Leuzea tincture: what is it and why is it needed + vodka tincture recipe

Among athletes, the extract of leuzea, a tall herbaceous plant with large light purple flowers, is especially popular.

The plant is also known as “maral root”, “raponticum” and “big head”.

For medical purposes, different parts of the culture are used: roots, inflorescences, leaves. Tinctures are made from the underground part, decoctions and teas are made from the aboveground.

The best effect has an alcohol extract prepared on the basis of the rhizome.

What is this tincture and how is it useful

Due to the rich content of nutrients, Leuzea-based tincture has a tonic, immunostimulating, antidepressant, tonic effect. Also, the drug is widely known as a means of improving potency, normalizing the work of the heart, preventing aging.

In bodybuilding, leuzea alcohol extract is used as an anabolic. The tool helps to build muscle mass, it is easier to endure physical activity, stabilize the pulse and increase endurance during sports training.

Application of leuzea tincture

The alcohol extract is drunk 20-30 drops twice a day for 3-4 weeks, previously diluted with water.

Vodka tincture can be taken 40 drops three times a day.

If necessary, an additional course is prescribed after a two-month break.

If you have problems with sleep, it is better to refrain from using the infusion in the afternoon to avoid problems with falling asleep.

Bodybuilders usually consume the tincture immediately before training. It is unacceptable to take the remedy if there are problems with the heart rhythm, blood vessels, pressure, kidneys, liver, as well as in childhood, during acute infections and pregnancy.

Vodka tincture recipe

Leuzea extract is sold in a pharmacy, if you wish, you can make it yourself. The rhizome is dug up at the end of summer / beginning of autumn, after the formation of fruits, it is thoroughly shaken off, washed and dried.


  1. Dry leuzea root – 100 g

  2. Vodka – ½ l

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the root, pour into a glass container.

  2. Pour the powder with alcohol, mix well, cork.

  3. Leave the mixture for 2 weeks in the dark, strain.

Relevance: 27.02.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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