It happens that in the midst of a tense conversation, we suddenly realize in confusion that we are completely unable to find the exact word. Psychophysiologists from the University of Colorado (USA) have found out why at the most crucial moment our brain seems to “stammer” and, despite all our efforts, we can’t decide what words to convey our thought.
It happens that in the midst of a tense conversation, we suddenly realize in confusion that we are completely unable to find the exact word. Psychophysiologists from the University of Colorado (USA) have found out why at the most crucial moment our brain seems to “stammer” and, despite all our efforts, we can’t decide what words to convey our thought. It turned out that the speed and ease of choice depend on how successfully the mechanisms of nervous inhibition work, for which special “inhibitory” neurons (inhibitors) are responsible. In anxious people, they work worse, nervous excitement lasts longer, which prevents them from making a choice. Difficulties concern not only the choice of words, but also more important cases when you have to choose from a large number of possibilities. Scientists offer two options for those who tend to be constantly anxious: take special medications that enhance inhibition processes, or deliberately limit the number of options considered in order to avoid overloading the brain in situations of choice.