Lemongrass tincture: 4 recipes + properties and uses

Lemongrass medicines are widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

In pharmacies, you can buy syrups, powders, herbal teas, oils, capsules based on it. The alcohol tincture from Schizandra of the Far East (Chinese) has the greatest spectrum of curative action.

An extract is prepared from the leaves, fruits, seeds of the plant, the latter option being considered the most active. For infusion use dark glassware.

lemongrass seed tincture recipe

Vegetable raw materials should be dried and ceiling (grind) before cooking. Similarly, an extract is prepared from whole lemongrass fruits using crushed dried or fresh berries. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, increasing the infusion time to 2 weeks.


  1. Lemongrass seeds – 60 g

  2. Alcohol 70% – 0,3 l

Method of preparation

  1. Combine crushed seeds with alcohol.

  2. Seal tightly, place the vessel in a cool, dark place for 10 days.

  3. Before use, strain the medicine through gauze.

Recipe for tincture of ginseng and lemongrass

Infusions of ginseng and lemongrass have similar properties, so they can be taken both separately and together. By mixing 2 drugs or insisting raw materials together, you can enhance the effectiveness of the drug.


  1. Fresh ginseng root – 50 g

  2. Lemongrass fruits / seeds – 50 g

  3. Alcohol / vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Grind ginseng root and lemongrass seeds, mix.

  2. Pour the plant mass with alcohol, insist in a dark place with the lid closed for 2-4 weeks, shaking daily, strain.

Lemongrass leaf tincture recipe

The volume of plant mass is measured after grinding. The ratio of lemongrass and alcohol should be 1:3. It is not recommended to harvest leaves in the spring due to the high content of active substances in them.


  1. Fresh stems and leaves of lemongrass – ¼ vessel

  2. Alcohol 70% – proportionally

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse the green mass, dry with a towel, finely chop.

  2. Put the chopped lemongrass into a glass container.

  3. Pour vegetable raw materials with alcohol.

  4. Close the vessel, leave in a dark place for 10-12 days.

  5. Strain the tincture through a sieve.

Recipe for sage and lemongrass tincture

Recommended for atherosclerosis and VVD.


  1. Lemongrass fruits – 50 g of berries

  2. Dry sage grass – 100 g

  3. Vodka – 0,8 l

  4. Water – 0,4 L

Method of preparation

  1. Mix dry ingredients, pre-grinding.

  2. Dilute alcohol with water, pour vegetable raw materials with liquid.

  3. Insist a lot of 40 days in the light, strain.

Medicinal properties of lemongrass tincture

In ancient times, lemongrass preparations were used to treat insomnia, loss of strength, diseases of the organs of vision, digestion, and respiration. Today, its tonic, antioxidant and adaptogenic effects are considered proven. In particular, lemongrass tincture:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure in hypotension.

  2. Improves potency, activates digestion.

  3. Removes toxins and toxins, promotes weight loss.

  4. Helps to cope with a hangover.

  5. Restores hormonal balance, metabolism, visual acuity.

  6. Relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency.

  7. Improves the work of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous system.

It is also recommended to take the remedy in complex therapy for diabetes mellitus, gynecological diseases, colds, bleeding gums, prostatitis, skin problems, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and anemia.

Contraindications for lemongrass tincture

The drug is well tolerated and non-addictive. But not everyone can use it. Tincture is contraindicated:

  1. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  2. With problems with falling asleep, epilepsy.

  3. Children under 16

  4. In acute inflammatory processes and infections.

  5. With high pressure, including intracranial.

  6. With pathologies of the heart muscle, increased nervous excitability.

  7. With gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic liver diseases.

Before use, it is recommended to make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Instructions for use of lemongrass tincture

  1. An extract from the leaves is taken 30 drops three times a day between meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

  2. Alcoholic infusion of seeds / fruits is dissolved in water before use (25 drops per 30 ml of liquid). Drink morning and evening half an hour before meals.

  3. Fruit tincture is taken three times a day before meals, 1 tsp, diluted with water 1:1. The course of treatment is 10 days. The medicine with sage is used 1 time per day for 1 tbsp. l., diluted with water, half an hour before meals.

  4. To eliminate the symptoms of a hangover (headache, nausea, weakness), 20 drops of the drug are dissolved in a glass of water and drunk immediately.

    The last intake of tincture should be no later than 5-6 hours before bedtime. The amount of the drug should be increased gradually, starting with 10 drops.

Relevance: 16.10.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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