Leonid Filatov: biography, cause of death, facts, video

Leonid Filatov: biography, cause of death, facts, video

😉 Greetings, dear readers! Thank you for choosing the article “Leonid Filatov: biography, cause of death”. Thanks to everyone who remembers the actor, poet, writer, screenwriter, film director and TV presenter.

The path to success of Leonid Filatov

Lenya Filatov was born a week before the new 1947 in Kazan. Surprisingly, his parents (Filatovs) were namesakes before they got married.

  • father – Alexei Eremeevich, war veteran, sergeant, radio operator (1914-1982);
  • mother – Klavdia Nikolaevna (1923-2007) survived her son by 4 years.

Penza – Ashgabat – Moscow

Due to the duty of his father, the family moved more than once. Lenya spent his childhood in Penza. When he was seven years old, his parents separated. Klavdia Nikolaevna remained in Penza. Aleksey Eremeevich, taking his son, went to his relatives in the capital of Turkmenistan – Ashgabat. Later, at the insistence of his mother, Lenya returned to Penza, where he continued his studies at school.

Then the young man again moved to the white marble city to his father. As a schoolboy, Lenya wrote poetry and parodies of Soviet poets. His works were published in the local newspaper. At the same time, a talented teenager attended a theater studio, dreaming of becoming a director. He loved movies!

After graduating from school, following his dream, the young man arrived in Moscow to enroll in VGIK. The attempt was unsuccessful. It was a shame for Filatov to return to Ashgabat and he finds a way out! After successfully passing the exams at the Shchukin School, he enters the acting department.

In 1969, after graduating from “Pike”, he became an actor of the Moscow Theater on Taganka. A year later, the aspiring actor starred in the movie “The City of First Love”.


  • 1970-1993 – starred in 30 films and 12 television plays. I would like to note the 1979 film “Crew”;
  • 1985-1987 – worked at the Sovremennik Theater;
  • 1987 – debut in the train. “Youth” with a fairy tale about Fedot the Archer;
  • 1989 – elected secretary of the Union of Cinematographers;
  • 1990 – directed the film “Children of bitches” according to his own script;
  • 1993 – together with a group of actors created the creative association “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors”;
  •  1995 – awarded the title of People’s Artist of R.F.
  • 1993-2003 – hosted the program “To be remembered” on the TV channel.

Leonid Filatov: personal life

Zodiac sign – Capricorn (December 24, 1946). Height is 178 cm.

Leonid Alekseevich was married twice:

  • First marriage – with the actress of the Taganka Theater Lydia Savchenko;
  • The second marriage – with the actress of the same theater Nina Sergeevna Shatskaya. They lived together for 21 years.

Leonid Filatov: biography, cause of death, facts, video

Lydia Savchenko, Leonid Filatov and Nina Shatskaya

Filatov did not have children, but he loved Denis – the son of Valery Zolotukhin and Nina Shatskaya.

Leonid Filatov: cause of death

In 1993 Leonid Alekseevich suffered a stroke. Four years later, he underwent a donor kidney transplant.

In the fall of 2003, he caught a cold, which caused serious complications. A disastrous bilateral pneumonia began. For ten days Filatov was in the intensive care unit of a Moscow hospital. For ten days his life was supported by an artificial respiration apparatus.

For treatment, I had to take drugs that increase immunity. This was the greatest risk after a kidney transplant. But the miracle did not happen. On October 26, 2003, his life was cut short.


More detailed information “Leonid Filatov: biography” in this video. There are many interesting facts. Be sure to take a look!

“The story of life” Leonid Filatov

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