A man and a woman, both born under this sign, will definitely become close people for each other, because they understand their partner perfectly. However, even in such an ideal relationship is not without problems. It seems they have found each other. A man is the ideal of many ladies and, on occasion, always demonstrates his gallantry, good breeding and readiness to conduct a dialogue on philosophical topics. He is constantly in the spotlight, can communicate with several women at once, and each of them will perceive this as flirting, although the interlocutor is simply nice to them. The Libra woman is also intelligent, but cannot boast of such showiness. Yes, she will attract attention, and, as an “airy” man, she will easily find an interlocutor. However, she does not want to attract gentlemen with an aura of confidence – she simply does not have as much corny as she would like.
The same trait is inherent in a man, so if he does not show determination and does not take the first step, then neither love nor friendship will shine for them. Of course, they attract each other and can even strike up a conversation, but without decisive action on the part of the stronger sex, they run the risk of dispersing. If communication continues, then further meetings can develop not only into friendship, but also love. For all those around them, they will become a real model of relationships. Representatives of this air sign are not one of those who hide all emotions inside, so that everyone around will notice how gentle this man can be and how a woman will change with him.
But the most important thing that these two will feel, first of all, of course, is lightness. Both the Libra man and the representative of this sign are used to perceiving the world in bright colors, bypassing all the negative details.
They are focused on intellectual development, and they can spend tens, if not hundreds of hours talking about any thing. Both a man and a woman are in search of harmony, which is sometimes so difficult for Libra to find. Despite this seemingly “ideal”, the partners may disperse, because some similar qualities subsequently make themselves felt not at all from the positive side. Nevertheless, the probability of a happy union is quite high and it depends solely on the partners themselves whether it will be a success or a defeat.
Love compatibility
An important factor in their relationship is friendship. Without this feeling, they cannot live. Partners, both born under the sign of Libra, cannot simply whisper tenderness to each other or drown in passion. They are used to having long conversations on completely different topics, while choosing a life partner rather than attractiveness, but the presence of common interests. If the relationship remains at the level of friendship, then it always brings pleasure for these people. However, friendship will end on common interests and respect. It is common for them to hold back emotions and sometimes be alone with them, so just going to a friend and crying on his shoulder is not a Libra strategy. In addition, representatives of this sign will not be able to give any fundamentally new advice to each other. It remains to talk about common hobbies and not feel emotional attachment, being at the level of “good friends”.
When they became interested in each other in terms of sympathy, then here both will not be bored. Both of them are romantics by nature, therefore they are happy to perceive the tenderness of a partner and any desire to create as many sweet memories as possible. For a man of this sign, a woman is first of all a goddess, an unearthly creature, which he is simply obliged to exalt in every possible way and sing praises. Considering that such a guy is comprehensively developed, it is worth preparing not only for praises, but also for serenades. He loves not only classic dates, but also experiments, and what will the neighbors say … Well, he is so good at diplomacy that he will explain everything to them without any problems, and even receive the highest rating in their eyes.
But the Libra woman will not lag behind. She is not one of those who wants to go to the registry office as quickly as possible, so she maintains romance in a relationship until the end. Thanks to the fantasy that she is endowed with by nature, a woman will also give him many cute gifts that he will remember for a lifetime. In the early stages of a romantic relationship, there are absolutely no conflicts in this couple. Of course, disputes happen, but all this is quickly forgotten, and, as a rule, immediately after the incident, the gentleman leads the woman who forgave him to some romantic place.
Libras of both sexes are happy to make concessions to their partner, because one of the main feelings that they have for their soulmate is respect. Accordingly, they treat a loved one the way they want to be treated.
The main principle on which a love relationship is built in this pair is harmony. Libra strives for it constantly and, of course, will find a reflection of this feeling in a partner. But it is not always possible to comprehend the harmony of the relationships themselves. It can be achieved only if the man nevertheless decides to take on the functions of the main in the relationship. Then the woman will be imbued with even deeper respect for him, and the scales will come in balance for a long time. Most likely until the very end.
Marriage compatibility
If a couple in which both are born under the sign of Libra decides to get married, then be sure that their union will last for decades. Both are characterized by indecision and, in addition, slowness in making decisions. Both he and she consider hundreds of options for the development of events, never finding the courage to choose at least one. Will he be the one who fails? Therefore, the decision to marry is final for them.
However, despite the slowness in this matter, both initially aimed precisely at the stamp in the passport. A one-night stand is not about them. So the union will be built solely on love and great mutual respect. If the representative of the stronger sex reveals himself as a real man, then, in turn, the Libra woman will offer him her support: her presentation will be so fiery that it will push her husband to make choices and resolve issues much faster.
However, family life is not without problems. Both partners have a desire for intellectual development, sometimes forgetting about material wealth. As a rule, each family makes sure that there are enough funds, payments and loans are paid on time, and there is enough food in the refrigerator for a whole week. All this is not about Libra. Despite some sense of foresight, they do not like to think about money matters, so they begin to shift responsibility on each other until the situation escalates to the limit.
However, even if everything is so, they will never quarrel. Both partners do not like conflicts, so it’s better to go to different rooms, be silent for a while, and in the morning they will again fill each other’s worlds with positive emotions – they don’t know how to think about bad things and don’t want to. Sometimes, this is good, and sometimes it becomes an insurmountable obstacle between the couple and the harsh reality.
If we talk about sex, then in a couple it will not come to that right away. Libra is one of those who will first get fed up with the intellectual benefits of a partner and only after that will study the physical side of the relationship. Their sex will be filled with romance and the most tender attitude towards each other. However, it cannot be called ideal, since they do not complement each other and are in dire need of feelings, which the partner cannot give. It is worth noting that representatives of the sign will perfectly show themselves as parents. Thanks to the democratic approach, the baby will grow up in an atmosphere of love, but at the same time strictness. Both mom and dad will pamper their beloved naughty, but what is possible and what is not, he will know for sure.
Pros and cons of the union Libra man – Libra woman
The union, in which two representatives of the same sign came together, always surprises with a combination of a variety of positive qualities. If we are talking about Libra, then it is worth noting the following advantages:
- Mutual desire for a serious relationship. Despite indecision, partners dream of strong family ties, where they can be realized not only as spouses, but also as parents;
- Striving for harmony. They do not want, as they say, to “go too far” in terms of any emotions, and in relationships they prefer the principle of “treat a person the way you would like to be treated with you” and respect, regardless of what the partner has done and how much it is not loves the other half.
- intellectual potential. Both man and woman find solace in the constant search for new knowledge, especially in matters of self-development. And even if there is no one among friends who will appreciate it … Well, Libra’s partner will definitely share this hobby.
But, as in any other union, here you can not do without minuses. Of course, Libra often ignores them, but it is necessary to recognize this and, realizing this, work on relationships. The negative qualities of the union are as follows:
- Too identical. Yes, they understand each other better, but sometimes they need opposite feelings, and they have nowhere to “get” them;
- The unwillingness to take responsibility makes us put off really important things until the last minute, until a small problem turns into a real disaster. And natural indecision plays an important role in this;
- Disinterest in material things. They do not think about problems with funds or that some part of the money is worth saving. Often everything is spent at once, and it is quite difficult for a Libra man in love to restrain himself from another romantic gift for his beautiful goddess.
A couple in which both partners are Libra proves once again that even like-minded people have relationship problems. The main problem in this case is the shaky harmony that they strive for so much. The recipe for an ideal union between a Libra man and a Libra woman is simple: just become more determined. First of all, this applies specifically to men, because as soon as he shows this quality, he will immediately rise in the eyes of a woman. The new role of a partner will allow the naturally flexible beauty Libra to reveal the full potential of her subtle nature. Thus, harmony will improve, and the union will exist for many more years without strife and quarrels.