The union may seem ideal, since, first of all, the elements are perfectly combined: the “airy” Libra man is perfect for the “fiery” Lioness. In addition, the emotional correspondence in this pair manifests itself very well. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. The main advantage of the duet lies precisely in their differences. So, the Leo woman is used to being the center of attention. Of course, this is not egocentrism or excessive pride – the representative of this sign is simply used to achieving her goals, while not keeping silent about the results. And if there is a chance to tell about your achievements, why not do it?
The Libra man is also used to being the center of attention. But if the Lioness does this rather in order to amuse her pride, then the gentleman satisfies the need for communication and the exchange of ideas. True, the lack of determination does not play into his hands at all. He has rather superficial relations with many women, because, despite external gallantry, in most cases he is not looking for a love relationship. In the case of the Lioness, a more “thorough” approach is required. Indecision again makes itself felt, so astrologers recommend that the woman take the first step. Unlike many other unions, in this Libra partner already perceives the Leo woman as more respected, so there will be no problems with leadership. Even if their track record is equally valuable, a man will still listen to the advice of a new acquaintance more willingly, and she, in turn, will feed his self-confidence and the need for bright, explosive emotions, as well as conversations.
This duet will definitely not be bored, because both are looking for an intelligent interlocutor. It is on long dialogues and even disputes that these relations will be built.
However, you should not worry about a breakup due to quarrels at this stage. They are so imbued with sympathy for the interlocutor that they are unlikely to want to return to life without this most interesting person. And if the relationship goes further, then we should expect a lasting union, not overshadowed by constant “grinding” to each other and other problems that other couples suffer from. Experts call the Leo woman and the Libra man soul mates. It is thanks to this interaction that it is easier for them to build relationships, both at the stage of the first acquaintance and in the future. The main principle on which the couple Libra man and Leo woman are based is the colossal differences in their worldviews, but at the same time the similarity of those features that each of the couple considers key to the union.
Love compatibility
In such a strong tandem, it is often the Leo woman who takes the initiative in her own hands. By nature, she is energetic, quick-tempered and active. Often it seems to her that any sea is knee-deep and there is no task that she could not cope with. Whether it’s buying the perfect gift for a loved one or signing a major contract, she’s self-confident and determined enough to take on goal after goal like a conqueror. In turn, the Libra man is never a conqueror and generally prefers diplomacy to war.
But even with such different approaches, the Libra man who has fallen into love networks will begin to deify a new passion. First of all, he will be captured not only by the ability of the Lioness to present herself, but also by her crazy energy. She is an ideal for him, so he will do everything so that this goddess belongs only to him. However, he is not one of those who will powerfully grab a lady by the waist and be jealous of each of her colleagues. The Libra man is by nature quite freedom-loving and allows his beloved to do the same. Of course, he will not change, but the lack of communication with the fair sex will not affect him in the best way. However, other women are separate, and his significant other is separate.
He will carry his Lioness in his arms. An inner sense of respect and love are firmly intertwined in his heart, revealing a constant desire to please the chosen one.
Undoubtedly, she will receive the brightest compliments, ideal gifts, and, of course, the most memorable dates. Her every desire will become a law for him. True, if we are talking about more serious things, here the Lioness will have to push her partner to a decision, because Libra is always difficult to decide. He thinks of options for a long time, thinking about each one for a long time. But it is this quality that will help their union stand the test of time. No matter how perfect the Lioness is in the eyes of her partner, she is quick-tempered and vice versa – she is used to quickly solving problems, as it should, without thinking about the issue.
This same quality will help them in friendship. However, this is where the dark side of their relationship comes into play. The Libra man always looks up at the Lioness woman, often underestimating himself. To achieve her praise, he is ready to carry out all her instructions. Often, the fiery beauty begins to use this, which is why the relationship becomes unequal. But in business, these two will be able to create a strong bond, and, perhaps, establish a real empire. An enterprising, decisive Lioness always has ideas and a fuse in order to work day and night on a new project, while the Libra man is ready to act diplomatically, that is, to make presentations and competently promote the project among the right people.
Marriage compatibility
The marriage of these two signs will last for a long time, because it is built primarily not on passion and sudden romantic impulses, but on partners’ respect for each other and mutual understanding. However, passion should not be crossed out from the list. The initiator of this feeling will, of course, be the Lioness. A woman accustomed to violent emotions will gladly transfer a real explosion of emotions into intimate relationships. True, in sex, she is focused more on her feelings than on the feelings of a partner. This does not upset the Libra man at all and even turns him on. If the relationship develops favorably, he will idolize the partner from the first to the last day. Therefore, to please the Lioness is a joy for him. In addition, both evaluate sex more as an emotional intimacy, so there will be many vivid, memorable feelings.
But despite the fact that they complement each other, married life may not be entirely successful. At first, of course, everything is perfect. The romantic Libra man will be happy to pamper his missus, transferring most of the organization of life to her. The Leo woman is only glad that she has found such a man, because he not only loves her, but also helps her to reveal her potential. True, later she will take over the entire organization and one day the Libra man will notice that she is preparing dishes at her own discretion, the children go to the school she chose, and the repairs were completely done without the knowledge of the owner.
In this union, Libra will have to be more proactive, and the Lioness will have to pacify impulses and at least sometimes transfer the reins of government into the hands of her husband.
By the way, the couple does not think about children for a long time, because both are not used to a quiet family life. Even after the registry office, their life together is replete with parties and other public events. Here both satisfy their needs. The Libra man is in communication with a large number of people, and the Leo woman is in search of those who will praise her. However, after a series of such events, the Lioness will notice that she is no longer the center of the Libra universe, so she will become jealous. However, if the relationship is harmonious, then the Lioness man is ready to brighten up small quarrels and grievances of the Lioness with bright, positive emotions. He is one of those who does not like to remember the bad, so he does everything so that he and his wife have exceptionally joyful moments spent together, full of romance and happiness. But if the representative of the sign is offended, then, most likely, he will move away from the second half and will increasingly begin to leave “on business.”
Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Leo woman
As a couple with a fairly high percentage of compatibility, the Leo woman and the Libra man converge fairly quickly. This union is very bright and long-lasting, because this is what both partners are striving for. In relationships, they focus on several important advantages for both:
- Complementarity. What one lacks, the other more than makes up for. In addition, both partners are happy to learn something new, so they accept the gift of fate without any complaints;
- General views on pastime. Despite the jealousy of the Leo woman, both do not see themselves as typical quiet, domestic family men and will prefer mass events to gatherings “by the hearth”;
- Perfect match in bed. Both in a duet are looking not for animal passion, but for sensual unity, so that in sex they fill each other with a wide variety of emotions;
- Harmonious relationship. In this pair, everything is initially in its place and both partners like this arrangement: Libra in most cases does not interfere with the partner’s initiative, and the Lioness allows the man to love himself, because he likes it so much;
- Emotional outburst. Both need a certain kind of emotions and it is in a partner that they find what they have been looking for for so long.
The union also has several negative points. Unlike many other pairs, it is quite easy to neutralize the cons in this one.
- Jealousy on the part of a Leo woman can sometimes be unbearable for Libra. Entering into a love relationship, he expected the same level of freedom as before, and in the end he receives reproaches for nothing;
- non-traditional roles. Basically, the initiative is taken by the woman. Of course, Libra likes it when no one forces them to be the head of the family. But, on the other hand, he cannot completely abandon the traditionally male role.
- Convenience and insult. Excessive suppleness and flexibility of a man in a couple can lead to the fact that the partner will not only decide everything for him, but also manage him. At the same time, at first, Libra will not notice this, because he is fascinated by the lady. However, sooner or later the Lioness will meet resistance, and it will not be possible to get out of the water dry.
In this union, both will have to work on themselves. It is better for Libra to learn initiative so as not to become an “appendage” to a successful wife, while Leo should lower the degree of his own pride and totalitarianism in relationships. Otherwise, their story will end not with a peace treaty, but with a cold war.