Levator ani syndrome – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Do you experience constant pain in the anal area, mainly in a sitting position? Accompanied by a feeling of thrust, as if there was a ball in the stomach? Be sure to check, it may be the result of excessive contractility of the levator ani muscle.

Who are the complaints about?

The levator ani syndrome occurs mainly in young people, aged 20-45. The vast majority of them are women.

What is the cause of this disease?

The cause of the disease is excessive contraction of the levator ani muscle. It is a muscle that forms the so-called pelvic diaphragm and, as the name suggests, participates in lifting the anus. In addition, it affects the function of the rectum, bringing its walls closer to each other. When the levator ani muscle contracts excessively, the rectum is also strongly compressed. Then it gives a feeling of stretching – as if the presence of a ball in this part of the body.

What are the symptoms of this syndrome?

There is pain and discomfort around the anus and the lower back. These ailments worsen in a sitting position. It happens that the pain is also felt in the buttocks and thighs, which impairs the daily functioning so much that prompts you to visit a doctor. An additional problem may be constipation, which results from clamping the rectum and blocking the stool drainage path.

Is the cause of the disease known?

The immediate reason for the band’s formation has not been identified. The factors increasing the risk of developing this syndrome are:

– sedentary lifestyle,

— stress,

– frequent and long-term driving,

– past injuries – including childbirth

– operations in the perineum and pelvis area.


The diagnosis of the levator ani syndrome requires careful diagnostics. Especially the exclusion of neoplastic disease. A number of examinations are performed, including endoscopic examinations, which, by inserting a special apparatus through the anus into the gastrointestinal tract, allow to assess the anus and rectum and to exclude the neoplastic process.

Is levator ani syndrome life-threatening?

The team itself, if confirmed, is not a life-threatening emergency. However, it causes pain and significantly impairs the quality of life and physical fitness.


The treatment of this syndrome is difficult. Various methods are being tried to reduce the tension in the levator ani muscles. For example, high tension is applied to the levator ani muscles or by pelvic gymnastics and massage. Pain medications are used for pain relief.

Is it possible to prevent the formation of a syndrome?

If you want to prevent such ailments, remember: exercise is health! Avoid excessively sedentary lifestyle. In your free time, instead of sitting in an armchair in front of the TV set, you should think about a walk and exercise, which, in addition to improving your well-being, strengthens muscles – also in this embarrassing area.

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