Leukemia – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

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Leukemia is a group of neoplasms associated with pathology in the hematopoietic system. The essence of leukemia is the inadvertent growth of a specific type of cells in the white blood cell system (bone marrow or lymph nodes) with subsequent penetration into the blood not only of mature cells, but also of younger cells.

Leukemia – Causes

There is no clear answer as to why it occurs leukemia hyperplasiathat causes cancer of the blood. However, there are four groups of factors:

  1. genetic predisposition – individual susceptibility and susceptibility,
  2. factors of an infectious nature – most likely viral,
  3. physical, chemical or biological factors triggering the proliferation process,
  4. impaired function of the immune system.

They make a person develop leukemia. These factors can activate viruses that have been present in the blood for years and cause the growth of pathological cells. An overgrowth that the body’s immune defense cannot overcome.

The natural defense against leukemia is therefore the immune system, which can respond rapidly to unusual cell structures. If the system malfunctions, it cannot recognize the pathological cells and therefore cannot defend itself against them. The uncontrolled ones begin to grow rapidly, destroying other cells that the body needs (e.g. red blood cells) – then we are talking about leukemia. The clinical course of the disease is characterized by its specificity – then we are talking about leukemia acute i chronic.

Leukemia – Symptoms

There is no known cause for leukemia, and there are no homogeneous symptoms that can be diagnosed immediately. We can only talk about certain groups of symptoms that may or may not indicate a tumor.

Acute leukemias usually manifest:

  1. rapid accretion of a severe disease state,
  2. general weakness and therefore easy fatigue,
  3. septic fever,
  4. pale skin (as an expression of accompanying anemia),
  5. angina-type ailments with gray-brown patches and hard-to-heal ulcers on usually oversized tonsils, oral mucosa or tongue,
  6. a tendency to the formation of intradermal bruises, minor or major bruises and spontaneous haemorrhages (e.g. from the nose).

Chronic leukemias they are characterized by similar, but less turbulent symptoms. Leukemia patients complain of:

  1. progressive general weakness and limitation of physical fitness,
  2. increasing pale skin, conjunctiva and visible oral mucosa,
  3. variable sore throats
  4. feeling of pressure in the abdomen,
  5. progressive, local or generalized swelling of the lymph nodes, etc.
  6. increased susceptibility to infections.

Leukemia – Diagnosis

The diagnosis of leukemia can be made only after performing a complete blood count and a bioptical bone marrow examination. Diagnosing the type of leukemia also requires observing the patient in the hospital. If the described changes are accompanied by an enlarged lymph nodes, it is usually necessary to conduct a simultaneous histopathological examination of a segment of the enlarged lymph node.

Leukemia – Treatment

Treatment of leukemia is highly specialized and requires full consultation and supervision by a team of doctors. Treatment is aimed at inhibiting the proliferation of pathological cells and its consequences. The patient is given a number of pharmacological agents that may also adversely affect the functioning of other organs. Drugs often cause a weakening of immunity, so the patient is prone to infectious complications.

Leukemia – Prevention

Leukemia prevention is limited to broadly understood healthy eating and living and working in a healthy environment.

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