult situation and be able to emerge victorious.
On the other hand, the Libra man. Tactful and cheerful, intelligent and courteous. He goes through life with an easy step, while diplomatically bending under the circumstances and trying not to remember the bad moments. This man, although he is set for a serious relationship, will not be able to sit within four walls even after finding a family; his element is freedom. True, for the sake of his beloved, he is ready to compromise. The ruling planets of both are different: the man is under the influence of the loving Venus, while the nature of the woman is completely contained in the warlike Mars.
It would seem that there is nothing in common between love and war, but this is what plays into the hands of lovers. These relationships are relationships of opposites that attract.
Next to this representative of the fair sex, the Libra man will acquire that determination, which by nature he so lacks. The spectacular, but at the same time alluring Scorpio woman is even imperceptibly aware of the fact that it is the Libra man that attracts her. However, this is not so much the fault of magnetism as the gallantry of the representative of the sign. He effortlessly strikes up a conversation with any girl and captivates her. The Scorpio woman will consider something more in a new acquaintance a little later, because she is not used to showing excessive courtesy to almost strangers.
Since the signs are practically opposites, in a relationship they will learn a lot for themselves. Of course, the union has a high chance of breaking up even before the partners submit an application to the registry office. However, even if this happens, for all the time of the past relationship, they will learn many things and take this baggage to a new union, and they will remember this only as the brightest moments in the life of both.
Love compatibility
In a love relationship in the first couple, the Libra man and the Scorpio woman are more than wonderful. Their communication takes place not only on an intimate level, but also on an intellectual one. Both try to treat their partner with respect and the charm of the first years of the relationship will help them in this.
The Scorpio woman perceives Libra’s partner as intellectually attractive, because not only is he gallant and interesting, but also the breadth of his views is a real delight. She herself radiates potential and expects this from her closest circle of friends. Libra will surprise the lady with how much he knows, but there will still be problems in terms of indecision. A Scorpio friend is not one of those who will accuse a partner of lack of initiative, because she herself will quite cope with the role of the main one, and she does not particularly gravitate towards traditional roles. A self-confident Scorpio woman will easily take all the initiative, and this, in turn, does not like Libra at all. Yes, he is not too decisive, but excessive enterprise from the beautiful side of the couple is not something that inspires him to exploits. From this, he rather becomes more irritable and perceives this as a categorical rejection of his opinion. And this is punishable by subsequent offense.
Despite the natural flexibility and penchant for diplomacy, the Libra man is quite stubborn and will not tolerate someone who humiliates his interests. However, if a woman is supportive and takes into account the opinion of the chosen one, then he will idolize her.
The candy-bouquet period, which runs the risk of lasting a very long time, will seem especially beautiful to her. The Libra man is very romantic, he literally carries his girlfriend in his arms and is ready for all kinds of gifts, dates and many crazy deeds, if only his goddess was happy. And the Scorpio woman will really be happy. She is proud and not without reason. In addition, she listens with pleasure to how she is admired, because she is used to working in the service and in general on herself and receiving compliments for her merits. The admiration of Libra is natural for her, but in it she finds something too attractive, sincere and incomparable.
Their friendship can be very interesting and beneficial, first of all for a woman, because she is not used to being told and told how to live. At that moment, Libra can also learn confidence and determination. Therefore, if Scorpio moderates his ardor and does not sting the very vulnerable Libra man whenever she has the opportunity, they will get along great. Love relationships will last for many years, maintaining the romance that is inherent in Libra, and boldly picked up by Scorpio.
Marriage compatibility
Living together for both signs is an important step. However, both have a different concept of the family, so disputes on this basis simply cannot be avoided. The Libra man expected that he would continue to bathe in the attention of women at social events. For him, this is not surprising. Moreover, he gives the same freedom to his wife Scorpio. But the woman herself is not happy about this, because nature endowed her not only with leadership qualities, but also made her a real owner. Of course, she does not consider a man to be her silent thing and even often consults with him. However, if we are talking about social events, then here Scorpio will constantly follow her husband, and if he even hints at some pretty young lady to flirt, he will find it very offensive.
A Scorpio woman does not seek betrayal and will stay in a relationship to the last. The Libra man is also not inclined to change girlfriends like gloves, but his excessive sociability makes the owner think about whether to follow his example.
There is a difference in views and in relation to money. Of course, after the formalization of relations, the desire to spend a lot of money will not go anywhere. Especially craving for expensive purchases is noticeable on the part of Libra. The partner is also not averse to throwing a little money down the drain, but she also has a desire to earn it. A man, on the other hand, does not think about material things, therefore he spends without looking back, even if he does not have a job at the moment. Scorpio does not like this at all, because she can buy an expensive fur coat only if there is a “stash for a rainy day”, and all the essentials are present. The material question gives rise to many disputes. Of course, Libra understands his guilt and tries to console his wife with sweet words, but here it is not so easy to calm down an ardent lady. The issue of money and career is very important for her, because it takes the main resources of the lady. She sees her main “strength” in her own independence. However, if both make a little more effort to understand their partner, their relationship will certainly improve.
Sex is that sphere of life of the Libra man and the Scorpio woman, in which they will be in perfect harmony. The lady is used to showing an ardent nature, to please her chosen one with a whole fountain of emotions and, of course, unprecedented experiments. A man, on the other hand, is more romantic and perceives intimacy rather as a new step in a relationship. As before, elevating a woman, the representative of the air sign will do everything to make his partner feel like a real queen. At first, he is reluctant to experiment, but thanks to his companion, he will soon plunge into the ocean of pleasure and will no longer want to return to his former life.
The pros and cons of the union Libra man – Scorpio woman
A couple in which the woman is Scorpio and the man is Libra is not the most favorable in terms of compatibility. However, it is worth remembering that they also have quite interesting advantages:
- Perfect compatibility in sex. He is romantic, but he lacks the feeling of stronger feelings, at the moment when she is ready to give a whole fountain of emotions and passion that Libra cannot provide herself.
- They are practically opposites, but that’s what saves them. A partner can give a sign what he lacks so much, and it is on this basis that a very strong union can arise.
- Converging views on marriage. That Scorpio, that Libra is responsible for marriage and, despite the different understanding of freedom in official relations, they are able to live together for a long time.
Despite all the advantages, it is worth listing the main disadvantages, which, if manifested strongly, will interfere with the development of relations. Their elimination will help everyone in the pair to find harmony and meet the partner:
- Jealousy. Scorpio will definitely be jealous, because Libra is used to a freer life and, even if he does not intend to cheat, it will still look like this for a woman.
- Different views on career. He is accustomed to improve spiritually. And the Scorpio knows everything about the material component and has special respect only for those who treat life the same way. Libra doesn’t care about money.
- Initiative. The Scorpio woman is used to acting, and not sitting in one place and doubting, so she quickly takes the initiative into her own hands and, without waiting for manna from heaven, acts. Libra would like this approach, because it solves all issues. But in a love relationship, this will become a problem primarily for Libra themselves.
Of course, in this pair there are more minuses than pluses. However, there is a chance for a relationship without any problems. To do this, it is enough to find the right compromise and move towards it slowly, gradually applying what you have learned from your partner and adjusting the “course”. In this case, the Libra man will learn confidence, and the Scorpio woman will be more relaxed about life.