Leo man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

The influence of the planets affects the character of a person, his personal characteristics and life in general. The compatibility horoscope will help you avoid conflict situations, suggest how to make romantic relationships bright and family life strong. It is worth noting that the “human factor” cannot be ruled out. About the compatibility of Leo man and Taurus woman, we can say that this is a very rare combination. We must not forget that these are representatives of different elements: he is a fiery sign, she is an earthly one. Taurus is patronized by the planet Venus, and endows the fair sex with magical energy, romance and sensuality. Leo has a patron planet, the Sun, which only enhances the quality of the absolute leader and royal nature. To tell the truth, the Taurus woman does not have many qualities with which she could “hook” Leo. A long relationship of these signs will last only if the “bouquet-candy” period was very bright and impressive.

The representative of the “cats” is the undisputed leader, he strives to occupy a dominant position in everything. Leo is used to being the center of attention and in every possible way achieves this, wherever he is: at work, among friends, at a party. Accustomed to an active lifestyle, Leo will not always be able to justify the aspirations of his chosen one Taurus. The Taurus woman craves family comfort, a calm and measured life. Representatives born under the sign of Taurus are not characterized by bright and noisy events, which the Leo man strives to get to. The likelihood of friendly relations is high, since the Lions are good-natured and open, and this is exactly what can melt the veil of Taurus’s discretion.

The comradely union between the Leo man and the Taurus woman is doomed to become strong and reliable. Their compatibility can be estimated at a solid eight. It will not be easy for them to get along in a common team, as they have different principles and tactics of work, and disagreements will be a frequent guest.

For Taurus women, it is important that the work is stable, without spontaneous and frequent changes. For Leo’s partner, new ideas in work are stability, he has a desire to experiment and innovate in the work process. Business colleagues among the representatives of Leo and Taurus are very rare. Most Taurus women value loyalty, intelligence, and stability. The Leo man should prove his serious intentions, she will appreciate them. It is common for Taurus to value both spiritual and material values ​​equally, and it is important for her to have confidence in the future. Location Leo can be easily achieved, as he is used to getting all the best: he must have a big and luxurious house, no less luxurious car, and, of course, a wonderful companion. Leo men are used to the fact that they get what they want, you can take advantage of this and not give Leo what they want. Then, on an instinctive level, he will begin to achieve this with all his might.

Love compatibility

Sociable and charming Leo almost always becomes the initiator of relationships in a pair with the representatives of Venus. His assertiveness and sense of ownership will not give a chance to confront. Leo acts decisively and unshakably. This is due to love vibes: Lions often fall in love at first sight. The union will be an undeniably spectacular couple. Leo is a very generous sign, especially for expensive gifts for a loved one. He will repeatedly invite his companion to restaurants and arrange romantic dates. With his poems, spontaneous gifts and touching messages, he easily makes a good impression on the sensual representative of the Taurus sign. Taurus, due to their gentle nature, can sometimes find Leo too demanding. Tele-Lev is a couple that can argue all the time, but still be there. This love “on the edge” can keep a couple together for life. Their relationship will culminate in pride in children and other shared creations. Taurus and Leo are a creative team, they thrive together, using their energy to make dreams come true.

In a pair of Leo and Taurus, communication is key. If both partners are open and honest with each other in expressing their feelings and needs, this will reduce the chance of conflict, jealousy and resentment. When a fight breaks out, it’s important that each sign takes a step back and calmly assesses the situation. Although Taurus and Leo are extremely passionate, and conflicts can sometimes get out of hand, both signs understand when to stop and make concessions.

When love arises between a Taurus woman and a Leo man, the world around them becomes rosy, they may not notice how quickly time flies in each other’s company. We can safely say that Taurus is a supporter of traditional relationships, this also applies to intimate moments. And if the Taurus are given, then to the last drop. Leo does not like pretense, therefore, if he is in love, he will show his feelings in all colors, without hiding or hiding anything. Starting a relationship, representatives of such an alliance will simultaneously pay attention to the contradictions that arise between them. The cause of all disagreements will be a misunderstanding, it may be difficult for them to find a common language and achieve harmony, but the couple can resolve these conflicts if both signs are frank with each other. Leo shows his feelings very emotionally and jealously. In such situations, the patience of Taurus will play into her hands.

The intimate life of a couple of Leo and Taurus promises to be stormy and eventful. He, like a true male, will rule over his chosen one, and she will drown in his passionate embrace. Conciliatory intimacy will bring pleasure to both, which can subsequently be used by the calf. Both signs can be lazy in bed. While Taurus loves to lie down and enjoy being loved, Leo loves to lie down being served and cared for. When motivated, they can both be great lovers who put a lot of energy into their sex life, but their leisure time is likely to become a battle for personal satisfaction and relaxation.

Their best opportunity for a healthy sex life is one in which both partners have already established their sexual identities and know how to satisfy themselves. In this case, the sensual Taurus will take care of their partner, while the passionate Leo will bring passion to their relationship. Both signs take care of their personal needs, recognizing that they need to make a commitment to satisfy their partners, which they will gladly do in the future. After all, the love connection between Taurus and Leo is hard to break, they love life and are proud of what they do together, whether it’s a small project or the realization of a grand dream. This resourceful couple knows how to work hard and make time for each other.

Marriage compatibility

In a married couple, both will find what they were looking for, he is love and fidelity, she is stability and reliability. Representatives of Taurus are able to save money and treat them very carefully, which can cause Leo’s irritability. Leo is not inherent in accumulation, usually he spends everything to the penny. And this can be one of the main reasons for misunderstanding between spouses. But this is a good reason for a man to learn useful skills from Taurus. The same life values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbof both partners will make it possible to create a strong union. In critical situations, both forget about their ambitions and make concessions.

In such a marriage, it is worth remembering that relationships need to be worked on all the time. It may seem that marriage is not for Leo and Taurus, but having passed the stage of disagreement, the signs will only have to enjoy their successes. In order to maintain a long family union, both of them will need to show maximum patience.

For a union in adulthood, the compatibility forecast predicts a good future, both signs have gone through a difficult life path and spiritual values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbare in their first place. With age, a man of the fiery element becomes restrained and less impulsive, it is easier for him to make concessions. And Taurus had enough time to become wiser and more tolerant. Therefore, the strongest union among people born under these signs of the zodiac is obtained in adulthood. With the birth of a child, the “terrible king of animals” will moderate his ardor, will try twice as much for the good of the family. And mother Taurus will give everything you need, and first of all – extraordinary love and tenderness. For Leo, children are a great pride, so he will admire all the achievements of his child and with great pleasure tell everyone around him what a wonderful child he has.

Pros and cons of the union male Leo – female Taurus

Cons of the union male Leo – female Taurus:

  • In a typical pair of Leo men and Taurus women, problems happen: unbridled morals and ambitions, a constant struggle for superiority can sow a seed of discord. To maintain a relationship, you need a clear distribution of roles.
  • It will not be easy for an economical lady to cope with a wasteful chosen one.
  • After conflicts, partners cannot forgive each other for a long time, because each of them sees his own truth. Leo, in extreme cases, can take the first step towards reconciliation, but usually in such a situation, Taurus acts first.
  • Leos are very lazy by nature. In everyday life, not all representatives of the “cat family” help their wives.

Advantages of the union male Leo – female Taurus:

  • A sense of ownership and a desire to love are inherent in both lovers, so for them this is a guarantee of devotion and honesty.
  • In general, representatives of these signs of the zodiac get along well, he brings into the life of his beloved the fire that she lacks, and she shares practicality with him and shares his life goals.

Lions have a great desire to patronize, protect, protect and patronize, and this is exactly what the gentle lady Taurus needs. A lady will feel confident and protected with such a man. In such a marriage, both will be in the performance of their duties. If Taurus emphasizes the primacy of the spouse and appeals to his responsive heart, then he will always achieve what he wants.

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