Lepiota magnispora (Lepiota magnispora) is a fungus from the Champignon family. I call it differently: lepiota scaly yellowish, silverfish inflated.

Despite the attractiveness, this seemingly axisless representative is life-threatening, since the fruiting body contains toxins.

Lepiota vzdutosporovaya: description and photo

What do blistering lepiotas look like?

There are a lot of umbrella mushrooms, among them there are many lepiots. Therefore, they need to learn to distinguish by external signs.

The fruit body is distinguished by a small hat. Initially, it has the shape of a bell or half a ball. As it grows, it becomes prostrate. The diameter of this part is within 3-6 cm.

Attention! Despite age, the fungus always has a tubercle.

The surface is white-yellow, beige or reddish, and the crown is slightly darker. Scales are located throughout the hat, which are clearly visible along the edge. The lower part of the fruiting body consists of plates. They are wide free, light yellow in color. In young silverfish, they acquire a pale yellow hue over time. The color of the spore powder is white.

Lepiota vzdutosporovaya: description and photo

The blistering lepiota is distinguished by a thin stalk, the diameter of which is about half a centimeter. Height – 5-8 cm. They are hollow, young specimens have a white ring, which first becomes thin, and then disappears altogether.

The surface is covered with scales, which are initially light, and then darken. The inner part near the base is dark red or brown. In young representatives of the Champignon family, the entire leg is covered with a bloom in the form of ocher flakes.

Lepiota vzdutosporovaya: description and photo

Where do blistering lepiotas grow?

Where there are mixed or deciduous forests with moist soil, you can find lepiotas. These are summer and autumn mushrooms. The first fruiting bodies can please with their appearance in September, until frosts begin.

Attention! They grow in small groups.

Is it possible to eat blistering lepiotas

All types of lepiot have similarities, which makes them difficult to collect. Moreover, the genus has edible representatives. It is better for novice mushroom pickers to refuse to collect fruiting bodies resembling umbrellas.

If we talk about the edibility of the bloated lepiota, then opinions in different sources do not coincide. Some researchers claim that they can be eaten, while others classify representatives with hats in the form of umbrellas as deadly poisonous.

Warning! Because fruiting bodies are poorly understood, it’s best not to risk it if in doubt.

Symptoms of poisoning

Whatever degree of toxicity the blister lepiots possess, it is better not to collect them. Moreover, many sources indicate that there are no antidotes. When poisoning with mushrooms, a person develops nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, the temperature rises.

First aid for poisoning

After calling an ambulance, the victim should be given first aid:

  1. Put to bed.
  2. Give plenty of drink to cleanse the intestines.
  3. After each fluid intake, induce vomiting and drink water again.
  4. Give charcoal tablets as a sorbent.
Comment! A dish with mushrooms, which caused poisoning, cannot be thrown away, it is handed over to doctors.


Lepiota vzdutosporovaya is a poisonous inedible mushroom. Its use can lead to death. However, externally beautiful silverfish should not be kicked, because they are part of wildlife.

Beware of small umbrellas! Shield Lepiota – Lepiota clypeolaria.

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