Leaving your baby without a diaper, rolling him up in a fabric to restrict his movements or communicate with him using sign language: French mothers are seduced by this very extensive mothering. The pluses and minuses of these amazing “techniques”.
This practice of wrapping the toddler in a cloth so as to constrain his arm movements is still practiced in different regions of the world, including Russia. It existed in France until the XNUMXth century.
Most: If the ancients used swaddling newborns so much, it is because an undeniable calming effect. Up to about 3 months, the nervous system of infants, still immature, leads them to have uncontrolled startles, called Moro reflexes, which can interfere with their sleep.
The lessers: Practiced at high doses, swaddling interferes with infant muscle development.
Our opinion: For babies who only fall asleep in their arms, the positive effect of swaddling is sometimes spectacular. It should be reserved for those under 3 months, and only at night, or for short naps, without blocking his legs. To be tested, therefore, without insisting if it does not work, and without ever substituting the swimsuit for the cuddling times it so badly needs.
Natural infant hygiene
Washable diapers or not? The debate is still elsewhere, with the practice of observing your little one to learn how to put it on the potty, or rather on top, at the right time, from the first months.
Most: Practicing parents mention ecological reasons and the strengthening of communication. They denounce jumble: the lack of freedom of movement of the baby in diaper, diaper rashes and allergies, related to their use.
The lessers: Physiologically, the sphincter control cannot be done before 14 months (more often around 24 months). Anticipating urination is a constraint requiring increased parental attention, or a form of conditioning of the child, at the risk of leading to refusals during the acquisition of cleanliness.
Our opinion: Being on the lookout for a baby sign to avoid leaks is not part of family relaxation! Not to mention the risks of such attention which could lead to anxiety-inducing parental hypervigilance.
The sign language
Sign with your baby before he says his first words? It is possible, and even practiced for ten years in France. Several methods offer its use from birth, or from 6-8 months.
Most: The supporters of this method emphasize that it is not intended to replace language, but to improve early communication with his child, and above all to reduce his frustrations and temper tantrums while he is still too young to verbally express their needs.
The lessers: Just like fear or joy, experiencing frustration and learning to manage it – even if this involves crying and screaming (sometimes difficult for those around them) – is part of the psychic development of a young child. This learning will serve him all his life.
Our opinion: Why not if one of your relatives is hearing impaired … Otherwise, this practice represents a significant investment of time and energy for a very limited period.