A couple has an Aquarius woman and a Libra man – one of the highest compatibility rates. At first glance, they are the perfect union. However, it is precisely for such tandems that pitfalls that are especially dangerous for relationships are characteristic. These two belong to the elements of air, so some of their views on life coincide. But it is a mistake to believe that Aquarius and Libra look at the world in exactly the same way.
The Libra man is a very attractive person. He always finds the right words to keep the conversation going or “help” the opponent make the right decision. In people, he is attracted not so much by the inner world, but by the spectacular appearance and the ability to present himself. It is such a partner that Lady Aquarius can become. This creative nature always shows maximum artistry, while not going to extremes. The mood of a woman changes every minute, but this does not become an obstacle to their mutual magnetism.
In addition, the bright Aquarius woman is used to radiating optimism, avoiding conflicts and leaving only positive moments in her memory. From the outside it may seem that it is light as a feather, and perhaps even unearthly. All this adds up for the Libra man into an ideal picture of the best partner in this world, and, subsequently, his wife.
But the Aquarius woman is in no hurry to acquire this status, because her opinion changes quickly enough. She constantly observes her partner, his mood, attitude towards her, after which she draws conclusions. The young lady is sure that there are no irreversible decisions, so she easily changes them very often. This is due to the girl’s insecurity in business and the fact that she cannot find a middle ground: either love or not love – it is impossible to get between them and give a chance to a potential partner.
This approach does not play into the hands of Libra, because he often doubts himself, weighs all the pros and cons for a long time. As a result, they can become good interlocutors, but not move further.
However, if the representative of the stronger sex overcomes uncertainty and directly declares his intentions to the beauty, he will receive not only a noticeable “yes”, but also endless loyalty on her part, because the Aquarius woman is used to the “traditional” model of relationships and will definitely appreciate its manifestations. Unions of signs of the same element often differ in fairly strong love ties. But, even if the Libra man and the Aquarius woman still part, they will definitely find the strength to become friends.
Love compatibility
The main foundation of relationships is friendship, sometimes love comes a few years after they met. Common interests can bring them together, but even without this quality they will be drawn to each other. The beautiful Libra man can become that friend on whose shoulder you can cry in a difficult period, and the Aquarius woman will turn out to be an excellent conversationalist and will surely occupy a friend with something that will be interesting to both of them and will give many bright moments, one of which, most likely, will become the beginning of the great and bright.
The Libra man is often called the main romantic of the Zodiac circle, but this will fully manifest itself only if the Aquarius woman is nearby. As a rule, an “airy” handsome man treats a woman like a goddess, but when the charm of a representative of another sign fades away, he gradually pays less and less attention to the romantic side of the issue. But this is not about them. The Aquarius woman takes life as easily as the Libra man. Together they are ready to assemble a delightful puzzle of relationships from small pieces of positive moments.
Both partners are happy to plunge into love adventures, come up with interesting activities and swim in the real sea of mutual understanding, joy and endless positive memories.
It is also worth noting that the expectations from the partner are approximately the same. Both Aquarius and Libra pay special attention to appearance. Even if these signs spend a minimum of money on personal care, they still manage to look like a million. However, they demand the same from a partner. Thus, in a “light” woman, the handsome Libra will find a delightful appearance, while she will appreciate his sophisticated sense of style.
The only thing that can repel a man is the constant changes in the mood of the Aquarius woman. Now she is angry that the phone is discharged, and after a couple of minutes she is happily walking down the street; in the morning she woke up in a good mood, but just bitter coffee will make the girl angry. The Libra man himself strives for harmony, sometimes he himself cannot achieve it, and, plus, he does not see such a desire in the behavior of his partner. The beloved is in no hurry to change, because in the last ten minutes after the decision to change, she changed her mind three times.
Marriage compatibility
If the Aquarius woman and the Libra man decide to document the relationship, then it is likely that they will live together until old age. Due to their airy nature, both of them do not treat marriage as something especially high, so they continue to delight each other with romantic surprises. Especially the passion for surprises will manifest itself in sex, because both Aquarius and Libra love to try something new. However, for them, sex is not only physical, but also emotional intimacy. Sexual intercourse for them is a chance to better study the partner and give pleasure rather than by the action itself, but by the experienced feelings.
When the couple has children, the newly-made parents will plunge into the changed life with pleasure. The kid will definitely not be deprived of attention. The Libra man is an adherent of classical views on the family, so he will raise his son or daughter quite strictly, but corporal punishment in his house will definitely be taboo. However, this does not mean that the child will be spoiled, quite the contrary – the father, striving for harmony and the desire to comprehend human intentions, will analyze the situation with the child and he himself will understand why he did wrong. Mom will help the baby to show his creative potential.
At first glance, the Aquarius woman is an exemplary wife, and, moreover, knows how to apply skills in the household. So, she can do several things at the same time and switch between duties. Such an approach allows from one task through the second – this is how it is easier for an Aquarius woman to work.
However, she never plunges into the matter with her head, and sometimes Libra’s spouse does not like it. Despite his inherent ease, if he took up some business, he would certainly bring it to the end. Only after that, the representative of the air element will allow himself to take on something else. He is ready to spend quite impressive sums on his affairs, Libra men’s hobbies can hurt the family budget. However, in this matter he can compete with his wife Aquarius. A woman is also not used to saving on herself, and if she decides to purchase expensive equipment, she will definitely do it. Therefore, in this pair, the funds should still be kept by a man – here it is easier for him to control himself, and in everyday matters he is a little more responsible.
Another stumbling block will be the stubbornness of both. Both Libra and Aquarius are sure that they are right. A married woman is more inventive – she always finds the strength to listen to her beloved, even if he humiliates her opinion, after which she will turn around and do everything in her own way. The Libra man, on the other hand, can compromise, but he manages to do this quite rarely; especially in those moments when it is necessary to sacrifice one’s own opinion. Although Libra is considered a born diplomat, he rarely uses this ability here. But having overcome all these problems, the partners will finally be able to understand each other and nurture a healthy relationship that they will be able to maintain for many years.
Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Aquarius woman
The union of the Libra man and the Aquarius woman is literally replete with positive qualities. This is not surprising, because they have similar interests and life orientations. A couple of these air signs can be called almost perfect. Astrologers point to several main pluses of the couple:
- Common goals. Both are looking for an outwardly attractive and very charming partner who stands out from the crowd. They make the same demands on themselves, so they find in each other what they were looking for.
- Unity. The interests of both representatives of air signs coincide so much that they themselves do not notice how they unite on this basis.
- Similar emotional state. Both Libra and Aquarius want to go through life easily, not remembering evil and negativity.
- Perfect sex. They experiment with pleasure and at the same time get to know each other, thereby deepening not only the physical, but also the mental connection.
- The desire to find more than a sexual partner. The Libra man and Aquarius woman are oriented towards a long-term relationship in which love will go hand in hand with deep friendship and respect for the loved one.
Unfortunately, even an ideal union will have flaws. By understanding and recognizing them, partners will be able to move forward in solving their problems.
- different rhythm. She does many things at the same time, without plunging into them, he gives himself to the task of everything, to the rest, while bringing everything to the end at the highest possible level.
- Inability to think “materially”. Libra man and Aquarius woman are focused on spiritual development, but in matters of distribution of funds they are very helpless. They treat money very uneconomically and even in difficult times they cannot resist expensive purchases.
- Perfect flaws. Aquarius will not appreciate the partner’s lack of determination. As for Libra, he is likely to quickly get tired of how quickly a girlfriend changes mood, and the fact that she has seven Fridays in a week will completely infuriate him.
- Unwillingness to submit. It is quite difficult for both to compromise, because in this case it means that you will need to give up your opinion.
Despite the similarities, many conflicts can arise between the Aquarius woman and the Libra man. The key to mutual understanding is the ability to give in and take on unpleasant responsibilities. This is especially important for the stronger sex. As soon as he can prove himself as a real man and head of the family, the beloved will immediately appreciate it and understand exactly where she made a mistake. As a result, a happy family, in which there is a place not only for healthy egoism, but also for the desire to make a loved one happy or to act for the benefit of common goals.