Let’s check which teas are slimming?
Lets check which teas are slimming?Let’s check which teas are slimming?

Diet and exercise are the basis in the fight for a perfect figure, but many of us reach for something else. There are dozens of teas and herbal blends on the market that are supposed to increase the chance of losing kilograms. Which ones are the most effective?

  • green – the ketachins contained in it reduce body fat and, when drunk regularly, prevent its accumulation in the body. Tea also prevents excessive absorption of carbohydrates and fats, including cholesterol. Green tea also contains caffeine, which stimulates the digestive system and gives us energy for exercise – which is important when losing weight.
  • Red pu-ehr – prevents the absorption of fats. In addition, numerous studies have proven that it helps to avoid the yo-yo effect. It also naturally improves digestion and acts as a diuretic, so it helps to remove excess water from the body.
  • Yerba-mate – it improves the metabolism of the whole body, which can improve the excretion of fats and increase our activity. In addition, it adds energy, so it is perfect before training.
  • hibiscus – helps to remove excess water in the body, but otherwise has no slimming properties. In slimming tea blends we will find it mainly due to its intense taste and color, which make us want to reach for tea.
  • Fucus – regulates the work of the digestive system. In addition, even a small amount of this brown algae swells in the stomach, causing a feeling of satiety.
  • Garcinia Cambodia Extract – normalizes the ratio of sugar to fat in the blood, thanks to which it can reduce the appetite for sweets.
  • Old people – laxative substance. Although in the first days of drinking such tea the weight will drop really quickly, in fact we get rid of water and minerals from the body, not fat. In addition, when taken for a long time, it is possible that the body will get used to the laxative effect, the intestines will become “lazy” and it will be even more difficult to lose weight.
  • Buckthorn bark – has a similar effect from senna. It accelerates defecation and causes rapid excretion of water from the body. It should be used only periodically (max. a week), because with prolonged use it can lead to mineral deficiencies and intestinal disorders.
  • Anise – makes it easier for us to digest after a hearty meal and we will not feel sluggish. However, there is no slimming effect.

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