“Let her give birth at home”: a pregnant woman with a fever was persecuted in the maternity hospital

Expectant mothers demand to expel a woman who has a fever due to kidney problems. The women in labor immediately diagnosed her with coronavirus.

Fear has made many of us cruel. In one of the maternity hospitals near St. Petersburg, the ward neighbors persecuted the expectant mother because she had a fever. Doctors and relatives assure that everything is in order, the complication was caused by diseased kidneys, the woman has chronic pyelonephritis. But who are you going to calm down now? The patient was tested for COVID-19, a computed tomography of the lungs was done (a pregnant woman!), Pneumonia was not found, the test was negative. Just in case, they did the second, but the results come only on the fourth day. For a few more days, mommy will have to keep the line from her neighbors. But the term is 39 weeks, something can go wrong from experiences.

“Let her be taken to some specialized maternity hospital, for people like her,” accusations are carried both in reality and in a special group on social networks. Some even offer to send her to give birth at home, they say, there she will not harm anyone.

Under the post about the alleged diagnosis of a woman, which, in general, divulges a medical secret, there have already been several hundred comments. And you rarely find words of support among them. The neighbors in the department almost proudly declare that they do not allow a suspected coronavirus to go to the toilet, and are doused with antiseptic from head to toe if they suddenly meet her in the corridor.

Unable to withstand the constant tears of his wife, her husband intervened in the matter, turned to the head of the hospital with a request to influence the situation. Nothing much has changed, except that the unfortunate woman was given the keys to the service toilet, which is located in the other wing, food from the dining room is carried to her and procedures are carried out separately from the others. But this only provokes the rest even more, they say, what kind of “all-inclusive” it is.

In general, everyone can be understood. Pregnancy increases anxiety. When new data about the danger of infection and the consequences are poured from each iron, one after the other the maternity hospital is quarantined, it is difficult to calmly and soberly assess that people are sick not only with coronavirus, other diseases have not been canceled. Everyone is afraid for themselves, and even more so for their child. But how to cope with bullying for a woman who, by chance and the body, had a chronic disease aggravated just before childbirth? In addition, the doctors found out for sure that she was not dangerous for others: they give the woman the opportunity to leave the ward, they conducted a full examination just in case.

Now all the hidden things are becoming more acute. People are really afraid of the situation of the unknown. Fear comes first. If you suddenly want to blame someone for something, try the “three in a cube” exercise: take three deep breaths, inhale through your nose, exhale slowly through your mouth. Find three objects around you, think about them, how they sound, what are their qualities. And then look inside yourself, feel your rhythm: how the heart beats, how the blood flows, what is generally happening to you, what your body wants. Well, the main recommendation in the current situation: receive news in doses. Allocate at a convenient time for you 15-20 minutes to read and watch the news. And try to keep the schedule – this way you will reduce the amount of negativity in your life.


Who do you think is right in this situation?

  • If there is even the slightest suspicion, even just a temperature, such patients should be immediately sent to another hospital

  • Isolate her from others to the maximum, so that neither side nor the other is worried

  • I am very sorry for the sick woman. We must try to move away from this situation, give birth to a healthy baby and forget about what happened.

  • And those who caused the panic were themselves tested for coronavirus? Now almost half of the sick carry the virus asymptomatically.

  • I’ll leave my answer in the comments.

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