Lettuce and spinach cause food poisoning

It is not meat and poultry, but vegetables and fruit that most often cause food poisoning. This is what American researchers who looked at this problem in the US say.

Vegetables and fruits make 46 percent. food poisoning, meat and poultry only 22 percent, according to a study commissioned by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Michael Doyle, head of the Center for Food Safety Analysis at the University of Georgia, who participated in this study, pays particular attention to the risk of developing the disease after eating lettuce and spinach.

According to the conclusions of Doyle published in the pages of the Moderm Farmer magazine, they are the main culprits of food poisoning, as they are the places where bacteria most often nest. In addition, vegetables, unlike meat and poultry, are eaten raw, so there is no way to get rid of the risk.

In extreme cases, US medics warn, contaminated lettuce packed in a plastic bag can even damage the kidneys.

The fact that food poisoning in the USA is a serious problem is evidenced by the fact that every sixth person in the country suffers from it every year.

Even washing lettuce or spinach will not get rid of bacteria. According to Doyle, the actions of farmers who should kill bacteria while still in the field using appropriate disinfectants can prevent food poisoning. Such guarantees, in Doyle’s opinion, are not provided by chlorine. (PAP)

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