Libra child, children’s horoscope, features of upbringing

Libra child, children’s horoscope, features of upbringing

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics, which are manifested from childhood.

All horoscopes agree on one thing: Libra is adorable children. They love to look around and experience the world by touch. So you may be insured against a hail of questions, but not against endless washing. After all, your baby will climb everywhere, climb everywhere and bring home a bunch of valuable trophies like pebbles, twigs, cones and dead insects. Or maybe alive too.

One of the main character traits of little Libra is indecision. They have yet to learn how to be harmonious. Until then, they hate to choose. Therefore, spare them the agonizing need to decide what they will have for breakfast and what they will wear to the kindergarten. And in order to get used to the need to choose, offer no more than two options. Later they will learn to decide for themselves what they want.

Libra children have leadership abilities and do not like when they underestimate their achievements or contribution to a common cause. Little Libra strives for excellence and hates being wrong. Mistakes are always very disappointing to them, so much so that children become discouraged.

Libras really don’t like to rush. If you start pushing them, the baby may get angry and offended, although usually he is not prone to tantrums.

Libra children are predisposed from birth to enjoy art, puzzles and books. Their inquisitive mind always requires work. They love outdoor sports and are nice, polite and outgoing.

Another plus that adds attractiveness to little Libra is their expressive appearance. They usually charm elders easily and get what they want from them.

Libra has a heightened sense of justice, they are independent and confident. They have excellent inclinations in the art of leading a discussion, they will definitely study the issue from all sides and argue their opinion. At the same time, they are very delicate and will never become personal in an argument.

It is important for a Libra to grow up in an environment of beauty and harmony. Then they themselves grow up to be beautiful harmonious people.

What is important to pay attention to

Libra children are extremely lazy. Yes, all children are like that, but Libra is a champion in laziness. If you do not fight this little flaw of theirs, they risk growing into megaprocrastinators. They do not like it when someone or something upsets their balance, and they will be extremely reluctant to leave their comfort zone.

Little Libra has an innate talent for making things beautiful. Toddlers usually love to draw, so if you need half an hour in silence, just take care of the coloring and pencils.

It is important to teach babies born under this sign to entertain themselves. While they are small, they rely entirely on other people, believing that they should be entertained and amused. They have yet to develop self-sufficiency in themselves with age. And by the way, Libra loves parties. Organize small holidays at home more often and involve the kids in their organization. So they will learn to amuse themselves.

Who is better at raising Libra? perfect contact with Aquarius and Gemini, slightly worse – with Taurus and Sagittarius. Union with Aries can be unpredictable: it usually shows both the best and worst sides of children and parents.

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