The most beneficial for health, rich in polyphenols, is multifruit juice. The results of the research conducted at the University of Strasbourg suggest that a juice containing 63% of grapes, an admixture of apple juice, strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, aronia and acerolia is ideal.
The amount of polyphenols supplied in a glass corresponds to a glass fault i a cube of chocolate with beneficial properties for blood cells. So let’s drink juice for the health of our arteries on the advice of French scientists.
If you are thirsty, let us be aware that fruit juice is the healthiest when prepared at home, not so much in a juicer as in a juicer.
Pomegranate properties
Juice consumed daily granata reduces stress and improves mood. This is not the end of him advantages. It prevents cancer and delays the aging process of the body, thanks to the wealth of antioxidants.
Grape properties
The most important ingredient of the multifruit juice recommended by researchers, grape improves the kidneys, liver and nervous system. The vitamins and minerals contained in grapes have a positive effect on skin comfort, detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.
Lemon properties
Juice from lemonsAlthough it contains less vitamin C than blackcurrant, it cleanses the body just like grape, reduces appetite and stimulates metabolism. It is indicated for people who are slimming, but also suffering from cardiovascular diseases, because it lowers blood pressure. It restores vitality and increases immunity, so it should be drunk by people after antibiotic therapy and those suffering from chronic fatigue.
Cranberry properties
Cranberries eliminates the symptoms of ulcer disease. Lowers the urine pH. It has an antibacterial effect, so it will also be useful for people who suffer from inflammation of the urinary tract. It prevents fecal bacteria from settling in the bladder, so they can be removed when urinating. Cranberry strengthens the heart, prevents thrombosis and is recommended in the recovery of people after a heart attack. It promotes the growth of the intestinal flora, fights harmful bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, and facilitates digestion. It creates a protective layer on the surface of the teeth against bacteria, prevents caries and diseases of the oral cavity. Increases by 120% level of antioxidants, which prevent the formation of cancer, especially leukemia, lung cancer and colon cancer. Cranberry juice deserves even more admiration because it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It inhibits the aging process of brain cells and their death.