Libido – disorders, reduction, elevation, ways to stimulate

Libido keeps many people awake at night. Is it not disturbed by any chance? What to do to change its level? What factors can influence libido? You will find the answers to all of these questions below.

What is libido?

Libido is also known as sex drive. The person who used the term for the first time was the Austrian physician and creator of the analysis Sigmund Freud – he believed that libido is the life energy of a person. Libido can be defined as a state of sexual activity. Knowing what drives your sex drive allows you to avoid various frustrations related to this sphere of life.

The word “libido” comes from Latin. The level of libido in each person may be at a different level, which is why some have greater sexual needs and others less or remain almost at zero level. According to research, men have a greater libido, but this should not be treated as a rule. The libido category was described in more detail by Carl Gustav Jung, who considered it to be general mental energy.

Factors influencing libido

Various biological, hormonal and social factors contribute to the libido level. Moreover, psychological factors, such as trauma and depression, can affect libido disorders. Its regulation takes place mainly in the mesolimbic domapinergic pathway – the level of libido in the body is regulated, among others, by serotonin, dopamine, testosterone and oxytocin, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone.

In women, libido is associated with the menstrual cycle – they feel the greatest sex drive before ovulation and are the most fertile then. The decrease in libido is a result of the menopause. Then, the level of estrogen in the woman’s body drops drastically. Both in the case of women and men, the libido is influenced by lifestyle. When the lack of desire for sex is a short-term condition and results, for example, from a worse mood, stress, etc., it should not be treated as a disorder.

What causes a decrease in libido?

In both women and men, one of the reasons for the decrease in libido are hormonal changes, which are sometimes a difficult factor to reverse and cause, among others, sterility. Sexual dysfunctions can be caused by problems with sex hormones, thyroid hormones, or caused by inadequately selected contraceptives or diseases. Libido is also lowered by psychotropic drugs, antihypertensive drugs and sedatives.

For example, cigarettes and alcohol have a negative effect on libido. People addicted to these stimulants have less sexual needs. Another factor that weakens libido is stress resulting from living under the pressure of time, responsibilities or even a difficult relationship situation – various conflicts and problems with understanding about bed matters also translate into a decrease in libido

Low libido can be the result of a poor diet. The blood circulation of both men and women is harmed by ready meals and fast food, which are sources of chemically hardened fats and overheated fats that increase blood viscosity. And it must be remembered that the greater the viscosity of the blood, the more difficult its circulation is and the processes of vasodilation, which are important during excitement, are disturbed.

Libido is also negatively affected by slimming, during which a person has a lack of energy. Bed problems are most often experienced by people who follow low-calorie diets, without a sufficiently large amount of the most important nutrients – this makes the hormonal balance not functioning properly. However, there are no contraindications against having sex while following this diet.

Lowered libido is associated with both a deficiency and an excess of exercise. People who are inactive and who lead a sedentary lifestyle have less blood supply to the pelvic floor. On the other hand, too much physical activity causes overload of the body, which results in less desire for sex – this has been confirmed in many people actively training, e.g. lifting weights and swimming.

Do you want to strengthen your erection? Reach for the Pro-Long Pjur ratio prolonging spray, which gently anesthetizes. It can be used repeatedly if a one-time application is not enough.

When your libido decreases, you can opt for a pleasant erotic massage using aromatic body oils from Medonet Market, such as:

  1. sensual massage oil Sensual Intimate Earth;
  2. stimulating massage oil Awake Intimate Earth;
  3. energizing massage oil Energize Intimate Earth.

A Senze Blissful Swede massage candle or Senze Teasing Swede massage candle will also help to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Herbs to raise the libido for men

One of the effective ways to increase libido is the use of herbswhich, in addition to relieving various ailments, help to increase sex drive. Their properties mean that in a person who uses herbs, among others the stress level is lowered and the overall condition of the body is improved. The group of herbs for libido recommended for men include, among others plants such as:

  1. ginseng – increases the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is an important factor in the erection process and causes the blood vessels of the penis cavernous bodies to have an increased blood supply to the penis. In addition, ginseng has anti-stress properties and benefits the hormone-producing glands. Ginseng preparations should be used within certain standards, as they have a stimulating effect and can harm people with high blood pressure. Ginseng is one of the ingredients of AMORECAPS Herbal Aphrodisiacs, which you can conveniently order on Medonet Market.
  2. terrestrial mace – the plant helps to relax and has toning properties. You can take it as an infusion of the leaves. Thanks to the terrestrial mace, the release of nitric oxide from the endothelium increases, which in turn causes the relaxation of the vessels of the corpus cavernosum – as a result, the blood inflow increases. Interestingly, Bulgarian athletes used to use Tribulus terrestris to increase testosterone production. Tribulus – Tribulus – YANGO dietary supplement in the form of capsules you can buy at an attractive price on Medonet Market.
  3. Brazilian juniper berries – their use is recommended for men whose erection problems result from an unhealthy lifestyle and stress. Brazilian juniper berries have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, make it easier to relax after a hard day, and also support concentration. They have a mild effect on the body, but are recommended for men whose erection problems are not serious.

To raise their libido, men can use the N ° 1 Libido HIM dietary supplement, which they can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Libido for men – the Panaseus dietary supplement.

Herbs to raise female libido

The decrease in libido in women has various causes and it is a bit more complicated than in men – in addition to diet and lifestyle, it also depends on the menstrual cycle. However, also in this case, it is worth reaching for herbs that effectively restore the joy of sex life, because they support the sex drive. The group of herbs for increasing the libido for women includes:

  1. Fenugreek – a plant that is considered a natural aphrodisiac. Its strength lies in the fact that it contains saponins, which support the production of estrogen and diosgenin. Fenugreek improves vaginal lubrication and pelvic blood supply – this makes sexual intercourse more satisfying. Fenugreek has a positive effect not only on libido, but also on overall health.
  2. Damian Leaf – is a plant that grows mainly in Central America and South America. The shrub, also known as Turnera diffusa, helps reduce stress and anxiety, and therefore has a positive effect on libido – in the case of women, the libido level depends on the mental state. Damian leaf contains compounds that increase vaginal hydration and thus facilitate intercourse.
  3. Ginko biloba (ginkgo biloba) – is one of the most popular trees in the field of natural medicine and is used by both younger and older women. Thanks to it, it is easier to cleanse the body of toxins, reduce inflammatory processes and improve blood flow and reduce its viscosity. It is available, among others in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid and dried leaves.

In order to raise their libido, ladies can buy the N ° 1 Libido HER dietary supplement at a promotional price on Medonet Market. We also recommend Libido for women – the Panaseus dietary supplement with maca root and Japanese ginkgo.

In the bedroom, the SKYN Excite Orgasmic Orgasm-Enhancing Gel can enhance your close-up pleasure. Lubricants are another way to strengthen your experience, e.g. SKYN All Night Long premium silicone gel or SKYN Natural Harmony intimate gel.

Diet to increase libido

Men who would like to increase their libido should eat animal products, such as beef and lean, good-quality turkey meat – it is worth buying them in butcher shops. In order to improve the sexual condition, it is recommended to eat large amounts of dairy products, e.g. cheese, yoghurt, cottage cheese. In addition, it is worth including walnuts and cashews in your diet and eat a moderate amount of chocolate, e.g. for dessert.

An important component of the diet to increase libido is zinc – it is this element that is involved in the production of testosterone and is the main hormone affecting sex drive. Zinc is found in tomatoes, parsley, wheat bran, legumes, and egg yolks. Moreover, large amounts of zinc are also found in fish, clams, oysters and cocoa.

Sexual desire is enhanced by products rich in beta carotene, found mainly in carrots, mangoes, parsley and spinach. Spices such as turmeric, nutmeg, ginger and mustard will also help. In addition to these ingredients, men who want to support their masculinity should take dietary supplements containing arginine and selenium.

If you want to take care of your sex life together, we recommend Libido for women and men – Panaseus supplement set.

Sport to libido

For a long time, both sexologists and therapists have noticed that many athletic women have libido problems. Many of them feel little sexual desire even when she has no relationship problems. According to specialists, this may be related to the addiction to endorphins that this group of women derives from exercise rather than sex.

According to a group of specialists in fitness physiology, the optimal training time should be approx. 45 minutes – and such a session must be intense. These experts suggest not to exercise more than three times a week. Couples are advised to engage in physical activity together, because when one side is physically more attractive, they may simply be less inclined to have sex with a less fit partner.

Increased libido – how to deal with it?

Increased libido is not a bad thing and usually it is the domain of young people. High sexual need tends to decrease with age, although this is not always the case. However, too much appetite for sex should be considered a problem when it has harmful effects on both physical and mental health and destroys relationships. Increased libido may be a sign of diseases that cause changes in the hormonal balance.

One way to get an elevated libido is through meditation / prayer, which makes it easier to calm down. It is worth finding a free moment during the day and for some time (from 10 minutes up to an hour) just do nothing – then you should cut off all stimuli and try not to plan anything, etc. At first it may be difficult, but with each subsequent one such an attempt to “disconnect” from the world will be easier.

Increased libido can also be reduced thanks to a healthy lifestyle, which includes, among others healthy diet. People who have a properly composed menu provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, and this has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Increased libido can also be regulated with herbs such as lemon balm or chamomile. We should also remember that increased libido is a relative concept.

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