“Les Moms” is THE series that hits the mark! For this new season, 8 young mothers share with us their daily lives as women and mothers. With them, we will experience a marriage, a birth, a return to nursery school or college, the first steps of children … In short, all the joys and difficulties of everyday life.
Today, we find Pauline, 28 years old, mother of Djulyan, 5 years old and of Victoire, 4 months old; Justine, 29, mother of Cassie, 8 and Tessa, 2, as well as twins, Ella and Clara; Méghane, 26 years old, mother of Gabriel, 3 and a half years old; Léa, 25, mother of Jade, Joyce and Julie; Johanna, 29, mother of Livio, 5 and triplets; Angelica, 25, mother of Stella, 2; Tracy, 30, and Livia, 30, moms to Nathan, 2. All these moms and their families wish you a Merry Christmas!
In video: Les Moms wish you happy holidays!
Discover an excerpt from the new season of “Moms”, with all the mothers of the series.
To be seen in full on Monday 23 December 2019, at 17:50 p.m., on 6ter.
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