At the initial stage of the relationship, the Leo man and the Pisces woman are crazy about each other. A novel filled with love and passion will remain in their hearts forever, it will give them a lot of vivid emotions and impressions. However, the longer the connection between lovers, the better they will get to know each other, respectively, disagreements in characters, temperaments will more and more make themselves felt. Inconsistencies can be traced in almost everything. It is Pisces who will have the hardest time in these relationships; a woman is forced to make great efforts in order to maintain the union with Leo.
It often happens that the differences between partners become not only a cause for many conflicts, but also an opportunity for lovers to get what they lack in themselves. An active, practical Leo man manages to find love and care in a Pisces woman. She will easily give the palm to her Leo, while being able to accept him with all his features.
One of the main problems that Leo and Pisces can not always solve peacefully is life. The woman does not quite correspond to the image of the hostess that Leo so dreamed of. At the same time, there is no chance that the attitude of the Pisces woman to the household will change. And in order to eliminate conflicts on this basis, Leo simply has to accept and accept the housewife as she is. The Leo man will be engaged in earning money to support the family, while generously giving gifts to his beloved woman. It is curious that he does not stop pampering her even after twenty years of marriage. The Pisces woman, in turn, devotes herself to home and raising children. But there is another scenario for this love story: she needs attention, day and night she is waiting for a spouse who is busy with either a career or entertainment with friends.
The beginning of the romance of Leo and Pisces is always distinguished by its romance, but it is extremely important to make sure that this fairy tale continues further, and does not end at the candy-bouquet period, due to the numerous mistakes of lovers. Leo is a powerful man, he is sociable and self-confident. By nature, he is generous, although a little narcissistic, by nature he has charm. Despite the stamina of character, Leo is very vulnerable, although outwardly he tries not to show it.
Love compatibility
The friendship between the Leo man and the Pisces woman is rather strange. They are able to share what lovers usually give each other. The Pisces woman is gentle and affectionate, Leo endows her with protection and patronage. Having enlisted such a friend, she can not be afraid of anything. It is worth emphasizing that, looking at such warm friendships, people from the outside can often doubt that there is really friendship between a man and a woman.
Considering a more serious stage of the relationship, astrologers assure that the compatibility of the Leo man and the Pisces woman is considered ambiguous. Leo is a representative of the fiery element, and Pisces is a representative of the water element.
From the first day they met, Leo and Pisces begin to attract each other. He is able to shine in society, showing courage and courage, she conquers him with her feminine and vulnerable nature. Thanks to royal generosity, Leo knows how to beautifully look after, trying to take his woman under guardianship. The companion does not resist at all, it is important for her to be protected. And besides, what woman does not like gifts? She perceives any pampering extremely emotionally, which inspires a man to exploits even more. It is important for Leo to receive a response to his every gesture of attention.
Both Leo and Pisces like luxurious things, this is probably one of the few things that this couple has in common. But the further, the more disagreement between them. In order for Leo to feel happy, he needs to constantly be in the spotlight. Once having conquered the heart of a Pisces woman and taking her as his wife, Leo may stop showing courtship. He explains this by the fact that the woman is already his, and he has achieved it. It is quite difficult for a life partner to accept such a drastic change in relationships. Due to sensitivity, a woman accepts such behavior only as a lack of interest in her own person. But it’s not at all worth Pisces to start sorting things out, since conflicts can only anger Leo, thus it will only get worse. In such situations, female cunning and intelligence are important, only in this way will it be possible to smooth out sharp corners with Leo.
Through flattery and affection, a Pisces woman can even manipulate her man. The main concept in a relationship with Leo is to make sure that he himself wants to take a step towards meetings, in the form of gifts, courtship or compliments. Once the Pisces woman takes this advice into service, she will deftly achieve whatever she wants. At the same time, it is important to be careful, because if a Leo man notices manipulation, everything can collapse in an instant. After all, representatives of the fiery element categorically do not tolerate domination over themselves. And as for power in relation to others, this is within the normal range. The woman of the constellation Pisces should be prepared that the man Leo should know her every step. Leo is convinced that he is a king, respectively, his companion should be worthy of the same title. It is not enough for a woman of such a man to have natural charm, she should also be well-groomed and neatly dressed. In addition, it is important for Leo that his woman knows how to behave in society.
Marriage compatibility
At the initial stage, the relationship between the Leo man and the Pisces woman looks almost perfect from the outside. The boyfriend is ready to carry his companion in his arms, and she gives him softness and tenderness. Both are literally drowning in love. Leo is ready for a lot to realize all the desires of a Pisces woman. No matter how strange it may sound, but with such an attitude towards the lady of his heart, Leo rests morally. At heart, this man, like a child, he likes to surprise with actions, unexpected surprises, original gifts.
However, the tale, unfortunately, does not last forever, some time passes and the compatibility of the Leo man and the Pisces woman goes into oblivion. But if the lovers do not let the relationship in a couple take its course, having overcome all the difficulties of marriage, then they can become a truly happy couple. A Pisces woman should also try to look after her lover. It is important for her to try to direct his restless male energy in the right direction. Otherwise, there will be problems in the relationship. It is important for a spouse to create a positive psychological atmosphere in a couple, constantly supporting her beloved, meanwhile neutralizing his negative character traits.
If spouses want to save their marriage, they should understand that they must preserve the emotional freedom of their partner. For the imposition of one’s opinion, various kinds of pressure can only aggravate the situation in a couple.
Do not forget about the manifestation of sensuality, love and passion. Attention and care can ignite a spark even in the most problematic relationships. In a romance with Leo, a woman should be wise and open, you should not provoke jealousy in such a man. And the spouse, in turn, should be less self-centered, at least from time to time remembering the needs of the Pisces woman. In intimate life, Leo man and Pisces woman are well combined. Especially if by this time both will clearly understand their desires and preferences. In everyday life, as in bed, Leo tends to dominate, he is 100% sure of his irresistibility. The Pisces woman in sex is rather constrained, it is hard for her to talk about her desires. For her, tenderness and romance come first. Leo fills relationships with passion, and sentimental Pisces with sensual emotions.
Pros and cons of the union Leo man and Pisces woman
A couple of Leo men and Pisces women are filled with romance, fidelity and sincerity. At the same time, despite the dominant position of Leo, the behavior of a woman in this union is of great importance. Thanks to her wisdom, patience and female cunning, it will be possible to maintain balance in the family union. Advantages of the couple:
- The Pisces woman does not claim leadership in marriage. This union is led by a man. With the increase in the spheres of Leo’s success, the nobility and generosity towards his woman increases;
- A complaisant and sensitive companion becomes priceless for Leo, her praise and gratitude inspire him to great deeds, while the number of quarrels decreases significantly;
- There is complete understanding in a relationship. The noble and strong Leo feels like an ideal man with a Pisces woman. It is from her that he manages to get everything that is so necessary;
- The Pisces woman is ready to provide the necessary support to her Leo, and he pays her with boundless attention and fidelity;
At the initial stage, Leo and Pisces tend to turn a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings. Partners in the literal sense of the word are immersed in a relationship, reveling in happiness. But time passes, and Pisces indignantly begin to realize that the spouse was not as ideal as it seemed before. And Leo begins to find his wife not so sensual and tender. Having discovered shortcomings, some strive to solve and correct them, others let go of the situation. Union Disadvantages:
- A different attitude towards wealth and luxury promises problems in relationships;
- Leo is too demanding of a woman in everyday matters, it is important for him that the house is perfectly tidy;
- Selfishness. Often a woman can be offended that Leo devotes little time to home. And all because it is important for a man that the whole world revolves around him alone. He is not used to listening to the interests of others.
The merger of the ruling planets and stars of partners – Neptune and the Sun, generates a certain vibration, which is reflected in mental relaxation and mystical perception of the world around. Often this can seem like self-deception. It is no coincidence that at the initial stage of the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Leo man, they can be inspired by true love. However, after a while, they seem to wake up from a sweet dream and meet with a real picture of the world, where everything is not so smooth. Most of the problems are likely to be avoided if the partners do not idealize each other, while trying to accept all the shortcomings of their lover.