Libra man – Gemini woman: horoscope compatibility

The union of Libra and Gemini is one of the most favorable. Undoubtedly, the signs are under the influence of different planets (Venus and Mercury). However, they are able to create a pair close to ideal. Both the man and the woman in this duet are representatives of the air element. Talking about physical things does not bother them, and any attempt to bring them down “from heaven to earth” often ends in defeat. However, this does not mean that they are absolutely helpless in pressing matters – it’s just that both Libra and Gemini try not to think about it in order to experience as few negative emotions as possible.

It is on joint desires and goals that their relationship is based – regardless of whether it is love or friendship. It is important to understand that the couple not only have the same goals, but also the same ways to achieve them. This allows you to recognize the “ally” much earlier and not infringe on your interests, trying to come up with a compromise solution. Despite this fact, couples of representatives of these signs are unhappy in unions and even fail in business. The problem is that if their personal interests are suddenly reversed, they may be in a relationship but not interact. Both, as if out of habit, talk to each other, take on any business together, but in reality, everyone is for himself.

But what cannot be taken away from air signs is the ability to easily perceive breaks and troubles. Both the Libra man and the Gemini woman give up boring work without any problems, forgive their partner for awkward situations and gladly fill in the “gaps” with positive emotions.

True, it is in general terms that many astrologers see the main drawback of the couple. Of course, in a partner, each of them sees a real ideal and an almost complete reflection of himself. However, the Libra man and the Gemini woman are always slow to make decisions and are often too modest to take responsibility. And if in a relationship sooner or later someone takes the first step, then in everyday problems it is necessary to determine the “main” by numerous disputes – both want to avoid responsibility equally. How successfully partners will get along and how far affection will take them depends solely on the level of interest in each other. But one thing is for sure: it will either be a couple of centuries, or the story of how two perfectly matched people never met.

Love compatibility

One of the most important characteristics of a relationship between a Libra man and a Gemini woman is that everything always starts with friendship and is saturated with it. Acquaintance, however, may not take place. Gemini is a sign that demands attention and tries to stand out from the crowd. That is why the views of gentlemen are always riveted to her sophisticated image. Therefore, she has someone to choose from, and the Libra man, with his indecision, may never know about all the charms of the union. But if the acquaintance took place, then here again the couple needs to make a choice: either they remain friends, or friendship gradually flows into love. Undoubtedly, the first version of the scarlet thread permeates all their relationships. Friendship between representatives of these signs will become a real unity of souls. Neither woman nor man will ever be bored. The fact is that in the nature of both lies the desire to find an interesting interlocutor, as well as the most extraordinary topics for conversation. If something happens to the Gemini, Libra will support her without any hesitation and together they will go to make up for the lack of positive emotions in some coffee shop, cinema or club. A woman will become an excellent interlocutor and will develop any topic. Long conversations are never accompanied by loud arguments and quarrels, because both avoid negativity.

If the relationship goes to the level of romantic, then here the representatives of these signs are waiting for a real love series. The candy-bouquet period with all its tender moments runs the risk of becoming, if not a pattern, then definitely a very long-playing period of time that can continue even after the wedding. This is not surprising, because positive emotions and romance are what these two are so eager for. Easy-going Libra men always find something interesting: a nice surprise, an unusual hobby or an event where you can go together. The twin woman will gladly accept all this, showing so many bright feelings that the partner will want to do this again and again.

Unfortunately, due to the similarity based on an easy attitude to life, none of the partners can guarantee rational advice and informed decisions. Of course, they can listen to each other and console. When it comes to a great understanding of the second half, here they are combined perfectly. But the harsh reality with its problems will make its own adjustments.

In this couple, one-night stand is absolutely out of the question. Rather, intimacy will be a logical continuation of the relationship, to which they will not come immediately. They are occupied with more “higher” problems, at first they do not even think about sex and, as a rule, they only have enough intellectual interaction and sweet romantic actions. However, when it comes to bed, neither the Libra man nor the Gemini woman will demand harsh experiments from their partner. Their destiny is the tenderness that will permeate every moment of their closeness, reminiscent of the unity of souls rather than physical contact.

Marriage compatibility

Romantic notes from the “free” life, both signs will be transferred to the married one. Even the most difficult periods for the family, they will not only support each other, but will also try to make the troubles as invisible as possible. It is very important for the Libra man and Gemini woman to see the glass half full even if their entire environment indicates the opposite. They quickly find the positive and avoid the negative, which, unfortunately, often leads to difficulties.

As you know, every family is faced with some material problems, while both Libra and Gemini think more about the spiritual. While colleagues are thinking about a promotion, and friends are talking about new apartments and cars, everyone in this couple rejoices in their intellectual achievements: self-knowledge, unity with a soulmate and a continuous process of self-development.

Of course, the family may not lack funds, but the reluctance to face negativity will soon make itself felt. Partners will shift responsibility to each other until one of them still decides, it will be quite difficult to identify the main person in the house, and the irrational distribution of funds (hence the lack of an airbag) will play a cruel joke with them. Thus, the couple will have a lot to learn. However, they are perfect for each other and will keep the relationship light, giving the partner absolute freedom. However, such simplicity can adversely affect the partner at a time when passion and love subside. The Gemini woman takes the family very seriously and is sure that if the marriage is concluded, then the relationship must be preserved at all costs. Of course, her union with the Libra man will not turn into hell, where he constantly blames his wife for everything and takes out his anger. It’s more about indifference, because feelings have exhausted themselves, and in this case, Libra and Gemini are just two people who live under the same roof. Intending to keep the love that no longer exists, a woman is afraid to leave a man, thereby closing herself off from the horizons of new opportunities.

Since both of them are unanimous in the union and are rather in favor of intellectual development, they will be quite active parents: a music school, a cutting and sewing circle, an art section – the child will have a chance to try himself in everything. The Gemini woman will always insist on the intellectual development of the child. Thanks to her empathy, like a mother, a lady will quickly find a toy or book that suits her baby. Libra’s father will not raise his son or daughter in severity, his methods are based on the desire to negotiate. In addition, he is sure that a father is not only a parent, but also a true friend. The kid will never have too serious clashes with his parents, and even in adolescence, when children are especially opposed to their elders, he will respect the family.

The pros and cons of the union Libra man – Gemini woman

The couple is based on many factors that are given to representatives by a sign from nature. It is these traits that allow them to get along together and, moreover, build a very successful union. It is worth remembering the most important advantages:

  • Common aspirations and ways to achieve goals. They understand the partner, because in a similar situation they would have acted exactly the same;
  • Positive thinking allows these two signs to go through life easily without thinking about problems. If they are faced with negative emotions, then they immediately try to squeeze the maximum of positive impressions out of the situation;
  • Liberty. Unlike many other signs of the zodiac, in a relationship they give each other maximum freedom. It is very important for the Gemini woman that there are always other representatives of the stronger sex next to her and sing odes to her sophistication, while the Libra man is always ready to charm several ladies. However, they know: the partner will still return to them.
  • Long lasting romance. Thanks to an easy attitude to life and the desire to find a “sensual” response, a tender attitude towards a partner remains even after a dozen years of marriage.

Like any other couple, this one is not without cons. Of course, their unity is a reference, but it is worth noting several negative features that can destroy such a seemingly ideal union:

  • Unwillingness to take responsibility. It is because of the desire to perceive only the sunny moments of life, both constantly shift this burden onto the partner’s shoulders. The Gemini woman has too many more pleasant tasks, while the Libra man is very indecisive, so he does not want to become the main one.
  • lack of rationality. The ease of this couple can be envied, however, when it comes to material matters, both are not competent enough.

In the relationship between the Libra man and the Gemini woman, at first glance, everything seems perfect. However, the reality from which both want to distance themselves brings quarrels and quarrels into the union. By learning to accept the negative side of life, they will be able to overcome all omissions and their relationship will only become more harmonious.

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