Leukoplakia – symptoms, causes, types, treatment

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Leukoplakia is a disease that relatively few people have heard of. It is a condition of the oral cavity, which – although it is not so serious at first – can lead to serious complications, so it is definitely worth knowing about it and reacting early enough when we notice its symptoms.

Leukoplakia is the so-called keratosis, i.e. hyperkeratosis. This ailment affects the oral cavity (it may also affect the genitals), where characteristic streaks are formed on the mucosa at first, and then specific white spots. These stains are painless and indelible.

The most dangerous variety leukoplakii jest erythroleukoplakiawhich is in fact a non-invasive cancer of the oral cavity, so we should respond as soon as possible if we notice such disturbing symptoms on the oral mucosa.

The causes of leukoplakia

What could be the reasons leukoplakii? These are various factors, but cigarette smoking is one of the most important. In addition, the disease can also be caused by alcohol consumption, fungal infection, infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV 16 and 18), the habit of chewing the cheek, various genetic factors, as well as iron or vitamin A deficiency. Leukoplakiawhich proceeds without specifying the cause of its formation, is called idiopathic leukoplakia.

Types of leukoplakia

There are two types leukoplakii: homogeneous and non-homogeneous. The first of them is located primarily at cheeks, is the most common of the varieties and not so dangerous as it usually does not become malignant in oral cancer. Leukoplakia inhomogeneous usually is located on floor of the mouth (especially under the tongue), around the palatal arches, on the lips and the side surfaces of the tongue. It is quite dangerous because it is often transformed into a malignant form.

Also read: Allergic lesions of the oral mucosa

Leukoplakia shows symptoms that may alarm us. However, it is worth remembering that not all changes in the oral cavity indicate this ailment. Besides it, there are also many other factors and diseases that may be related to the like symptoms.

White rough plaques can be caused by mechanical trauma, for example, biting the cheeks. However, they are not symptom of leukoplakiaif they disappear on their own. Some people have the so-called linea albathat is just white lines that are symmetrically placed on both cheeks. They are smooth, slightly wavy, but also painless. FROM leukoplakia a white spongy nevus that appears at birth or early in life can also be confused and lasts a lifetime. It should also be distinguished leukoplakię from leukoedema, oral mycosis and lichen planus. If we have any doubts about white lesions on the oral mucosa, it is worth going to the doctor for a detailed consultation.

If we notice symptoms of the disease, first of all, the possibility of other similar diseases mentioned in the previous paragraph should be eliminated. Particular caution and more frequent observation should be carried out by people who smoke cigarettes as well as those who consume large amounts of alcohol.

When a disease is detected, these factors should be completely abandoned in the first place. To start proper treatment of leukoplakiand, it is first necessary to establish the type of affliction. If the tests show that the lesions in the oral cavity may become malignant, a sample should be taken for a histopathological examination. If it shows leukoplakię inhomogeneous, the lesion can be removed with a scalpel or with a laser. If we are dealing with a homogeneous variety, we should eliminate all the factors that may cause it and start a systematic observation repeated approximately every 2 weeks. If these factors were the only cause of the lesions in the mouth and the stains begin to disappear on their own, further leczenie It is not necessary. However, if this does not happen and improvement does not occur within 2-3 months, such lesions should also be surgically removed.

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  1. আমি তিন বা চার মাস লিউকোপ্লাকিয়ায় আক্রান্ত।অনেক ডা:দেখাইলাম,টেক্সট করাইলাম, ওষুধ খাইলাম।রিপোর্ট ভালো আছে।কিন্তু ওষুধে কাজ করে না।ডাক্তার এর মতে এসব ওষুধে কাজ করার কথা।কিছু বুঝতেছি না কী করব?তবে আমি ধূমপান করি না,পানও খাই না,ডায়াবেটিস ও নাই। যদি সম্ভব হয় কোন পরামর্শ দিবেন।

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