Liana kampsis rooting: reproduction

Liana kampsis is a plant of the begonia family. It is a deciduous thermophilic vine with large and bright flowers. It is suitable for decorating gardens in many regions of Russia.

This vine is used for vertical gardening. It attaches to any surface with aerial roots. Her leaves are beautiful, collected in groups of 7-11 pieces. Flowers are tubular, without aroma, collected in bunches. The length of the flowers is 9 cm, the width is 5 cm. The color of the flowers can be pinkish, red-golden, orange or crimson. The plant blooms from June to September. It is considered a good honey plant, but attracts not only bees, but also other insects.

Liana Kampsis has tubular flowers

Kampsis fruit is a long pod with many seeds. When the fruit is ripe, it bursts, and the seeds are scattered around. However, not all Kampsis are bearing fruit. For the formation of fruits, it is necessary that a liana of the opposite sex grows nearby.

In nature, there are only 2 types of this plant: rooting campsis and large-flowered campsis. The homeland of the first is North America, the second is China and Japan. On the basis of these species, scientists bred hybrid Kampsis. For home cultivation, it is better to use the rooting species. The most popular varieties are gorgeous, golden, early and dark purple. They differ mainly in shades of flowers and slightly differ in flowering time.

The plant reproduces in 4 ways:

  • Seeds. An easy way to reproduce. The seeds do not need preliminary preparation, they can be stored at room temperature. Seeds are sown in loose soil, they germinate in about a month. Disadvantage – flowering begins a month later.
  • Cuttings. Cut green cuttings early or mid-summer and plant in moist soil in a shaded area. The survival rate of such cuttings is 90%.
  • Root shoots. In early spring or mid-autumn, dig out the shoots with part of the root and plant in a new place. With proper care, an adult vine gives a lot of such growth.
  • Layers. In the spring, bend the vine to the ground and secure it. Many cuttings will appear throughout the season. Next spring they can be separated and planted.

To grow vines, choose the method that is most convenient for you.

If you learn how to propagate and grow Kampsis, your fences and gazebos will be covered with green vines with huge, bright bell flowers. They do not require super complicated care and please with their colors all summer long.

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