Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Liatris (lat. Liatris) is a genus of perennial flowering plants of the Astrov family. In nature, culture is found in North America, Mexico, and the Bahamas. Valued for unpretentiousness and decorative qualities. Cultivated since the beginning of the 18th century. Many gardeners prefer to grow this perennial in their backyard, as its candle inflorescences not only look spectacular, but also exude a pleasant aroma that combines the smell of fresh hay and vanilla. However, for the successful development of the plant, planting and caring for liatris in the open field must meet the requirements of the culture. Only under these conditions will the perennial be able to delight with lush flowering every year.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Folk names for lyatris – deer tongue, funny feathers

Photo and description of lyatris

Perennial is a herbaceous plant with upright growing simple or branched shoots. Its height reaches 30-100 cm during the flowering period. Liatris stems are densely covered with whorled or linear leaves with a pointed tip. Plates of a rich green hue, which is retained throughout the season. Therefore, liatris can become a backdrop for other horticultural crops after flowering.

The underground part of the plant is represented by tuberous roots, similar to onions, which are interconnected by thin processes. They are in the top layer of the soil.

Liatris flowers are miniature, they are collected in small baskets, which are located close to each other and form a spike-shaped lush apical inflorescence. Its length is 30-50 cm. The shade of the buds varies from rich purple or purple to light pink, cream and even white. The fruits of the lyatris are an oblong achene covered with hairs.

Liatris varieties with photos and names

Several varieties of lyatris are widely used in horticulture. All of them are the basis for breeding new varieties of culture, which are characterized by high decorativeness, a variety of shades and ease of cultivation. To be able to distinguish between the main types of culture, you need to study the features of the most popular of them.


This species is native to southeastern North America. Plant height reaches 50 cm. Liatris spicata has been cultivated since 1732. The length of its inflorescences is 35 cm. The flowering period of this lyatris lasts for 1,5 months. Winters well in the conditions of central Our Country.

Popular varieties:

  1. Alba (Alba) – 50-80 cm high, with snow-white flowers.
    Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

    Alba can be combined with any other crop variety

  2. Blue bird (Blue bird) – height 50 cm, inflorescences of a blue tint.
    Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

    Bluebird blooms for two months

  3. Kobold (Kobold) – height no more than 40 cm, the shade of the inflorescences is pale violet.
    Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

    Variety Kobold is great for the foreground of compositions


A distinctive feature of the species are broad leaves and larger inflorescences of the basket. Therefore, the membranous liatris (Liatris scariosa) looks organically in any landscape, as can be seen in the photo. September Glory is one of the most common varieties. The color of the buds is soft pink. The height of the lyatris during flowering reaches 1 m. And the length of its inflorescences is 50-60 cm.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Liatris membranous September Glory is characterized by abundant flowering


This species is considered the highest, since it can reach 2 m. The erect stems of the rough liatris (Liatris aspera) are densely covered with small leaves. In the upper part of the shoots, triangular or rounded inflorescences are formed.

The most common variety of this type of crop is White Spire. Its distinctive feature is the snow-white shade of flowers. The height of this varietal lyatris reaches 70 cm.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Liatris White Spire has high endurance

When Liatris Blooms

The plant forms flower stalks in mid-late June and continues for 6-8 weeks. This is due to the gradual opening of the buds from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as in other garden crops with similar inflorescences. Depending on weather conditions, the timing of the flowering of lyatris may shift slightly, as well as the duration of this period.

When to plant liatris

You can plant a perennial in a permanent place in spring or autumn. In the case of the first option, the optimal period is April. But at the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the weather conditions. For rapid rooting of lyatris, it is necessary that the soil warms up to a depth of 7-10 cm, and the air temperature is not lower than +8 ° C.

If landing is carried out in the fall, then the best time for this is September. In this case, the perennial will have time to take root before winter.

Important! It is not recommended to delay, as well as rush with landing, since ignoring the deadlines negatively affects the further development of the lyatris.

Planting lyatris tubers

It is necessary to plant a perennial, taking into account its basic requirements. This is a guarantee that it will not only be able to fully develop, but also bloom profusely for many years.

Place for planting lyatris

For this herbaceous perennial, open and slightly shaded places are suitable. The main thing is that the plant should be lit for at least 12 hours a day. Liatris easily withstands direct sunlight and elevated air temperatures. Therefore, even during the July heat, the plant retains its decorative effect.

This plant prefers loose nutrient soil with a neutral level of acidity. The best option for lyatris is sandy loamy soil with the addition of humus at the rate of 10 kg per square meter. m. You can also grow perennials in loamy soil, if you first add not only organic matter, but also sand 5 kg per square meter. m.

Important! Not suitable for lyatris are places where moisture stagnates during thaws and rains, as well as areas with a groundwater level of less than 1 m.

Rules of landing

It is necessary to plant perennial tubers in holes 3-10 cm deep, depending on their size. Between plants, you need to maintain a distance of 15-20 cm so that they can fully develop and not compete for food and moisture. When landing on the bottom, it is necessary to pour a thin layer of sand down, on which to put a tuber and sprinkle with earth. At the end of the procedure, pour the area abundantly by sprinkling and cover with a layer of agrofiber.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Planting depth should be equal to the height of the tuber, multiplied by two

How to care for Liatris

Liatris does not require complex care, so even a novice gardener can handle its cultivation. But in order for the plant to bloom profusely every year and have a presentable appearance, certain rules of agricultural technology must be observed.


It is necessary to water the perennial only with a long absence of seasonal precipitation. To do this, you can use settled water with a temperature of + 18-22 ° C. Moisturize in the evening. The regularity of watering directly depends on the air temperature. In hot periods, it should be done 1-2 times every three days, and the rest of the time – once a week.

To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is recommended to lay humus mulch at the base of the liatris with a layer of 2-3 cm.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Perennial does not respond well to excessive soil moisture

Additional fertilizing

Liatris responds well to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plant three times per season. The first time it is necessary to carry out top dressing in the spring during the active growth of shoots and foliage. During this period, you can use urea or ammonium nitrate at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water.

The second and third feedings are recommended before and after flowering. They need to be carried out using superphosphate 40 g and potassium sulfide per bucket of water. Pour 1 liter of nutrient solution for each plant.

When and how to prune liatris

It is recommended to prune the liatris for the first time after flowering. At this time, you need to cut off only wilted flower stalks. It is impossible to remove the leaves of the plant at this stage, as they nourish the root system of the perennial. It is possible to completely cut off the aerial part of the plant after its sharp yellowing. In this case, the length of the shoots must be reduced to 10-15 cm.

Also, as it grows during the season, liatris needs sanitary pruning. It involves the removal of damaged shoots that can break from strong gusts of wind.

Do I need to dig liatris for the winter

The level of winter hardiness of lyatris allows it to be grown in the southern and central regions of the country, leaving the plant in the ground during the cold season. And in the northern regions of the country, the root tubers of the plant must be dug up in September and stored in a cool, dry place until spring, sprinkling with moist peat.

Preparing lyatris for winter

In late autumn, at the stage of preparation for winter, the shoots of the plant must be shortened to a length of 10-15 cm. And after that, it is recommended to insulate the root system of the lyatris with a layer of mulch 10 cm thick. For this, humus or peat can be used.

Important! It is impossible to cover the liatris with straw for the winter, as rodents live in it, feeding on the tubers of the plant.

When to transplant liatris

Sometimes there is a need for a lyatris transplant. In this case, the plant must be dug up from all sides and the root system carefully removed from the ground. After that, it must be transferred to a new site and watered abundantly. Liatris can be transplanted to another place in autumn or early spring.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Perennial blooms when planted with tubers already in the current season

How Liatris Reproduces

To obtain new perennial seedlings, you can use seeds, as well as delenki bush and tubers. Each of these breeding methods has its own characteristics, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Planting lyatris seeds

To grow liatris from seeds, you can plant directly in open ground before winter or early spring. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the site, carefully remove the roots of weeds, and also add humus at the rate of 10 kg per 1 sq. m. After that, level the surface of the soil and make furrows 1-1,5 cm deep.

Seeds before planting should be kept for a day in a solution of humate. Then they need to be slightly dried until flowability appears, planted in furrows and sprinkled with earth. After this, the area must be watered abundantly.

You can also grow liatris from seeds at home. But in this case, stratification of planting material will be required within two months. To do this, you need to sow in wide containers filled with nutrient soil, and then put them in the refrigerator. After the waiting period, transfer the containers to a bright window sill and, when shoots appear, provide standard care. When the seedlings grow two true leaves, they need to dive into separate glasses. When propagated by seeds, liatris does not retain varietal properties.

Important! Perennial seedlings are distinguished by a slow growth rate at the initial stage of development.

Division of the bush

This is the easiest way to propagate lyatris. To do this, you need to dig a bush from all sides and carefully remove the perennial root system from the ground. Then you need to divide it into several parts, each of which should have a root collar with tubers. After that, they need to be immediately moved to a new place and watered abundantly.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

You can divide the bush no more than once every 4-5 years

Tuber division

This breeding method, unlike the previous one, can be applied annually without harming the plant. To do this, at the end of August, make a recess near the root system of the lyatris and separate one tuber from the mother plant. It should be planted upside down and well watered. The next year, a few more tubers form near the delenka and thus a new bush will turn out.

Diseases and pests of lyatris

This perennial is characterized by high disease resistance. However, stagnation of moisture in the soil and excessive watering can cause root rot. Therefore, with a sharp withering of the shoots, it is necessary to immediately dig up the plant, remove the affected tubers, transplant to a new place and water with Previkur Energy.

Of the pests, slugs that feed on its leaves and peduncles can cause damage to the plant. In this case, at the base of the bushes, you need to thickly sprinkle with wood ash or tobacco dust. And in case of mass distribution of pests, use metaldehyde-based chemical granular products.

Photo of liatris in garden landscape design

Liatris is widely used as an element of landscape design. After all, he is able to look spectacular in mono-plantings, as well as successfully complement any composition. In the photo you can see how lyatris look in the country, in the garden and in combination with other cultures.

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Perennial can become the main crop in the flower bed

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Different types of crops look great at a close landing

Liatris flower: how to grow a perennial, planting, care, photo, description, reviews

Liatris goes well with bright annuals


Planting and caring for liatris in the open field does not require complex actions. It is enough to adhere to the standard rules, then this perennial will quickly adapt to a new place, grow, and will delight with abundant flowering every year. Therefore, every year it becomes more and more popular not only among professional, but also among beginner gardeners.

Liatris reviews

Svetlana Naumova, Moscow
Liatris appeared on my plot of land five years ago, and then I realized that I would never part with him. After all, this ornamental plant pleases with the beauty of its lush inflorescences-candles and unusual aroma and does not require complex care. It is enough only to water it occasionally, periodically fertilize and mulch the soil at the base of the bush during hot periods.
Irina Stepnova, Bryansk
I have about five different types of liatris. All of them are distinguished by unpretentious care and at the same time bloom magnificently every year. This perennial looks good both in single and group plantings. Its only disadvantage is that it is able to multiply uncontrollably by self-seeding, so this process must be controlled.
Unpretentious flowers. Liatris. Site “Garden World”

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