Libido in women
The key to harmony in the family is a regular sex life. But many are faced with the problem of lack of desire. What to do if in bed with your husband it’s more and more often just – you sleep? Let’s talk about libido in women

Remember, as in the song at the Valley: the most important thing is the weather in the house. Many experts from different fields of medicine agree: if there is regular sex, then the notorious weather will be, so to speak, clear and cloudless.

However, not everyone manages to maintain an idyll. A problem with libido in women can seriously damage family relationships and damage the self-esteem of both partners. Therefore, if there is indifference to sex – you need to take action!

What is libido in women

When “the head does not hurt” – it means, most likely, everything is in order with the libido. But few people know what this word actually means. What is libido in women?

For example, the well-known doctor Sigmund Freud used this word to designate one of the two basic instincts that form the basis of the psyche, and defined it as the drive to life (the second – Mortido – the drive to death, of course).

And what do modern experts say about this?

“The concept of “libido” in the sense in which we now use it is the sexual instinct,” explains gynecologist Veronika Gavrilova. – It manifests itself through sexual desire. It’s all that motivates us to have sex.

It would seem that everything is simple. But it turns out that there is not only a reduced level of libido in women, but also an increased one. And how to diagnose and treat this phenomenon is a very interesting story …

Indicators of libido in women

“There is no “normal” libido,” says Dr. Gavrilova. Many people believe that desire should arise spontaneously. But we are all different, our bodies are different. This means that there is no such thing as a “normal level” of sexual desire. But, every woman can notice a decrease or increase in this very desire – that is, libido – in herself.

Speaking in layman’s terms: you want sex always and everywhere – the level of libido is increased, there is no desire to have a relationship, even when all circumstances are conducive to sex – the level of libido is probably lowered.

But to find out for sure if there is a problem, you need to see a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Good to know
Do you suffer from weakness and migraine?
The reason may be an iron deficiency.
For well-being and healthy skin, hair and nails, women need to take special vitamin complexes.
About iron deficiencyVitamins with iron

How to increase libido in women

“You need to try to increase libido only if it brings discomfort to the intimate life of a woman and causes dissatisfaction with her sexual partner,” the gynecologist notes.

To begin with, it is worth analyzing when the problem began and what the reasons for reduced sexual desire may be.

According to Veronika Gavrilova, there may be several of these very reasons:

  • Decrease in the level of youth hormones DHEA (Dihydroepiandrostenedione) and Testosterone (the more it is produced in the body, the higher sexual desire and brighter orgasms).
  • Stress

“At the moment of overstrain, the hormone cortisol “takes over” progesterone, since both of these hormones are united by a single metabolic pathway in the adrenal glands,” the doctor explains. – Even if just three months ago you had a sufficient content of sex hormones in your body, then as a result of the stress you suffered, their insufficiency is guaranteed. And one more thing: during stress, our body burns vitamins of groups B and C in large quantities, and their rapid excretion in the urine leads to vitamin starvation, which will certainly affect libido.

  • Intensive sports

– Often, in pursuit of an ideal figure, a woman exhausts herself with diets, goes in for sports for hours. But sometimes even the opposite effect happens: the arrow of the scales creeps up, – the gynecologist gives an example. – The fact is that exhausting physical activity, especially after ovulation and before menstruation, is stressful for the body. Outcome: deficiency of sex hormones and vitamin starvation.

  • Alcohol. Neutralizes vitamins B and C.

“Even if you consume a lot of products containing these vitamins, alcohol will still practically negate their effect,” emphasizes Veronika Gavrilova.

  • Contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy.
Any medication reduces the level of B vitamins (especially B6). For its metabolism, the drug “steals” vitamins and minerals from the body, which should be used to maintain performance.
Veronika GavrilovaGynecologist

– In addition, the intestinal microflora worsens. Accordingly, both the normal absorption and production of B vitamins, continues Doctor Gavrilova.

Do we remember what vitamin starvation is fraught with?

  • Thyroid problems.
  • low fat diets.
  • Some groups of medications (beta-blockers, antidepressants, sedatives, diuretics, antihypertensives, etc.)
  • Almost all hormonal disruptions lead to a decrease in libido.
  • Libido and menstrual cycle:

“Usually, a few days before ovulation, women want sex more and more, and the peak of love is a couple of days before or after the release of the egg,” says the gynecologist. – But in the second half of the cycle, estrogen and testosterone become less, the level of progesterone begins to rise, which reduces the chances of a woman to have an orgasm.

Diagnostics and modern methods of treatment

“Low libido is as serious a problem as lack of sleep, acne, chronic fatigue and diseases of the digestive system,” says Veronika Gavrilova. – None of these problems can be cured by a “magic pill”, and, of course, in no case should they be ignored. In fact, more than half of the cases of decreased libido are due to a malfunction in the hormonal cycle.

Before starting treatment, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis and find the root cause. So, step by step strategy:

1. We exclude the possibility of diseases of the neuroendocrine system.

To do this, you need to visit a antenatal clinic and undergo the necessary examination.

“Timely diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders, one of the manifestations of which is a violation of sexual desire in women, will help maintain health and increase female libido,” recalls Dr. Gavrilova.

Than to treat?

“Several methods are currently being studied, including testosterone pills/hormonal patches,” says the gynecologist. “Previous research has shown that testosterone can lead to slight improvements in libido. But there was also a high placebo response. However, some doctors already prescribe testosterone (skin patches, gels, creams, implants, injections, and others). Their effectiveness and safety has not been thoroughly tested, there is a possibility of side effects. And besides, testosterone is not recommended for premenopausal women, that is, young and regularly menstruating.

2. If the tests are in order, the diseases are not diagnosed – you need to worry about the natural hormonal balance.

What we pay attention to:

  • Vitamins and minerals, namely, the course use of a balanced vitamin and mineral complex for women, compiled in accordance with the phases of the cycle.
  • Proper nutrition.

– Doctors do not identify any special products that increase female libido, however, judging by the latest scientific research, it is worth giving preference to a diet high in vitamins B1,A, C, E, B2, B6, B9, B12, zinc, magnesium, – lists Veronika Gavrilova. – I also recommend introducing at least three avocados a week into the diet. Essential Omega 9 polyunsaturated fatty acids will help increase the production of sex hormones by the body.

  • Assistance from a specialist in related fields of medicine.

– In some cases, a woman is recommended to consult a sexologist, and sometimes a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will help to cope with psychological problems, internal fears and clamps. It is better if psychological counseling is carried out in tandem with a partner, the doctor emphasizes.

  • Good habits instead of bad ones.

– We need to try to normalize the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. And also – give up smoking, – says Veronika Gavrilova. – With each cigarette smoked, the body loses 20-40 mg of essential vitamin C, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system in general and sex hormones in particular.

Important! Feel free to ask your doctor to prescribe medications or oral contraceptives that do not affect your libido. Even the presence of chronic diseases should not interfere with a full sexual life. And for women in menopause, lubricants (lubricants) can be used to reduce the dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Popular questions and answers

Does age matter a lot?

Of course, not always the reason lies in age. Most of the time it’s not about age. I have a lot of sexually active patients in their 50s. Indeed, in addition to the above reasons, much depends on temperament. A woman may not be very active even at 25.

Is it possible to increase libido with folk remedies?

Collections of herbs, dietary supplements, and so on carry the placebo effect. We do not know what may be in the composition, such products can be potentially dangerous.

What to do with low libido after 30 and 40 years?

Basically, a pronounced decrease in libido is observed already during menopause. When the body no longer produces sex hormones, and due to dryness in the vagina, sexual intercourse can cause discomfort. However, a gradual decrease in the level of sex hormones in a woman begins after thirty years. The distortion of the relationship of sex hormones is also influenced by environmental factors: fake estrogens (xenoestrogens), as well as stress. All these components lead to a state of estrogen dominance (progesterone fades faster). Although, I repeat once again, we are all different, each of us has his own hormonal background.

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