Let’s say «no» to edema: we restore lymph circulation

Improper diet, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle — all this often leads to edema. Fortunately, this is fixable: lifestyle changes and a few simple exercises will help restore lymph circulation and metabolic processes in the body as a whole.

Remember the exercise “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired”? In childhood, uttering this phrase, it was necessary to shake the hands properly, shaking off tension from them. In the same way, before performing basic exercises to restore lymph circulation, you need to shake yourself up, but with your whole body.

We start with the hands and gradually «raise» the movement to the shoulders — so that even the shoulder joints are involved. We stand on tiptoe and lower ourselves sharply, shaking the whole body. This preparatory exercise speeds up the flow of lymph, preparing the body for the basic practices.

The role of the diaphragm

There are several diaphragms in our body, in particular, the abdominal (at the level of the solar plexus) and the pelvic. They work like a pump, helping fluids circulate throughout the body. On inspiration, these diaphragms synchronously lower, on exhalation they rise. We usually do not notice this movement and therefore do not pay much attention if it is reduced for some reason. Namely, this happens against the background of habitual stresses (a sedentary lifestyle), and when overeating.

It is important to restore the normal movement of the diaphragms so that they help the fluid rise up on exhalation and accelerate the downward movement on inspiration. This can be done by deepening the relaxation of these two structures: the upper and lower diaphragms.

Abdominal diaphragm exercise

For deep relaxation of the abdominal diaphragm and the entire area above it — the chest — you need to use a special fitness roller or a tightly folded towel or blanket.

Lie down on the roller along — so that it supports the entire body and head, from the crown to the tailbone. The legs are bent at the knees and positioned so wide that you can confidently balance on the roller. Ride it from side to side, finding a comfortable position.

Now bend your elbows and spread them so that both shoulders and forearms are parallel to the floor. The chest opens, there is a feeling of tension. Take a deep breath to deepen the feeling of stretching, opening the chest.

Pelvic floor exercise

To relax the pelvic diaphragm, we will use breath holding. Still lying on the roller, take a deep breath and exhale, hold your breath, and then put your hands behind your head. Feel how they carry the thoracic diaphragm with them, and behind it the pelvic diaphragm seems to be pulled up.

The purpose of this exercise is to relax the area between the thoracic and pelvic diaphragms, to stretch it. The space between them becomes larger, the lower back is longer, the stomach is flatter, as if it wants to be drawn in. Ask yourself the question: “What else can I relax in the abdomen, pelvis, lower back”? And restore normal breathing.

Do both exercises several times, stand up slowly and notice how much the sensations in your body have changed. Such exercises create a more relaxed, free, flexible posture — and therefore improve the circulation of fluids, in particular, lymph throughout the body.

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