- general description
- Classification and reasons
- Symptoms
- Complications
- Prevention
- Treatment in mainstream medicine
- Healthy foods
- ethnoscience
- Dangerous and harmful products
General description of the disease
This is an increased content of leukocytes in the blood. This pathology indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and requires careful analysis.
Leukocytes or white blood cells are bright markers of the state of the human body. During any examination, a blood test is prescribed to the patient, and the doctor first of all pays attention to the concentration of leukocytes in the blood.
The number of leukocytes is variable, which depends on various factors, but above all on the age of the person.
Classification and causes of leukocytosis
The types of leukocytosis depend on the reasons that provoke them:
- physiological provoke physical and emotional overload, intake of protein products, hot baths, hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy or childbirth;
- pathological occurs with oncological pathologies, loss of large amounts of blood, infectious diseases, heart attacks of non-microbial origin, renal failure, serious burns, inflammatory-purulent processes;
- short-term is reactive in nature, is observed during stressful situations or sudden jumps in the temperature of the external environment, usually passes along with the factor that provoked it;
- neutrophilic observed in patients with acute infections and sluggish inflammatory processes;
- eosinophilic appears with allergic manifestations to drugs and some types of products;
- basophilic can cause ulcerative colitis and pregnancy;
- lymphocytic provoke infections such as whooping cough, syphilis, viral hepatitis, brucellosis, tuberculosis;
- monocytic observed in malignant neoplasms and bacterial infections.
Symptoms of leukocytosis
So far, no specific symptomatic manifestations of leukocytosis have been found. There are no specific symptoms indicating an increase in the concentration of leukocytes in the blood. Leukocytosis itself is a symptom of some kind of pathology. A visual examination of the patient will never give an answer about the level of white blood cells in the blood, a blood test is necessary.
However, experts believe that leukocytosis is accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:
- 1 apathy, drowsiness;
- 2 loss of appetite and weight loss;
- 3 subfebrile temperature;
- 4 frequent bruising;
- 5 increased sweating at night;
- 6 sudden loss of consciousness;
- 7 visual impairment;
- 8 pain in the abdominal area;
- 9 labored breathing;
- 10 enlargement of the spleen and liver;
- 11 complaints of fatigue.
Complications of leukocytosis
The main danger in leukocytosis is the complications of those pathologies that provoked it. Untimely therapy can result in depletion of the immune system.
Against the background of leukocytosis, leukemia and malignant neoplasms can develop. Leukocytosis in pregnant women can lead to the development of pathologies in the fetus.
Prevention of leukocytosis
Preventive measures include:
- regular check-ups;
- taking immunostimulating agents;
- timely therapy of bacterial infections;
- healthy lifestyle;
- periodic blood tests;
- regular moderate physical activity;
- correct diet;
- full night sleep, at least 8 hours a day;
- adherence to a healthy daily regimen;
- a sufficient amount of liquid.
Treatment of leukocytosis in official medicine
There is no specific therapy for this pathology. In order to bring the concentration of leukocytes back to normal, it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused their increased content.
Depending on the cause of the pathology in the treatment of leukocytosis, they use:
- 1 antibiotics – used to prevent the development of sepsis and to treat bacterial infections;
- 2 steroids – used to relieve the inflammatory process;
- 3 antacids – reduce the amount of acid in the urine of a patient with leukocytosis;
- 4 leukophoresis – a procedure by which excess leukocytes are removed from the blood;
- 5 antihistamines used to relieve allergy symptoms;
- 6 chemotherapeutic agents used in the development of leukemia.
Useful foods for leukocytosis
An important point in the therapy of leukocytosis is a properly rationally selected and fortified diet, which should be rich in foods that provoke the production of hemoglobin. Vitamin C and trace elements such as copper, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc, cobalt help to normalize the concentration of blood cells in the blood. Therefore, the diet of a patient with leukocytosis should include the following foods:
- vegetables: zucchini, eggplants, beets, all types of cabbage, onions. And also pumpkin and horseradish, lettuce, celery, spinach.
- strawberries and blueberries, citrus fruits, cherries, dark grapes. It is recommended to include in the diet also peaches, pears, apricots, pomegranates;
- bread products made from wholemeal flour, buckwheat, millet, barley and wheat groats;
- chicken egg yolks, rabbit and poultry meat, pasteurized milk;
- seafood, herring, pink salmon;
- cheese and cottage cheese;
- propolis and dark types of honey;
- supplement nutrition with hematogen and dry protein mixture for the absorption of iron;
- soy products, nuts and seeds;
- coconut milk, olives.
Folk remedies for leukocytosis
- 1 drink as tea during the day a decoction of rose hips or elderberry leaves, you can add lemon balm and mint to these decoctions;
- 2 in decoctions of the herb of lungwort or calamus root, add red fortified wine in a 1: 1 ratio and take 0,5 cups three times a day before meals;
- 3 drink juice from the leaves and roots of forest mallow;
- 4 pour birch buds in a ratio of 1 tsp. for 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil and drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals;
- 5 try to eat as many berries as possible during the strawberry season;
- 6 take twice a day for 12 tbsp. decoction of field horsetail;
- 7 drink a decoction of blueberry leaves as tea, at least 5 glasses per day for 3 months;
- 8 add wheat germ to food;
- 9 the pulp of watermelon contains a lot of iron, therefore, during the season of watermelons, it is necessary to include them daily in the diet of a patient with leukocytosis. And in the fall and winter, you can use watermelon honey. To prepare it, the pulp of ripe fruits is crushed, put on fire and evaporated until the volume of the mass decreases by about 5 times;
- 10 drink 1 tsp on an empty stomach. juice from green beans.
Dangerous and harmful foods with leukocytosis
There are a number of food products that can aggravate the course of the disease, so they must be excluded from the patient’s diet:
- alcoholic beverages;
- meat and lard, with refractory fats: lamb, beef and pork;
- foods high in caffeine: Pepsi-Cola, strong tea, coffee;
- buns and pies;
- foods that help thin the blood: viburnum berries, figs, lemon, cocoa, garlic, ginger;
- fast food;
- foods that contain vinegar, such as brine
- smoked food;
- sweet soda.
- Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
- Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
- Wikipedia article “Leukocytosis”
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