The search for effective methods of combating harmful insects is an urgent problem for gardeners. Lepidocid is a popular remedy against various types of pests. Instructions for use Lepidocide contains detailed information about the mechanism of action and the rules for using the insecticide.

Description of the preparation Lepidocide

The agent is an insecticide of biological origin. The substance is intended to protect crops from insect pests. Due to the specificity of the components, it has a selective effect.

Composition of Lepidocide

The main active ingredient is the spores of microbes Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki, as well as their metabolic products. It is a type of Gram-positive soil bacteria that produces endotoxins that exhibit insecticidal properties.

Manufacturer and dosage forms of Lepidocide

Biological raw materials for the drug are produced with the help of OOO PO Sibbiopharm. This is a well-known manufacturer of active substances used for agricultural purposes. The raw materials produced by this enterprise are used by other companies to produce various types of Lepidocide.

Detailed information about the tool:


The drug is produced in several forms. The most common option is a powder for making a liquid suspension, which is treated with affected plants. Lepidocid is produced in packages of 1 kg. The composition of the powder includes a large number of active spores. However, if used improperly, they do not provoke the growth of bacteria, as a result of which the effectiveness of the insecticide decreases.

Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

Pesticide used to control caterpillars of harmful insects

The second form of Lepidocide is a suspension concentrate (SC). This is an insecticide in liquid form, available in containers from 0,5 liters. It is usually used for mass pest infestations. There is also a modified suspension concentrate, which contains bacteria of a different serotype.

The mechanism of influence on pests

The main characteristics of Lepidocide are high selective efficiency and safety for plants. The tool belongs to the category of intestinal insecticides.

The effect occurs when the active ingredients of Lepidocide penetrate the digestive system of the insect. Endotoxins, which are produced by bacteria, are activated inside the intestine and destroy it. This leads to the fact that the pests lose their ability to eat and subsequently die.

The tool is effective against the following types of insects:

  • leaflets;
  • silkworm;
  • meadow moths;
  • moths;
  • whites;
  • fruit moth;
  • cabbage and cotton scoops;
  • fireworks;
  • apple codling moths;
  • American butterfly.
Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

The drug, due to the rich smell, is a strong repellant for insects (repellent)

Important! Caterpillars and insect larvae pose the greatest danger to cultivated plants. Such pests are called leaf-eating.

The action of the drug begins 4-5 hours after the treatment of the plant. Mass death of insects occurs in 3-7 days.

Pros and cons of the drug Lepidocid

Biopreparation has many advantages. In addition to a wide spectrum of action and a high level of effectiveness, this insecticide is completely safe for the human body.

Other benefits include:

  1. The active ingredients are safe for bees and pollinating insects.
  2. The agent does not have a harmful effect on plant cells.
  3. The drug does not affect the composition of the soil, since its main habitat is the intestines of insects.
  4. Active bacteria and spores do not accumulate in fruits.
  5. Pests do not show resistance to the insecticide, that is, they are not able to adapt to its action.
  6. The tool can be combined with most pesticides, alcohol solutions, acids.
  7. The remains of the drug are a safe type of waste and do not require special disposal.

Other biological insecticides that are analogues of Lepidocide also have identical properties. Despite a number of advantages, such tools also have disadvantages.

Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

“Lepidocid” is safe for bees and entomophage insects

Among them:

  1. The drugs only work when they enter the intestines.
  2. The active substances do not destroy the pests, but interfere with their nutrition, which leads to death only after a few days.
  3. The migratory and breeding generation of insects may not be sensitive to the drug.
  4. The tool is ineffective against certain types of beetles and dipterans.
  5. The insecticide only works on leaf-eating insects.
  6. The drug has a sharp unpleasant odor.
  7. Treatment with Lepidocide must be carried out repeatedly to prevent the reappearance of pests.

These shortcomings indicate that the drug is not universal. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, the use of an insecticide must be in accordance with the rules.

Instructions for use Lepidocide for plants

The method of use depends on which crop is affected by pests. Also, the application is affected by the variety of “Lepidocide”.

The plant should be treated with such a remedy in case of mass damage by leaf-eating insects, especially caterpillars. The powder or concentrate is dissolved in water.

Important! The dosage of the active ingredient depends on the size of the treated area and the variety of the affected plant.

The treatment preparation consists of a concentrate, water and an adhesive agent. The function of the latter can be performed by a soapy liquid or a small amount of detergent.

Preparation of insecticide:

  1. Calculate the dose of the drug for the treatment of a particular type of crop.
  2. Dilute the required amount of powder in 0,5 liters of warm water.
  3. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes to activate the spores.
  4. Introduce the agent into the sprayer tank filled with liquid.
  5. Add adhesive.
Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

Caterpillars after treatment with the drug die for 2-3 days

This preparation method is used for both powder and Lepidocide concentrate. The treatment of affected plants should be carried out in the morning, when the dew dries. Foliage must be dry. If rain is forecast, the procedure is recommended to be rescheduled.

The use of Lepidocide for vegetable crops

The insecticide is intended for repeated processing during the growing season. The period between each procedure is 5 days. To get rid of pests of vegetables, 2-3 treatments are enough.

Lepidocid is used to protect such crops:

  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplants;
  • pepper.
Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

The agent does not accumulate in plants and fruits

The most common vegetable pests are potato and cabbage moths, Colorado potato beetle, shovel, meadow moth and moth. Processing is carried out for each generation of insects. Detailed instructions for the use of Lepidocide against potato moths and other types of pests are included with the preparation. The volume of the working solution is from 200 to 400 liters per 1 ha of land.

Treatment of fruit and berry crops with Lepidocide

The drug is used for the defeat of many plant species. Due to its properties, a biological insecticide can be used to treat berry and fruit crops.

Among them:

  • apple trees;
  • plums;
  • Cherries
  • pears;
  • cherries;
  • apricot;
  • grapes;
  • raspberries;
  • Rowan;
  • currant;
  • mulberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • wild strawberries.

Plants are sprayed with Lepidocide during the growing season at intervals of 7-8 days. For each generation of pests, 2 treatments are carried out. A third is allowed for preventive purposes, but it must be carried out at least 5 days before harvest.

Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

Processing is preferably carried out in the morning in dry weather.

To prepare the working fluid, mix 20-30 g of the drug and 10 liters of water. This dose of insecticide is used to treat fruit trees. For berry bushes, use from 2 liters of working fluid.

Plants are sprayed so that they are covered with a thin wet layer. In this case, the liquid should not drain intensively from the foliage. If this happens, the dosage is exceeded.

Rules for the use of insecticide Lepidocid

Despite the fact that the product is considered safe, a number of recommendations must be followed when processing plants. This will eliminate the potential risk and ensure the effectiveness of procedures in case of damage to different types of caterpillars.

Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

When spraying on plants, a protective film should form.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. The working fluid is prepared from powder or concentrate.
  2. Fill the spray bottle.
  3. Spray the top of the plant, descending to the roots.
  4. Fruit trees and berry bushes are processed from several sides.
  5. If the weather is windy, spraying is carried out in the direction of air movement.
  6. During the procedure, you need to use up all the prepared insecticide.

Many factors influence the effectiveness of the procedure. In order for pest control to be successful, several rules must be observed.

Among them:

  1. Processing is carried out at an air temperature not higher than 30 degrees.
  2. Plants should not be sprayed at night, as pests do not feed at this time.
  3. A second procedure is necessary if heavy rain has passed after the previous one.
  4. When carrying out actions, it is necessary to limit the contact of pets with the drug.
  5. Insecticide components burn well, so treatment is not performed near sources of fire.
  6. The working solution must not be prepared in a food container.

Before processing, you should make sure that there are no restrictions for the procedure. Be sure to make sure that the plants are affected by pests that are sensitive to the action of Lepidocide.

Compatibility with other drugs

Lepidocide can be combined with synthetic and biological insecticides. However, this is not recommended, as the resulting mixture may be dangerous to plants and the human body. It is allowed to mix the drug in small doses with other insecticides. If a precipitate appears during the combination, flakes or foam forms, then it is forbidden to use the resulting product.

Safety Precautions

The drug does not pose a direct threat to the human body. It is not capable of causing acute poisoning even if it enters the intestines. However, other side effects are possible, which are most often found in people prone to allergies.

The following precautions are recommended:

  1. When processing, wear work clothes that cover the entire body.
  2. Use waterproof gloves.
  3. When spraying trees, wear glasses, cover your mouth and nose with a gauze bandage.
  4. Do not allow animals to come into contact with the insecticide.
  5. Spray vegetables and fruit trees at least 5 days before harvest.
  6. Do not spray against the direction of the wind.
  7. Carry out pest control at a distance from water bodies, apiaries, plantings with fodder plants.
Important! To protect yourself from the substance, it is best to wear a rubber raincoat. It will not allow liquid to get on clothes and skin.
Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

The biological product has a strong pungent odor, so it is difficult to remove from clothes

Poisoning is possible only when a very large amount of insecticide enters the body. In this case, the victim develops symptoms of intoxication.

Among them:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • dizziness.

If signs of intoxication appear, seek medical attention. If the solution comes into contact with the skin, it must be washed with warm water and an antiseptic.

Storage Rules

The insecticide should be kept in a separate utility room that is inaccessible to children and animals. Do not store near food, medicine, shoes and clothing.

Lepidocide: instructions for use for plants, reviews, composition

The storage period of the biological product is no more than 12 months

The shelf life of the drug is 1 year. The place of storage should be dry, with moderate humidity. It is recommended to keep the insecticide at a temperature of 5 to 30 degrees.


Instructions for use Lepidocide will help you use the insecticide correctly in pest control. The tool has many advantages and is safe for crops. Following the instructions, everyone can prepare a solution and spray insects.

Feedback on the use of Lepidocide

Ivan Kovalenko, 45 years old, Pskov
Lepidocid works excellently in combination with Aktofit. Such a bacterial mixture helps against any harmful insects. The drug does not accumulate in the plant, so it does not enter the fruit. Another important advantage is the minimum number of contraindications for use.
Natalia Klimenko, 53 years old, Lipetsk
This is a wonderful drug that fights well with boxwood moth. Before that, I had to deal with this voracious insect, which also multiplies rapidly. Two sprays were enough to kill the pests.
Vyacheslav Khizhnyak, 51, Astrakhan city
For a long time I was looking for an effective remedy for whiteflies on grapes. Treatment with Lepidocide helped. Later, I re-sprayed with a mixture of Aktofit and Verticillin to consolidate the result.

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