Spring is a good reason to take care of immunity and arrange a full-scale prevention for it. On the eve of cold weather, it is important to charge the body not only with vitamins and minerals. Without slow carbohydrates, a strong immune system is out of the question. How to get the maximum benefit from them, we understand together with the National trademark.
Speed solves everything
As you know, carbohydrates are essential components of all living organisms and at the same time the main source of energy. All carbohydrates are usually divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex). Simple carbohydrates are rapidly broken down, instantly absorbed and turn into hated fat deposits, while slow carbohydrates have a complex structure, due to which they are broken down and absorbed longer, saturating the body with energy for a long period. At the same time, the body itself spends a lot of energy on digesting food with a high content of complex carbohydrates. To do this, he often uses fat reserves. At this moment, we experience a feeling of satiety, and all our systems begin to work smoothly.
Slow, but sure use
How are slow carbohydrates useful for the immune system? First of all, they feed the body with “long-playing” energy, increasing endurance and resistance to various diseases. In addition, slow carbohydrates lower and maintain normal blood sugar levels. Do not forget, high sugar inflames imaginary hunger and the desire to satisfy it with harmful fast carbohydrates. Another merit of good carbohydrates is a functioning metabolism without failures. For a weakened immune system, this is extremely important. After all, it is not enough to pump it with vitamins, micro – and macronutrients. It is important that they are fully assimilated and reach their destination. Is it worth reminding that a proper metabolism is the key to a normal weight and good health?
Nourishing grains of health
What foods are rich in slow carbohydrates? First of all, these are various cereals. But here it is important to find really high-quality products. The Greek “National” undoubtedly belongs to them. Selected grains undergo special processing, calibration and purification, thanks to which carbohydrates are completely preserved, and the nutritional value increases. National oat flakes are also famous for their generous reserves of carbohydrates and fiber. The main secret lies in the selected whole grain and special production technology. Unpolished brown rice should also be included in this list. After all, the carbohydrates we are interested in are contained in the bran shell. A mixture of red and brown rice “Phoenix” and brown rice “Health” produced by “National” is exactly what we need.
Products with superpowers
The so-called superfoods affect the immune system in the most favorable way. Among them, quinoa groats are invariably distinguished. Quinoa tastes like unprocessed rice, it is well suited as a side dish and for cooking porridge. Quinoa contains amino acids and a large amount of vegetable proteins. It is notable for the fact that it contains more vegetable protein than any other cereal. The reserves of complex carbohydrates are also impressive. And there is also a whole vitamin and mineral complex hidden in these tiny grains. All these properties are fully possessed by white quinoa “National”. Bulgur is considered to be another superfood. This cereal is produced exclusively from durum wheat. The grains are steamed in a special way, dried, then they are cleaned from the shell and crushed. This is how bulgur “National” is obtained, which is distinguished by rather large grains. This method of processing allows you to save a maximum of valuable elements that the immune system needs so much.
The Hidden Power of Beans
Legumes are recognized as an inexhaustible source of slow carbohydrates. Pay special attention to those that have not been sanded. For example, green lentils. Its preserved shell hides countless reserves of complex carbohydrates. Green lentils are rich in vegetable protein, B vitamins, as well as minerals. Do not forget about the traditional red and white beans. These are real vegetable analogues of meat, which have one important property. They maintain a harmonious balance of vitamins and minerals that are vital for the immune system.
By the way, lentils and beans of various varieties are presented in the National brand line. Do you want to add not only benefits to the diet, but also an exotic flavor? Include Arabic lentils, Turkish chickpeas, Brazilian marron beans and Asian mung mash beans.
Slow carbohydrates are the allies of a strong immune system. The main thing is to choose the right products and correctly include them in your daily diet. Cereals and legumes of the National trademark will help you to cope with this task. These are products of unsurpassed quality, which invariably delight with a wealth of taste combinations and bring undoubted health benefits.