Leucine is the most important amino acid

Leucine is the most important amino acid

Leucine (abbreviated as Leu or L) is an essential aliphatic branched chain amino acid. In terms of volume, leucine is one of the largest amino acids. It is part of the BCAA amino acids.


Leucine is the main constituent of all natural proteins, takes an active part in the synthesis and breakdown of protein. In the human body, leucine is found in significant quantities in the pancreas, liver, kidneys, spleen, muscle cells and tissues, as well as in the composition of blood serum proteins.

Leucine is one of the essential amino acids, which is not synthesized by the cells of the body, therefore enters the body exclusively as part of natural food proteins. The absence or lack of leucine in the body can lead to metabolic disorders, stunted growth and development, and a decrease in body weight.

Dietary Sources of Leucine: This amino acid is found in hazelnuts, beans, soy flour, brown rice, egg whites, meat (beef fillets, salmon, chicken breasts) and whole wheat.

Depending on the lifestyle, the level of stress and other factors, the human body’s need for leucine ranges from 6 to 15 g per day.

The biological role of leucine

  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • provides nitrogen balance necessary for the process of metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • prevents the appearance of fatigue associated with the overproduction of serotonin;
  • necessary for the construction and normal development of muscle tissue;
  • protects muscle cells and tissues from constant decay;
  • is a specific source of energy at the cellular level;
  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • It strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes rapid wound healing.


Today, leucine in combination with glutamic acid, methionine and other amino acids is actively used to treat liver diseases, anemia, muscular dystrophy, some forms of toxicosis, as well as in some diseases of the nervous system and Menkes syndrome.


Leucine and sports nutrition

Leucine belongs to the so-called “BCAA amino acids” (isoleucine, leucine and valine). Numerous studies have proven that of all BCAAs, leucine is the most effective amino acid. It is the rise in the level of this substance after eating that acts as a certain signal for the synthesis of proteins in muscle cells.

There is scientific evidence that supplementation with BCAA amino acids reduces muscle protein breakdown in athletes during exercise, while leucine has a powerful effect on skeletal muscle anabolism. In addition, there is evidence that BCAAs can reduce post-workout muscle fatigue and relieve delayed muscle soreness. promote and aid the recovery of the body after exhausting exercise in the gym.

Regulation of glucose levels

The breakdown of leucine in skeletal muscle leads to the formation of glutamine and alanine, amino acids that are important elements in the maintenance of glucose levels in the body.


Due to a sufficiently long cycle (alanine-pyruvate-glucose-pyruvate-alanine), hepatic glucose is formed in the body, and the necessary balance of glucose levels is maintained. In this process, leucine is a kind of starting material for the formation of glucose in the liver.

The significance of this fact is that with the help of leucine, a person can easily take advantage of any low-carbohydrate diet in order to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

Leucine and sports diets

leucine has the ability to burn glucose by stimulating the process in the glucose-alanine cycle. Due to this, the body maintains a stable sugar level, and maintains the necessary muscle mass in a low-calorie diet.


Plus, leucine works with insulin to help muscles coordinate protein synthesis. In the diagrams below, you can trace the entire process of action and compare the final result:

It turns out that leucine and other BCAA’s cause the body to release serine and threonine, creating a phosphorylating stream, which ultimately activates the translation of protein synthesis, which is responsible for muscle growth.


So, leucine is an effective adjuvant that increases a person’s performance during various diets. Taking leucine and other BCAA amino acids helps athletes reduce body fat, increase muscle mass, increase endurance and improve the quality of exercise during training.


Related Sports Nutrition Categories:

  • BCAA
  • Protein
  • Amino acids

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