Some couples live in a happy marriage for decades, while others find it difficult to be together even for a few days … The point here can be not only in the characters or the desire of partners, sometimes everything is hidden at a deeper level, namely, in the sign of the Zodiac. For example, Virgo and Leo are two quite different signs, two opposites. It is difficult for them to understand each other, so their compatibility is rather low. But if both try to accept each other, then their union can become strong and happy.
Leo is a sign of the element of fire, the Sun itself controls it. He is strong, brave and proud. Leo man does not tolerate boring everyday life and routine. He likes noisy parties and meetings with friends. He also loves to be the center of attention. Popularity is what Leo strives for. But there are other goals in his life, and he tries to achieve each of them with all his might. The Leo man does not like to listen to criticism, sometimes he is selfish and impatient. If he falls in love with someone, he may become too touchy and jealous, but he will seek the attention of the chosen one with all his might.
Virgo belongs to the earth element and personifies purity and order. She is a terrible perfectionist and strives for perfection in everything. The Virgo woman is rather modest and does not like big companies and noisy rest. Her ingenuity and mind are sometimes amazing: she can foresee any consequences and give good advice. It seems that such an ideal lady has no disadvantages, but this is not so: Virgo is often rude for no reason and makes scandals to loved ones. It is difficult to achieve a Virgo girl, she does not open her heart to just anyone. In a relationship, she can be paranoid, she always needs to be reminded that making mistakes in a relationship is normal. One of the tasks of a Virgo is to overcome any inhibiting self-criticism and shine in your own way.
The natural enthusiasm of Leo awakens this in Virgo, especially because the Leo man does it with a pure heart. Virgo doesn’t mind bathing in Leo’s light if she considers her partner and herself equal.
Only having met the Virgin, Leo is unlikely to pay attention to her: she will be a gray mouse for him. But once he gets to know her, he sees many interesting qualities in her. Most likely, he will be interested in communicating with her, they will find a common topic of conversation. But their sweet conversation may end when the argument begins. They decide to find out why they have such different preferences. It is difficult for a Virgo woman to understand Leo’s desire for popularity: he may seem to her an arrogant egoist. He, in turn, does not understand why such a beautiful girl is hiding in the shadows.
A Virgo in Leo will be attracted to his self-esteem and pride, especially if he is polite and disciplined, and also able to keep up the conversation. She needs a serious partner, so she does not want to waste time and nerves on idle bums and empty dreamers. A Leo in love raises a fuss throughout the neighborhood, tries to turn every day into a holiday, plan many surprises and surprise the chosen one. Virgo is generous in love, but she will prefer an orderly life and manifestations of long-term affection over extravagant actions or expenses.
As business partners, Leo and Virgo can create the perfect union. Since Leo is purposeful and strong, and Virgo is incredibly smart. But friendly and romantic relationships may not work out: they are too different. Arguments and swearing are unavoidable. If they still manage to create a happy union, then it will be a huge surprise for everyone.
Love compatibility
The relationship between Leo and Virgo is not easy. These signs have different emotional levels. The Leo man is bright, quick-tempered, he is rich in emotions; the Virgo woman is too restrained and often a sensual person. This difference will greatly interfere with them: she always needs support and calmness, and he needs fun and passion. Leo will try to ignite a spark in Virgo, pull out of her those very bright emotions, but he is unlikely to cope. This will greatly upset him, he will consider himself weak.
Perfect order will always reign in their house thanks to the girl Virgo. But the Leo man will not like it: he loves creative mess and easy chaos. She will be too perfect, which will make him angry. Leo’s life can be filled with routine because of the Virgo, which he simply cannot stand. If these two want to be together, you should follow some rules and look for compromises: the Virgo woman needs to stop creating perfection in everything around, and the Leo man needs to become more clean and calm.
In the sexual life of Leo and Virgo, it will be difficult to find a middle ground: he is passionate and ardent, and she is modest and clamped. With his hot pressure, Leo can strongly push Virgo away. She likes calmness, and he has a lot of fantasies in his head that the Virgo girl is unlikely to be able to realize.
When Virgo and Leo learn to compromise, their relationship, at least for a while, will become luxurious and happy. The Virgo woman knows how to accept her partners by any and support them. Also, she will never fight with Leo for the place of the main one, so he will feel at ease. He will be her protector and earner, always ready to help.
Marriage compatibility
Virgo is an exemplary and wonderful wife, ready for anything for the sake of the family. All her strength will go to her development. Husband Leo will think a lot about the material component of the family, because he wants his wife and children in the future to not need anything. For both signs, the family is something important and valuable, so they are likely to be happy in marriage.
Leo and Virgo together will be able to achieve a lot: open a family business, travel around the world and fulfill all their desires, as she knows how to give good ideas, and he always confidently goes to his goals.
The advantage of both Leo and Virgo is that over time they will both become hot, attentive lovers, who will later be generous and caring parents. The birth of children will further unite Leo and Virgo. Mom Virgo will be able to accustom them to order and instill in them a desire to develop and learn. For a child, she is an excellent example of a kind and honest person. Papa Leo will give the children everything they want. He will work so that they can live in abundance, but he will not spoil them: he will teach them to work and be as purposeful as he is.
If Leo and Virgo find common hobbies in marriage, devote time to each other and in some situations give in to each other, their relationship is unlikely to ever fall apart. This union is very strong. But if they constantly argue, then divorce cannot be avoided.
Pros and cons of the union Leo man – Virgo woman
Because of such different characters, there are really a lot of both minuses and pluses in this union. The positive aspects of the union male Leo – female Virgo:
- Virgo’s mind and Leo’s purposefulness complement each other perfectly. She can easily point him in the right direction so that he provides for their family. Often a Virgo woman can become Leo’s partner, in which case they will work together, which will bring them huge income.
- Both signs are not very jealous, so there will be no quarrels about this in their relationship. Virgo is not embarrassed by the popularity of Leo, and he will not be offended if she communicates with someone.
- Leo and Virgo love to communicate a lot with each other, and especially heart to heart, so they will always understand their partner.
- Each of them occupies a certain place in the family, as they know how to share responsibilities. Leo will most likely be in charge, and Virgo will obey him.
Cons of the union male Leo – female Virgo:
- Leo’s selfishness can greatly offend a Virgo girl. She needs a partner to never forget about her and devote a lot of time to her, but often Leo thinks only of himself, which will greatly upset Virgo.
- Sometimes Virgo expresses her thoughts too rudely and criticizes Leo, which will be unpleasant for him. He loves and respects himself to the point of madness, so criticism for him is equal to a stab in the back.
- Leos don’t like things to be completely perfect, so Virgo’s perfectionism will often piss him off.
- Both do not know how to listen and hear each other: if one does not like something, the other is unlikely to listen to it. Partners should learn this, otherwise their union will quickly fall apart.
- The fact that Virgo prefers to stay at home all the time and does not like to go out will annoy Leo. He will want to take her with him to friends or to various events, but she will refuse to do this.
- Both signs are self-critical, as well as persistent and prone to tyranny.
Virgo and Leo together can make every day not only magical, but also productive. Both signs love to be productive and see the benefits of their hard work. Leo’s humor will soften the edge of Virgo’s serious nature, while Virgo will show Leo the value of patience in achieving what he wants. Leo and Virgo are a versatile, multifaceted union. In order for both partners to be happy in a relationship, they need to learn to hear each other, look for the golden mean in everything, and in family life, do not forget to give love to the chosen one.