Let’s live: 10 dog breeds that are distinguished by longevity
Farewell to your beloved pet is a grief for the whole family, and it is better for it to happen as late as possible. found dog breeds, representatives of which, on average, live longer than others.
The average life span of a dog is 10-13 years. Small breeds tend to live longer than large breeds. However, this is influenced not only by size, but also by genetic characteristics, a healthy diet, physical activity, proper care, love and affection from the owners. We have found 10 dog breeds that will delight you the longest.
A small dog until old age is a puppy – in the case of this breed, old age comes quite late, they often live longer than 15 years, and some even up to 20. True, training to stimulate mental activity, as well as a large number of outdoor games, will not be superfluous. In general, Chihuahuas are in excellent health, but there are heart and eye problems.
Dachshunds over 15 years old are not uncommon. The longest life expectancy is 21 – that is how long a dog named Chanel was when she passed away in 2009, entering the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest dachshund in the world. Due to their characteristic body structure and elongated back, dachshunds often have spinal problems, especially if the dog is obese.
Miniature poodle
Very smart and agile, dogs of this breed get along well with all family members and will not mind long walks at all – you need to put this irrepressible energy somewhere. The amount of vitality allows the toy poodle to often live up to 17-18 years old, however, the breed is often prone to orthopedic problems, as well as eye diseases.
Jack Russell Terrier
After watching the movie “The Mask” with Jim Carrey, it’s hard not to fall in love with such a dog. They are distinguished by intelligence and energy, since the breed was bred specifically for hunting. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the longevity record was held by a dog named Willie, who died in 2014 at the age of 20. On average, Jack Russell Terriers live up to 16 years.
Shih Tzu
Funny and incredibly friendly dogs of this breed with a long satin coat live on average 15 years. The breed was specially bred as a companion dog, therefore it has a strong sense of affection for the owner – you just need to walk and play with them more. In general, Shih Tzu do not complain about health, but orthopedic problems and vision problems may occur.
Researchers disagree on where the breed came from – from Italy or Tibet, but agree that it is quite ancient. They are distinguished by a strong sense of affection for the owners, they are able to live 15 years or longer. However, the dog will suffer greatly in the absence of its owners, therefore it is not recommended to leave it alone for a long time.
Yorkshire Terrier
The breed appeared at the end of the 15th century in the English county of Yorkshire and over time became one of the most popular indoor and decorative dog breeds. Usually they are very friendly to all family members, but they are also able to show courage – the genes of large terriers make themselves felt. Yorkies often live to be XNUMX or more.
Pomeranian Spitz
Spitz are known for their friendliness and playfulness, but at the same time they can take on the role of a guard dog, they are not shy and are distinguished by courage. However, they can be stubborn, with a tendency to dominate, so it is worth training them from an early age. The most common pomegranates are orange with red hair, they have a short muzzle and a fluffy forehead. The average life expectancy is 12 to 16 years.
Shiba Inu
For a medium-sized dog, the Shiba Inu has an excellent lifespan of 16 years or more. The breed was bred on the Japanese island of Honshu and even declared a national treasure of this country. They are distinguished by intelligence and quick-wittedness, they are faithful, but at the same time they can make it clear to the owner that they will live well without him, therefore this breed is not for everyone. In general, they are in good health, but sometimes they can suffer from allergies.
Australian cattle dog
Compared to other dogs of this size, it lives long enough – the record holder of this breed, a dog named Blui, lived for 29 years. True, this record was recorded back in 1939, while the average life expectancy is about 12-16 years. The name of the breed also determines the temperament – they are distinguished by their endurance and strength, they are able to protect the owners and their property. However, at the same time, they are gentle and affectionate, easy to train.