At the end of March, Lev Leshchenko was diagnosed with a coronavirus, which was complicated by pneumonia. On April 3, the artist spoke about his health.
Lev Leshchenko
Coronavirus is especially dangerous for the elderly, which is why the whole country froze in anticipation after the news that Lev Leshchenko was taken to Kommunarka with suspicion of COVID-19.
Alas, the test was positive.
“After an additional examination, the coronavirus etiology of pneumonia was confirmed. On the first day after admission, the patient’s condition worsened – dyspnea increased and blood oxygenation indices decreased. In this regard, we continued treatment in the intensive care unit. Today the patient’s condition is stable, ”said Denis Protsenko, head physician of the Kommunarka hospital on March 27.
Caring fans across the country launched a flash mob in support of the 78-year-old artist: people of all ages sang his famous song “Hope” and posted videos on the Web.
Lev Valerianovich was moved to the depths of his soul and hastened to express his gratitude in return.
Leshchenko is still in Kommunarka. Journalists contacted the artist to find out about his condition. “I feel fine. Tests are negative! Completing pneumonia. The rest will come later, ”Lev Valerianovich said in a conversation with RT.
Lev Leshchenko contracted coronavirus
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Finally some good news! Lev Valerianovich, get well soon!
All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.
@ leshchenko_lv / Instagram, Andrey Kalmykov / Healthy Food Near Me, Persona Stars,,,