Leo Golitsyn (Leo Golitsyn)

“Lev Golitsyn” is one of the most famous brands of Russian champagne, recognized abroad. The brand is owned by CJSC Sparkling Wines, which ranks first in the ranking of Russian producers. The company produces products under the same brand “Lev Golitsyn’s Heritage” for a wide consumer audience and a new series of premium wines.

Historical information

One of the oldest enterprises in St. Petersburg CJSC “Sparkling Wines” dates back to 1876. The plant for the production of alcoholic beverages was founded by a group of merchants on lands belonging to Count Kushelev-Bezborodko. The distillery brewed beer, produced porter, mead and kvass. The products were delivered to the best restaurants in the city. During the revolutionary terror, the plant managed to save its workshops and cellars from destruction.

A team of dedicated professionals has kept the secrets of making sparkling wines, while they were lost at most Russian factories. The release of “Soviet Champagne” began in 1947. In the 60s, the assortment was replenished with other types of wines and cognacs, but the production of champagne remained a priority. Since 1963, the tank continuous production technology has been introduced. In the Soviet years, the plant was called the “Leningrad Combine of Champagne and Dessert Wines” and supplied the whole country with alcoholic products.

Leo Golitsyn (Leo Golitsyn)
Leo Golitsyn

In 1992, the enterprise passed into private hands and was transformed into CJSC “Sparkling Wines”. From that moment, a large-scale modernization of the plant’s workshops began. In 2003, a new bottling line was installed, and a year later, the production of cognacs was resumed. In 2004, the range was completely updated. The company is one of the largest suppliers of alcoholic beverages on the Russian market. Every year, 14 million bottles of champagne leave the production lines of the plant.

Production features

The brand is named after Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, who stood at the origins of Crimean winemaking. Under his leadership, the first Russian champagne was produced in the New World, which received international recognition. Sparkling wine “Lev Golitsyn” was created on the basis of the master’s surviving recipes, with the difference that the production is continuous, and the drink does not undergo many years of aging.

The company purchases raw materials from wineries in South Africa, Australia and Russia. Champagne “Lev Golitsyn” is made from wine material coming from the Novy Svet plant located in the Crimea. Base wines are created on the basis of three varieties of Crimean grapes: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc. Sparkling wine specialists control the growing process and check the raw materials for compliance with the quality standards adopted at the plant.

In the New World, juice is squeezed out of berries and sent for primary fermentation. Then the filtered young wine goes to St. Petersburg. Upon receipt, raw materials undergo another check. The company makes a vintage blend, achieving the same taste of each batch. Then the champagne is bottled, closed and left for another month to age.


Champagne “Lev Golitsyn” – the owner of many awards at international competitions. Among the achievements of the last three years:

  • “Prodexpo 2017”, Moscow – a gold medal and a victory in the nomination “Product of the Year”;
  • IWSC 2018, London – silver and gold medal;
  • “Agrorus 2018”, St. Petersburg – quality mark;
  • XXII International Professional Competition of Wines and Spirits 2018, Moscow – 2 gold medals;
  • Vinalies Internationales 2019, Paris – silver medal;
  • Prodexpo 2019, Moscow – 2 gold and 2 silver medals.

Interesting Facts

  1. At the end of 2018, the independent organization Roskachestvo conducted an analysis of sparkling wines presented in the country’s store. Champagne “Lev Golitsyn” was in fifth place in the ranking of ten wines and received from experts 55 points out of 100. At the same time, another brand of sparkling wines production, Russian Champagne, was in second place, losing only to the French Moët & Chandon.
  2. In 2018, the company released a line of premium-class champagne Lev Golitsin Coronation. The blending formula was developed by Umberto Menini, chief technologist of Acorex Wine Holding, who created many wines that have received worldwide recognition. The manufacturer recommends a premium collection for memorable and special occasions.

Types of champagne Lev Golitsyn

Lev Golitsyn Brut, 13%

Sparkling straw-colored wine with a sheen. The flavor range is well balanced, bright tones of green apple stand out, notes of sour grapes can be traced in the aftertaste. The aroma is dominated by hints of green fruits, the aftertaste is slightly bitter. It is recommended to serve with seafood, cold meat and caviar sandwiches.

Lev Golitsyn Semi-dry, 11%

Light champagne with a harmonious balance of sweetness and acidity. The aroma intertwines the smells of fresh flowers and fruits, the shades of ripe pear are felt. Pairs with a variety of light snacks, aged cheeses and confectionery.

Lev Golitsyn Semi-sweet, 11%

Golden champagne yellow color with sunny overflows. The aromatic bouquet combines the smells of flowers and fresh fruits. Apple and plum shades stand out in the taste, there is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. Makes a gastronomic pair with desserts, pastries and fruits.

Lev Golitsyn Extra Brut, 11%

A very dry, straw-coloured champagne with greenish reflections. Taste – refreshing with dominance of fruit and berry shades. The drink is characterized by a long pleasant aftertaste with a spicy bitterness. Suitable for soups, as well as hot meat and fish dishes.

Lev Golitsyn Rose Semi-sweet, 11,5%

Champagne is created with the addition of red grapes, due to which it acquires a delicate pink hue. In a bright fruity aroma, strawberry notes are felt, the taste is berry with hints of fresh strawberries. Serve chilled to +7-9 °С with light snacks.

Leo Golitsyn (Leo Golitsyn)

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