We will tell you in all the details how to prepare for the test, what to eat and how to fast correctly so as not to harm yourself.
In 2021, the longest fasting will take place from March 15 to May 1. For these seven weeks, it is recommended to avoid food of animal origin, including eggs, dairy products and foods containing them. You should not fast for pregnant women, children, people with chronic diseases. Fasting is not a diet, if you find it difficult to immediately eliminate the listed foods, do it gradually or selectively.
We are gaining strength
Lent falls in the spring, when the body is weakened and especially in need of vitamins. An excellent source of energy and nutrients is nuts. If you eat them regularly, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, nuts contribute to the renewal of cells of organs and tissues; this product is rich in vitamins A, E, C, group B, K, PP and other vital elements. But you need to comply with the norm, because nuts are very high in calories and can cause allergies. The recommended portion is 30 g of nuts per day.
A special day
On the 7 April accounts for the Annunciation. On this day, it is allowed to set a festive table. While the main limitations are in force, there are some concessions. You can cook food with oil, fish and seafood, which are rich in calcium and iodine.
24 April – Lazarev Saturday, fish caviar is allowed on this day. And on April 25, Palm Sunday, you can enjoy fish and seafood.
Authorized product
On some days of the fast, it is permissible to use vegetable oil. It is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids useful for the body, contains vitamins A, E, D and group B. Vegetable oil, not only olive oil, but also sunflower oil, is useful in inflammatory diseases. The use of the product contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails.
Keep warm
On some days of fasting, hot food without oil is allowed, it gives a feeling of warmth and satiety faster than raw vegetables. You can make soups and cereals made from cereals, stews made from stews, and desserts made from baked fruits. By the way, you should pay attention to frozen vegetable mixes, they are always available in stores. Fast processing at low temperature allows you to preserve vitamins and minerals, which are rich in cauliflower and broccoli, green beans, carrots.
Features of the wording
On dry eating days, it is allowed to eat raw, thermally unprocessed foods. Fruits and vegetables are acceptable, including pickled ones, bread, nuts, dried fruits, honey, cereals soaked in water. Vegetable oil is prohibited these days. Of the drinks, only juices and water are recommended. In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refuse dry food.
Useful substitution
It is important to keep your diet balanced while fasting. Forgetting meat, the main source of protein, add plant-based foods rich in this substance to the menu. These can be nuts, legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils), pumpkin and sunflower seeds, various types of cereals, and mushrooms.
Think about your daily menu in such a way that it contains a sufficient amount of protein. Look for rich soy foods such as tofu. Low-calorie cheese contains almost no fat and carbohydrates. It improves kidney function, helps dissolve gallstones, is a source of calcium, iron, fiber. Tofu can be used in salads, main courses, or as a base for desserts.
Nutritious meals
Despite the fact that plant foods do not give you a feeling of fullness for as long as meat ones, you can choose more nutritious foods among them. It can be cereals from legumes, boiled or fried potatoes, dishes from mushrooms, pumpkin and eggplant, as well as nuts. It is important to eat small meals 4-5 times a day and get enough sleep. All this will make you feel less hungry.
Drinking regime
Water supplies our body with useful substances and participates in all vital processes. It is necessary to ensure that there is no shortage of it. Relatively often, we confuse thirst with a feeling of hunger, as a result, we eat too much, which can subsequently affect weight. Therefore, it is necessary to consume from 1,5 liters of liquid per day. During the fasting period, drinking can be varied with compotes, juices, fruit drinks and jelly.
Note for a sweet tooth
Sweets and pastries, which are prohibited during fasting, can be replaced with honey, marmalade based on agar-agar or dried fruits, but they should be consumed in dosage and with caution. The listed desserts can cause allergies, and the unlimited consumption of dried apricots, prunes and other similar products leads to a set of extra pounds due to their high calorie content.
Forced pause
If at this time you began to experience weakness, headaches, irritability or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, adjust your diet, because fasting should not harm your health. Remove restrictions on kefir, periodically allow yourself cottage cheese, eggs or fish, it may be worth giving up dry food.
Food Calendar for Great Lent – 2021 by Day
First week of fasting
Monday, March 15 – complete abstinence from food.
Tuesday, March 16 – dry eating. On the table is thermally unprocessed food of plant origin: raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts. Honey, bread, water, salt are acceptable.
Wednesday, March 17 – dry eating.
Thursday, March 18 – dry eating.
Friday, March 19 – dry eating.
Saturday, March 20 – hot food with butter, a little wine.
Sunday, 21 March – hot food with butter, a little wine.
Second week of fasting
Monday, March 22 – dry eating.
Tuesday, March 23rd – hot food without oil (porridge, vegetables stewed in water, mushrooms, soups).
Wednesday, March 24 – dry eating.
Thursday, March 25 – hot food without oil.
Friday, March 26 – dry eating.
Saturday, March 27 – hot food with butter.
Sunday, 28 March – hot food with butter.
Third week of fasting
Monday, March 29 – dry eating.
Tuesday, March 30 – hot food without oil.
Wednesday, March 31 – dry eating.
Thursday April 1nd – hot food without oil.
Friday, April 2 – dry eating.
Saturday, April 3 – hot food with butter, a little wine.
Sunday, April 4 – hot food with butter, a little wine.
Fourth week of fasting
Monday 5 April – dry eating. On the table are raw vegetables and fruits, bread.
Tuesday April 6th – hot food without oil.
Wednesday, 7 April – Annunciation. Hot food with oil and fish are allowed.
Thursday April 8nd – hot food without oil.
Friday, April 9 – dry eating. On the table are raw vegetables and fruits, bread.
Saturday, April 10 – hot food with butter.
Sunday, April 11 – hot food with butter.
Fifth week of fasting
Monday 12 April – dry eating.
Tuesday April 13th – hot food without oil.
Wednesday, April 14 – dry eating.
Thursday April 15nd – hot food without oil.
Friday, April 16 – dry eating.
Saturday, April 17 – hot food with butter.
Sunday, April 18 – hot food with butter.
Sixth week of fasting
Monday 19 April – dry eating.
Tuesday April 20th – hot food without oil.
Wednesday, April 21 – dry eating.
Thursday April 22nd – hot food without oil.
Friday, April 23 – dry eating.
Saturday, April 24 — Lazarev Saturday… Caviar, hot food with the addition of oil is allowed.
Sunday 25 April – Palm Sunday… Allowed fish, seafood, hot food with the addition of oil.
Seventh week of fasting
Monday 26 April – dry eating.
Tuesday April 27th – dry eating.
Wednesday, April 28 – dry eating.
Thursday April 29nd – dry eating.
Friday, April 30 – dry eating.
Saturday, 1 May – dry eating.
Sunday, May 2 “Easter.”