Poisonous Lepiota is a fungus from the Champignon family, belonging to the order Lamellar. There is another name – brick-red lepiota, the Latin name is Lepiota helveola.

What do poisonous lepiotas look like?

Round hat. Its diameter is from 2 to 7 cm. Upon closer examination of the poisonous lepiota (pictured), in the center you can see an inconspicuous tubercle and thin radial grooves. The color of the cap is grayish-red, the surface is silky, matte. Numerous scales are formed on the hat, resembling felt spots. Under the cap, there are often plates of a pale beige hue. Spores are white, spore powder is also white.

The leg is cylindrical, low (from 2 to 4 cm), pink in color. There is no thickening. When cut, it can be revealed that the leg is hollow, fibrous.

Important! The ring is fragile, white in color, may be absent in adult specimens.

The pulp of the mushroom has a sweetish aroma, there is no mushroom taste.

Lepiota poisonous mushroom: description and photo

Where poisonous lepiotas grow

Poisonous lepiotas are found in Western Europe, as well as in Ukraine. The main habitat of mushrooms is park areas, meadows, grass areas.

Poisonous lepiotas are considered rare mushrooms; they appear in the autumn.

Is it possible to eat poisonous lepiotas

These mushrooms are classified as poisonous. Their consumption is prohibited.

Symptoms of poisoning

Lepiota poisoning is life-threatening. It contains cyanides and nitriles, against which there is no antidote.

Important! Cyanides lead to damage to the brain and central nervous system. Nitriles cause spasm of the respiratory organs, leading to paralysis.

The first symptoms of poisoning appear a quarter of an hour after the mushrooms enter the body. The victim from the oral cavity emits white foam, which occurs due to multiple ruptures of the alveoli in the lungs. Cardiac arrest can occur in 30 minutes. These two factors lead to death.

The victim may have a fever. Incessant vomiting, shortness of breath, foamy discharge from the mouth, blue body or the appearance of bluish spots indicates poisoning with poisonous lepiota.

First aid for poisoning

The faster first aid is provided for mushroom poisoning, the more chances a person has to survive. Algorithm of actions for mushroom poisoning:

  • call a medical team or take the victim to the hospital;
  • do gastric lavage;
  • give the victim a laxative;
  • so that there is no dehydration, the patient is given plenty of fluids;
  • the remains of the food that caused the poisoning should be saved. This will clarify the type of poison.

Prevention recommendations

To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to collect mushrooms correctly:

  • unknown or dubious specimens do not need to be plucked;
  • Mushrooms grown in garbage dumps, city dumps, along highways and near chemical plants are not subject to collection and processing. Fruiting bodies quickly absorb toxic substances, so they can cause poisoning;
  • overgrown or damaged ones are also best left in the forest. Often, poisoning occurs when eating old edible mushrooms;
  • Small children should not be taken to mushroom picking. They often put anything they like into their mouths, such as a red fly agaric hat;
  • you can not buy mushrooms from people trading in spontaneous markets along the roads;
  • processing technology must be strictly followed. Conditionally edible specimens are boiled twice, for at least 20 minutes each time, water is not reused.

Twins and their differences

Lepiota poisonous can be confused with small specimens of the same family. For example, the inflated umbel is a poisonous representative of the mushroom kingdom, outwardly resembling a poisonous lepiot. At the umbrella, the color of the cap is beige or reddish, the surface is covered with small scales. The flesh is yellow, with a pleasant smell.

Important! There is a ring on the leg of the blistering lepiota, which disappears with age.

Fruiting from August to September, found in small groups.

Lepiota poisonous mushroom: description and photo

Lepiota Brebisson has a conical hat with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm. In adult specimens, it opens. A reddish-brown tubercle is clearly visible on the cap. Scales on the surface are rare, brown in color. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, the color is fawn, purple-violet at the base. A fragile ring is formed on the leg. The season of appearance of these specimens is autumn.

Lepiota poisonous mushroom: description and photo


Lepiota poisonous is dangerous to human health. Eating can lead to paralysis of the lungs and death, so when hunting quietly, you should be extremely careful not to collect poisonous specimens in the basket.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

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