It cannot be said that these two are created by an ideal couple, because their basic principles not only diverge, but contradict each other. However, this does not prevent many unions from staying together for many years and even meeting old age together.
The Libra man is a very interesting person, and, most importantly, charming. Even without trying to flirt, he will still win women’s hearts, and this will especially affect the Capricorn woman. This beautiful lady is used to being perfect from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Moreover, she is looking for the same ideal gentleman as her partner. No, she does not want to portray the “family from advertising” in public – this beauty is really sure that the environment should suit her. It is such a friend that she will find in Libra.
But a man is unlikely at first glance to consider her more than an arrogant person. He used to treat life in the air lightly. It is difficult to call him a rake, but he tries to avoid conflicts, and after negative emotions he will immediately try to make up for this with a positive. The Capricorn woman, on the other hand, does not have positive thinking and often regards Libra as a partner for a candy-bouquet period, no more.
However, as they get to know each other better, they will be able to find potential in each other. The breadth of views of this beautiful young man will amaze the girl at the moment when he finds in her the harmony and tranquility to which his soul naturally aspires.
However, disputes are possible even in the early stages. The representative of the elements of the earth is more focused on the practical value of her being, while her companion is more likely to comprehend the laws of the spirit and other intangible things. Since she is focused on a more “physical” field, and he is focused on the mental one, it is very difficult for partners to understand each other’s arguments, because of which the rapprochement may be delayed or not start at all.
Despite this, astrologers offer the Capricorn woman and the Libra man to cast aside doubts and plunge into a whirlpool of contradictions together. In fact, it will not turn out to be chaos that destroys everything in its path, but a sophisticated way of fate to show both something new. Something that will allow them to learn new facets of their partner and reveal the previously unexplored horizons of their “I”.
Love compatibility
Of course, the Capricorn woman is a lady of very strict morals. She rarely considers relationships for one night, and indeed it may seem that she does not need love, because there is work. In addition, the beauty does not suffer from “attacks” of optimism, and is used to taking a sober look at the world. So it will be very difficult for the charming Libra to win this woman. Being under the influence of Venus, the air sign is used to romance and the fact that every woman rejoices in this.
However, sooner or later the fortress will fall, and both of them will enjoy romantic evenings. The Capricorn woman will discover a brave new world of unusual courtship that can last for quite some time. But none of them is embarrassed by this course of events – both are looking for a partner in order to live with him all his life, and for this, to get to know a potential husband or wife as well as possible. Romance is one of the main “specializations” of the Libra man, so he will happily begin to think through every date, literally shower his princess with surprises and give cute little things.
However, here lies one of the main problems. Having presented some trinket, the Libra man tries to endow it with a sacred meaning and chooses it based on his inner feelings of an aesthete. The woman, on the other hand, asks a more pressing question – “how is this thing useful in the household?”.
For a representative of the earth sign, love is not walking along the evening streets, romantic conversations about anything and cute little things. The Capricorn woman sees love in actions, not beautiful phrases and tinsel. She can be the main one in a relationship without any problems and will not blame a man for this, but it is important for her that he be executive, practical and stand on the ground more firmly. The Libra man pays more attention to promises. This is not surprising, because he is a born diplomat and anyone will envy the flexibility of his language. However, this weapon against Capricorn is powerless – you will have to step on the throat of habits and change your attitude to life or find a compromise.
The best thing a Capricorn woman and a Libra man can give each other is friendship. It is in such relationships that they will be fully revealed, because here the difference between the spiritual and the material does not play such an important role. The airy friend will perfectly understand the earthly beauty in those moments when she is engulfed in problems, sometimes she will even unobtrusively give useful advice that the girl really needs. From her, a man will receive confidence, which will allow him to make a choice faster in any life situation.
Marriage compatibility
The beginning of a life together with a Capricorn woman and a Libra man is possible only if before that they were already able to make any compromises. First of all, this applies specifically to Libra, because the lady is sure: she is perfect, so she does not require refinement. Concessions on her part will be minimal.
However, it is worth noting the indisputable advantage that the representative of the stronger sex after the registry office will definitely not lose. The Capricorn woman is not distinguished by a jealous character, and is unlikely to see her husband’s mistress in every one she meets. The absence of suspicion for a man is fundamentally important, because he is used to leading a hectic social life, without which he simply cannot do without. So, going to regular gatherings with friends, the Libra man will not worry about what his missus will think.
In marriage, they will also continue to develop those qualities that they learned during the “grinding”. Lady Capricorn, who used to perceive the world more like a realist, will begin to see more positive aspects. The Libra man will finally allow himself to be more decisive, because the support of his wife is guaranteed to have a positive impact on him.
Nevertheless, disputes on the topic of spiritual and material cannot be avoided. Previously, they did not live together, and in order to demonstrate their readiness for a serious relationship, it was enough for Libra to take her to less expensive restaurants and buy more budgetary gifts, then you cannot hide squandering in marital “cohabitation”. However, only the wife of Capricorn calls this wastefulness, since she does not see practical value in a new glass sideboard, a crystal chandelier or some kind of helicopter for collectors. “Airy” on the contrary: appreciates the outer “shell” of things more than their functions. In addition, such a man is very helpless in controlling finances, so it is better for him to transfer the function of providing an airbag to his beloved.
However, hardly any of the men of Libra is ready for such a step. The airy handsome man is very indecisive and would even be glad if his wife took over the duties of the main wife. On the other hand, the realization that he is a man still lives in him, which means that the head of the family and the budget should be his prerogative. Torn between these two completely opposite principles, he risks not only devastating the “treasury” of the family, but also leading to a divorce – the Capricorn woman will not tolerate marnot spending, all the more irresponsible. So Libra should quickly come to harmony in this regard and decide which side he is on.
As for sex, here it is impossible to say unequivocally what the couple will be like. On the one hand, both lovers are not attuned to animal passion and their goal is to quickly move to a new level and get to know their partner better. On the other hand, the Libra man is unlikely to receive from the Capricorn woman the intensity of emotions that he needs.
Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Capricorn woman
It seems to many that the Capricorn woman and the Libra man have no future. Completely different views on life, there are practically no points of contact, and when they enter into a relationship, they willy-nilly find shortcomings in each other. But astrologers are sure that this couple has many positive aspects that will help them stay together for a long time.
- Contagious lightness. Despite the fact that the lady is set to realism with periodic reflection towards pessimism, the Libra guy will quickly teach a new acquaintance to enjoy life or at least see the positive in those where, it would seem, it is completely impossible;
- Lack of jealousy. A man will not become jealous of his partner for work, and she, in turn, will be sympathetic to his desire to constantly communicate with people;
- Developing the ability to find compromises. Both signs usually stand firmly on their own, and only strong feelings can make them go forward. If this relationship is one of those, then the partners will be able to develop this ability in themselves, which will be useful not only in intimate or family life, but also in other areas.
Despite all the pluses, these relationships still have more negative sides and sometimes they are more significant, so many couples concentrate on them and, unfortunately, disperse.
- Conflict of material and spiritual. Capricorn looks at things and thinks about their practicality, while Libra always starts from the mental, he always has exclusively spiritual impulses at the forefront;
- These are not pieces of the same puzzle. They want to understand the partner completely, but it does not work out. Their worldview is based on completely different principles, respectively, thinking about the problems of the second half, they start from them. Therefore, even adhering to all the advice, an ideal understanding can never be achieved;
- Gen. The realities of living together after a period of romantic serenades and bouquets horrify the Libra man. Of course, he does not mind babysitting children, but if you touch on the money side of family everyday life, then problems will arise here. He could transfer the care of savings into the hands of his wife, but, most likely, his vanity will not stand it;
- Lack of understanding in sex. The Libra man craves emotions, while his beloved is not used to showing feelings, so even experiments in bed will not be able to correct the situation.
The Capricorn woman and Libra man definitely have potential. Unlike many other couples, they need to work a lot more on relationships and make tougher compromises, which for many representatives of the signs seems impossible. However, work on yourself and the desire to listen to your partner will help you not only find a common language, but also understand yourself better.