Leo and Leo: compatibility of signs according to the horoscope

The union of two identical signs of the zodiac is often complex and controversial due to too strong a similarity of characters. This is the union of two Lions: they are both born leaders and commanders. But if we discard their struggle for the main place, it becomes clear that these two are made for each other, and their relationship will always be interesting and vibrant.

The general impression about the Leo zodiac sign is that they are too vain and self-obsessed. But if you look closely at them and become closer, you can understand the depth of their personality. You will find that Leos are very sympathetic and can be very generous. The lion belongs to the element of fire, he is patronized by the sun. He is a strong and sensual person rolled into one. His passion is to attract the attention of others and to be the best. Leo is always ready to help and support in difficult times.

Despite the same zodiac sign, the Leo man and woman are still different. She, as a representative of the fair sex, has more calmness and compassion in herself; and he has more courage and strength.

Leo woman is a true embodiment of art. She is the beautiful queen of the zodiac circle. The lioness easily finds a common language with other people and loves new acquaintances, she is ready to help anyone who needs it. She respects herself and puts her own dignity above any principles. The Leo man is a king and a leader, around whom there is always attention and interest. He hates boredom, so he can always find a way to amuse himself and others. Leo will maintain a dialogue with any person, he is friendly and sociable. If he falls in love with someone, he will stubbornly pursue this person at any cost. Due to the similarity in the nature of the signs, their union is full of both advantages and disadvantages. The struggle for leadership can quarrel hot Lions, but sociability and friendliness will bring them together. Two Lions will communicate on an equal footing, because their views on life are very similar and they always have something to discuss.

Love compatibility

Two Lions in each other will be attracted by the fact that they are too similar. Seeing a strong leader like them in front of them, future partners will want to get to know each other better. Never before had they met people so like them. Leo man, noticing a woman who looks like him in front of him, will want to tame her. But soon the king of beasts will realize that it is not so easy, because the Lioness is as strong as he is. This will fuel Leo’s interest more and more. Realizing that their characters are similar, he will find an approach to her. At first, the Leo woman may see her rival in the Leo man, but she will soon realize that it is better for them to be allies: two of the smartest leaders together can create an excellent couple. An easy nature and an open heart create immediate fun in relationships. The lions will take turns speaking for each other, knowing instinctively when to growl and when to purr. These relationships will flourish as long as there is mutual adoration and respect. The bright fire of Lions keeps warm, but if left unchecked, it will burn and dry everything in its path.

Most likely, the romantic relationship of Leo will begin with friendship or even cooperation: looking for a like-minded person and business partner in each other, they will also find a wonderful lover. The Leo man will give gifts to his beloved and take care of her, and she, like a true queen, will accept all this with dignity. Both will feel at their best at the beginning of the relationship.

The union of two Lions is filled with incredible charisma, constant fun and warmth: no wonder, because two suns, two fires have united. In these relationships, energy flows over the edge. When they are together, everything is under control. Together, the two Lions will achieve everything they want. Joint goals will bring them closer and make the relationship even more interesting. A pair of Leos will always look spectacular. Both attract attention, and in total the number of their fans will increase significantly. The Leo man will be happy to show in public that the Leo woman belongs only to him, and he is not going to share it with anyone.

A serious problem in their relationship can be a struggle for leadership. Both Leos want to be in charge and lead a love union, not wanting to give this task to a partner. But if they start to trust each other and stop this fight, then their relationship will become bright and happy. Also, the reason for quarrels will be the inability to give in to your partner. An ordinary household dispute can end in a loud scandal, as both Leos want to prove their case. Fortunately, these fiery signs are reconciled very quickly. Leo is a very passionate and ardent sign, so this couple will have no problems in their sex life. Both know what they want and are not shy about their desires, and they also easily understand what their partner needs. Also, the Lions are very open, so if something is unpleasant for them, they will immediately say about it. Although Leos love attention and compliments from the opposite sex, they will not go for treason. Firstly, they respect themselves and their partner, and “go left” is a humiliation for them. Secondly, the union of Lions is so interesting and passionate for both that they will not even think of betrayal.

The positive aspect of Leo love relationships is that there is a clear understanding in their life. Being two members of the same zodiac sign, the Leo man and woman usually value similar things, such as courage, purity, and inner strength. It is for this reason that they will appreciate each other, and this greatly contributes to their compatibility of love. By far the best aspect of the Leo-Leo relationship is that they don’t hold grudges. Although they have a strong ego and fighting between them is inevitable, they will be able to resolve conflicts quickly and move on. The next morning after the quarrel will be happy again, as if nothing had happened. This is a rare and wonderful trait. In addition, although both partners can be arrogant and selfish, it is warmth in their hearts and honesty in a relationship that helps them overcome any negative aspects.

Marriage compatibility

The family life of two Lions can be absolutely calm and happy only if no one defends the right to be in charge. Both of them should understand that now they are one whole, one family. Perhaps they will be scared in their souls, from such a responsibility as marriage. But soon they will realize that they really are perfect for each other as husband and wife. Since both of them had such a fear, they will not burden the partner with some tough duties, their relationship will be peaceful and in some ways even free.

In the house of Lviv, in their family hearth, there will always be a bright and cozy atmosphere. They will do everything as the soul requires. And both Leos feel almost the same, so disagreements will rarely overtake them.

Yes, they will quarrel for some reason, and they will do it very loudly and violently. But the Lions will not put up quietly, with passion and all their love. Separation is unlikely to come in this hot union. The appearance of children will only bring together the already strong union of two fires. Mom Leo will be able to set a good example for children, and also give them all her love. She is always ready to protect her child and teach him the right things. Papa Leo is ready to work hard for the sake of children so that the offspring do not need anything. Of course, they will appreciate it, but he should not forget to pay attention to them and communicate with them. Having gone completely into the role of the breadwinner, dad Leo may forget to be a loving, caring father.

The pros and cons of the union male Leo – female Leo

Of course, such a bright union of two identical signs has obvious pros and cons. In addition to them, there are those that are not immediately visible.

Consider first the positive aspects of the union:

  1. The lovers have many similar interests, so they will definitely find a common hobby for themselves. They like the same movies, books, places, and even people. They will most likely have a common company.
  2. A pair of two Lions is beautiful and sweet not only in public, but also at home. They rarely quarrel and always make up quickly. Lions are ready to give all their love and tenderness to each other, not forgetting to once again show their relationship to others to envy.
  3. Partners are confident in each other. The Leo woman feels at ease next to the strong and courageous Leo man. And he knows that he can always count on support and care from his beloved Lioness.
  4. The Union of Lions is boundless energy and passion. They are unlikely to ever get bored with each other, because the fire in their hearts can burn forever.
  5. Leos strive for a luxurious and successful life. Two fire signs in a relationship can achieve anything they want. Most likely, they will indeed live together in luxury and abundance.

Cons of the union male Leo – female Leo:

  1. The struggle for the right to be emperor and king is the main problem of the two lions. None of them will want to give in to their partner. To avoid this, it is still worth finding a compromise.
  2. Lions are too proud and even selfish, so sometimes they will forget about each other’s feelings.
  3. It is difficult for them to cope with some problems together: they need a third person who knows how to look at the situation from the outside and sensibly assess it.

We can say that the union of two Lions is ideal. So it is, because in each other they can find absolutely everything they need. Leo man and woman are those who will always fight for their loved ones, protect them and do everything for the common good. Thus, Leos will lead a life together filled with trust, love, affection and care, which are the most important aspects in a relationship.

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