Li Dan Pian

Li Dan Pian

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: liver attack, gallbladder stones, liver congestion.

In Chinese energy, this formula is used to clarify and transform Toxic Heat and Moisture Heat of the Liver and Gallbladder.

Associated symptoms : swollen and painful flanks and sides, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bitter mouth, abdominal bloating, irregular stools, tongue with a yellow and oily coating, cord and rapid pulse.


4-6 tablets, 3 times a day.


Excess of fatty and sugary food as well as excess alcohol produce heat and humidity in the liver and gall bladder. Germs and toxins can attack these organs. Impaired digestion capacities, as well as impaired transport-transformation function of the Spleen and Stomach, cause internal moisture to collect and transform into heat. All these phenomena cause an accumulation of Heat Moisture of the Liver and Gallbladder. It disturbs the function of drainage and decongestion, causes swelling and pain in the liver, gives a bitter taste in the mouth. The bile accumulates and causes the creation of stones.

This product drains this excess of bile, which allows the reduction and expulsion of stones (stones) of less than one centimeter.

If bile expulsion is severe and causes unpleasant symptoms such as irritating stools and vomiting of bile, decrease the recommended dosage.

If you are simply suffering from discomfort from congested liver, take one tablet, three times a day.


  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • If the stones are longer than 1 cm, there is a danger that they obstruct the common bile duct.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Huang Qin 

Scutellaria root (racine de scutellaire)

Drains Heat and Moisture 

Jin Qian Cao 

Lysimachia grass (lysimachus, aerial parts)

Diuretic and removes painful urination, flushes out moisture and heals jaundice, releases toxins and dissolves swelling 

Jin Yin Hua 

Lonicera japonica flower (honeysuckle flowers)

Disperses external heat, eliminates toxins 

Yin Chen Hao 

Artemisiae grass capillans (armoise)

Clarifies and releases Heat Moisture, treats jaundice 

Chai Hu 

Radix bupleuri (buplévre root)

Harmonizes, releases and disperses Heat, unties the Energy of the Liver 

Da Qing Ye 

leaf isatidis (pastel sheets)

Clarifies the Heat, eliminates toxins, refreshes the Blood 

Da Huang 

Rhizome and root Re’i (rhubarb root and rhizome)

Purgative, clarifies heat and eliminates toxins 

On the shelves

This product does not have any specific certification and has not been subject to special analyzes for its quality. Only its great popularity prompts us to include it here.


  • Lidan Tablets. Manufactured by Tsingtao Pharmaceutical Works, Qingdao, China.

Available in Chinese herbalists, several natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

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