Leuzea safflower: useful properties and applications

Leuzea safflower is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its height can be from half a meter to two meters. This plant has a horizontal rhizome and numerous pubescent stems. Large leaves have a serrated edge. Tubular flowers have a purple or purple hue. The fruit is presented in the form of a ribbed achene with an upper crest. Leuzea safflower-like blooms in July and August, and the seeds ripen in early September.

Leuzea safflower: useful properties and applications

Useful properties of Leuzea

The rhizomes of the presented grass contain essential oils, resins, organic acids, tannins, ascorbic acid, inulin, carotene, alkaloids and other compounds. Preparations containing leuzea safflower are effective for overwork and problems of the central nervous system. This herb perfectly regulates blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Such a plant is able to accelerate the healing of wounds, as well as increase human performance. In addition, the unique effect of the plant in impotence has been proven.

Application leuzei

In folk medicine, both decoctions and liquid extracts of safflower leuzea are used equally. To obtain a stimulating effect in case of physical overwork, it is recommended to use an extract of this herb. To influence the nervous system in depression, it is necessary to use special phytochemical complexes.

Leuzea tincture

For the correct preparation of alcohol tincture from safflower-like leuzea, mix 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials in a glass container with 100 g of vodka, close well and store in a dark place for at least 14 days, shaking from time to time. After the specified time, the composition should be filtered and taken 30 drops 2 times before meals to solve problems with potency.

Leuzea extract

In pharmacology, a ready-made liquid extract of leuzea safflower is produced. It has a bitter taste and red-brown color. The extract is prescribed twice a day before meals, 15 drops.

Leuzea root

The root of the plant remarkably regulates blood pressure in hypotensive patients, normalizing the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells in human blood.

Leuzea oil

It has been proven that leuzea oil perfectly improves visual acuity in case of fatigue and overwork. In addition, it is used to quickly eliminate the hangover syndrome, as it is an antidote to alcohol.

Levzei seeds

Leuzea seeds are not used in medicine.

Leuzea honey

The beautiful flowers of Leuzea produce an incredible amount of pollen and nectar, which is why bees love them. The honey productivity of this plant is 100 kg per 1 ha. Fragrant and delicate in taste, honey has a greenish tint. Such honey is used in gynecological practice, and is also recommended for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Contraindications to the use of Leuzea

Leuzea safflower-like preparations are prohibited for use in advanced forms of cardiosclerosis and in hypertensive patients.

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